5 research outputs found

    Effect of nursing workplace empowering model on quality of nursing work life as perceived by professional nurses in a governmental hospital, Cambodia

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    Background: Nursing is experiencing an unprecedented shortage of skilled professionals as supply dwindles and demand escalates. For this reason, organizations are diligently trying to understand both what attracts nurses to a certain employer and what retains nurses in an organization. The purposes of this quasi-experimental design were to study the perceptive level of professional nurses and compare the pretest and posttest the use of nursing workplace empowering model on quality of nursing work life.Methods: The Quality of Nursing Work Life Scale was used with total reliability coefficient at = 0.843. Regarding to the study's model, the professional nurses of experimental group have been used for daily work. The Mann-Whitney tested for comparing the experimental group and control group. Moreover, the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test was used to compare the experimental group and control group and before and after implementing the nursing workplace empowering model.Results: The major findings indicated that the professional nurses who used NWEM were significantly higher scores than who did not use the NWEM at .05 level. In addition, the experimental group after implemented the NWEM was higher scores than before implementing NWEM at 0.05 level.Conclusions: The nurses' perceptions of structural and psychological empowerment are significantly increased flexibility, relaxation, free expression, and support. The structural and psychological empowerment had a direct effect on the all variables of the model.

    A Comparison of Depression, Stress, Social support and Self-esteem among Nursing Students of Four Asian Countries

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    以前の研究で、日本の看護学生と中国の看護学生の抑うつ、ストレス、自尊感情、ソーシャル・サポートの状態を比較した。本研究では、日本(586 名)、中国(867 名)の看護学生に加えて、ベトナム(121 名)、カンボジア(165 名)の看護学生を対象とし、抑うつ、ストレス、自尊感情、ソーシャル・サポートの状態を比較することである。上記4 つの状態を見るために、CES-D(The Center for Epidemiology Studies Depression Scale)、PSQ(The Perceived Stress Questionnaire)、RS-E(Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale)、MSPSS (Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support)の各尺度のバックトランスレーションを経て、各国の言語に翻訳し、「抑うつ」、「ストレス」、「自尊感情」、「ソーシャル・サポート」についての質問紙を作成、調査を行い比較した。その結果、「抑うつ」についてはベトナムの学生の平均値26.57±6.66点が他の3 か国に比し高かった(Tukey 検定, p<0.01)。「ストレス」については日本の学生の平均値78.13±17.04 点が4 か国中、最も高かった。「自尊感情」については日本の学生の平均値22.90±4.57点が最も低かった(Tukey 検定, p<0.01)。しかし他の3 か国間に、有意差は見られなかった。「ソーシャル・サポート」については日本の学生の平均値65.13±13.79 点がカンボジアの学生よりも有意に高く(Tukey 検定, p<0.01)、中国、ベトナムの学生よりも高い傾向がみられた(Tukey 検定, p<0.05)。In earlier article, we reported the relation of depression, stress, social support and self-esteem on nursing students in Japan and China. In this study, we added more two countries: Vietnam and Cambodia. So, the purpose of this study is to compare those four psychological score on nursing students among four countries, Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia, and China. Four kinds of score above mentioned were collected using the questionnaires of CES-D(The Center for Epidemiology Studies Depression Scale)for depression, PSQ(The Perceived Stress Questionnaire)for Stress, RS-E(Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale)for stress and MSPSS(Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support)for support. The findings revealed that the “Depression” score of Vietnamese students(MEAN 26.57 SD±6.66)was higher than other 3 countries(P<0.01). The “Stress” score of Japanese students(MEAN 78.13 SD±17.04)were the highest among 4 countries. The “Self-esteem” score of Japanese students(MEAN 22.90 SD±4.57)was lower than that of other 3 countries(P<0.01). However, there was no signifi cant diff erence among those three countries(Chinese, Vietnamese, and Cambodian students). For the score of “Social-support,” Japanese students(MEAN 65.13 SD±13.79)were signifi cantly higher than that of Cambodian students(P<0.01)but might be higher than that of Chinese and Vietnamese students(P<0.05)

    Comparative study on depression and related factors among pregnant and postpartum women in Japan and Thailand

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate and compare depression and related factors among pregnant and postpartum women in Japan(pregnant=320, postpartum=289)and Thailand(pregnant=160, postpartum=160). To evaluate depression, the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale(CES-D)was employed. For related factors, the following evaluation methods were used. For stress: Perceived Stress Questionnaire(PSQ); Self-esteem: Rosenburg Self-esteem Scale(RS-E); and for Social support: Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support(MSPSS). A screening cut-off score for depression was established at 16 and over of CES-D.The mean age of Japanese subjects was 30.6±5.1(pregnant=30.7±5.0, postpartum=30.4±5.1)and 24.9±6.4 in Thai subjects(pregnant=24.9±6.7, postpartum=24.9±5.9). The mean score of CES-D(depression)was signifi cantly lower in Japanese subjects than in Thai subjects, showing a score of 12.6±7.7 for pregnant, 12.8±7.8 for postpartum in Japan and 17.9±8.5 for pregnant, 20.7±8.6 for postpartum in Thai. Using the cut-off point of CES-D scores≧16, the screening rate of depression became 31.2% for pregnant and 33.2% for postpartum Japanese subjects; 56.9% for pregnant and 75.0% for postpartum Thai subjects. The screening rate of depression proved signifi cantly higher in Thai subjects than their Japanese counterparts. Depression(CES-D)is closely related to self-esteem, social support, and stress. In conclusion, when a high level of social support is made available to mothers, stress is decreased and self-esteems increased. As a result of those relations, it can be forecasted that depression will be decreased. 日本とタイの妊婦(日本320 人、タイ160 人)、褥婦(日本289 人、タイ160 人)について、うつ状況とその関連要因を検討した。対象者の年齢は日本の場合、妊婦30.7 歳±5.0、褥婦30.4歳±5.1、タイの場合、妊婦24.9 歳±6.7、褥婦24.9 歳±5.9であった。 うつ状況の測定にはCES-Dを用いた。関連要因として、ストレス(PSQ)、自尊感情(RS-E)、ソーシャル・サポート(MSPSS)について、各尺度を用いて検討した。 CES-D(うつ)の平均得点は、日本妊婦12.6±7.7 点、日本褥婦12.8±7.8 点、タイ妊婦17.9±8.5 点、タイ褥婦20.7±8.6 点となり、タイの方が妊婦、褥婦とも有意に高くなった。カットオフポイント16 点以上をもってうつ状態スクリーニングをすると、日本妊婦31.2%、日本褥婦33.2%、タイ妊婦58.8%、タイ褥婦75%がスクリーニングされた。日本もタイも、妊婦・褥婦とも、CES-D(うつ)とPSQ(ストレス)、RS-E(自尊感情)、MSPSS(ソーシャル・サポート)との間には有意の相関が見られた。ストレスが高く、サポートがあまり得られず、自尊感情が低いと、うつ状況に陥りやすいように思われる