4 research outputs found

    From BASE-ASIA Toward 7-SEAS: A Satellite-Surface Perspective of Boreal Spring Biomass-Burning Aerosols and Clouds in Southeast Asia

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    In this paper, we present recent field studies conducted by NASA's SMART-COMMIT (and ACHIEVE, to be operated in 2013) mobile laboratories, jointly with distributed ground-based networks (e.g., AERONET, http://aeronet.gsfc.nasa.gov/ and MPLNET, http://mplnet.gsfc.nasa.gov/) and other contributing instruments over northern Southeast Asia. These three mobile laboratories, collectively called SMARTLabs (cf. http://smartlabs.gsfc.nasa.gov/, Surface-based Mobile Atmospheric Research & Testbed Laboratories) comprise a suite of surface remote sensing and in-situ instruments that are pivotal in providing high spectral and temporal measurements, complementing the collocated spatial observations from various Earth Observing System (EOS) satellites. A satellite-surface perspective and scientific findings, drawn from the BASE-ASIA (2006) field deployment as well as a series of ongoing 7-SEAS (2010-13) field activities over northern Southeast Asia are summarized, concerning (i) regional properties of aerosols from satellite and in situ measurements, (ii) cloud properties from remote sensing and surface observations, (iii) vertical distribution of aerosols and clouds, and (iv) regional aerosol radiative effects and impact assessment. The aerosol burden over Southeast Asia in boreal spring, attributed to biomass burning, exhibits highly consistent spatial and temporal distribution patterns, with major variability arising from changes in the magnitude of the aerosol loading mediated by processes ranging from large-scale climate factors to diurnal meteorological events. Downwind from the source regions, the tightly coupled-aerosolecloud system provides a unique, natural laboratory for further exploring the micro- and macro-scale relationships of the complex interactions. The climatic significance is presented through large-scale anti-correlations between aerosol and precipitation anomalies, showing spatial and seasonal variability, but their precise cause-and-effect relationships remain an open-ended question. To facilitate an improved understanding of the regional aerosol radiative effects, which continue to be one of the largest uncertainties in climate forcing, a joint international effort is required and anticipated to commence in springtime 2013 in northern Southeast Asia

    Continental Scale Aerosol Optical Properties Over East Asia as Measured by Aeronet and Comparison to Satellite and Modeled Results

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    The AERONET program has operated in E. Asia since 1995 providing time continuous and time averaged ground-based column-integrated aerosol optical properties in a variety of aerosol regimes In the last four years the distribution has greatly increased in Siberia, China, SE Asia and India in particular. Commensurate with that, significant improvement in data processing algorithms (Version 2.0) and access to ancillary data products through the WWW have become available to the scientific community. At this writing the following distribution represents E and S. Asia: 5 sites operate in Siberia (2 years), 1 in Mongolia (9 years), 3 in Korea (3 to 6 years), 3 in Japan (2 to 7 years), China 11 (6 to 0 years), Taiwan 4 (7 to 2 yrs), Viet Nam 2 (4 years), Thailand 2 to 5 (4 years), and Singapore 1 (4 months), India 1 to 3 (7 to 1 years), Pakistan 2 (1 year), and UAE 3 (3 years). An analysis of the aerosol optical depth at 500 nm using annual average quality assured AERONET data (pre 2006) was used to estimate the mean annual aerosol loading by continent, sub continent and ocean. The individual site data were assumed representative of regional aerosol loading and aggregated to the sub-continental, continental and oceanic areas and presented. This analysis will be updated with more recent data with particular emphasis on seasonal results for Asia and the addition of single scattering albedo retrievals. The ground based results will be compared to MODIS collection 5 results and model estimates for E. Asia using the AERONET Synergy Tool

    Characterizing Aerosols over Southeast Asia using the AERONET Data Synergy Tool

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    Biomass burning, urban pollution and dust aerosols have significant impacts on the radiative forcing of the atmosphere over Asia. In order to better quanti@ these aerosol characteristics, the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) has established over 200 sites worldwide with an emphasis in recent years on the Asian continent - specifically Southeast Asia. A total of approximately 15 AERONET sun photometer instruments have been deployed to China, India, Pakistan, Thailand, and Vietnam. Sun photometer spectral aerosol optical depth measurements as well as microphysical and optical aerosol retrievals over Southeast Asia will be analyzed and discussed with supporting ground-based instrument, satellite, and model data sets, which are freely available via the AERONET Data Synergy tool at the AERONET web site (http://aeronet.gsfc.nasa.gov). This web-based data tool provides access to groundbased (AERONET and MPLNET), satellite (MODIS, SeaWiFS, TOMS, and OMI) and model (GOCART and back trajectory analyses) databases via one web portal. Future development of the AERONET Data Synergy Tool will include the expansion of current data sets as well as the implementation of other Earth Science data sets pertinent to advancing aerosol research