68 research outputs found

    The Open Letter to the Ecological Movement

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    Kao jedan od veterana ekološkog pokreta, autor se zalaže za društvenu ekologiju smatrajući da dominiranje nad prirodom sa svim negativnim posljedicama koje iz toga proizlaze može biti direktno povezano s dominacijom čovjeka nad čovjekom, prisutno u svim političkim sistemima. Po njegovom uvjerenju, samo ukoliko ekološki pokret svjesno razvije antihijerarhijski i nedominirajući senzibilitet, struktura i strategija društvene promjene mogu sačuvati svoi pravi identitet kao izraz balansa između čovječanstva i prirode. Primjena institucionalnih, parcijalnih mjera ne može riješiti ekološki kriznu situaciju koja prijeti da poprimi katastrofalne razmjere. Rješenja se mogu tražiti samo na globalnoj razini, a izraz ekološkog društva može biti isključivo samoupravljanje i samoaktivnost.As one of the veterans of the Ecological movement, the author is in favour of social ecology, believing that domination over nature with all the negative consequences that come with it, can be directly related to Man\u27s domination over Man, present in all political systems. According to his beliefs, only if an ecological movement consciously encourages anti-hierarchical and non dominating attitudes can the Structure and strategy of social change preserve their real identity as a sign of balance between mankind and nature. The use of institutional, partial measures cannot solve the ecological crisis which threatens to take on catastrophic proportions. The solution can be found only on a global level and the expression of an ecologically aware society can be only through self-management and individual activity

    Toward an Ecological Solution

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    Rad polazi od hipoteze da ekološko pitanje egzistira u različitim dimenzijama već s počecima industrijske revolucije na Zapadu. Brojne rasprave o ekološkoj krizi ne uočavaju bitnu crtu ovoga pitanja: danas je propadanje okoline direktno povezano s propadanjem postojećih socijalnih struktura (poljoprivrede, industrije, grada, itd.). Propadanje okoline i ekološka katastrofa ne mogu se otkloniti programima zaštite prirode već samo dalekosežnim promjenama u društvenom razvoju i odnosu čovjeka prema čovjeku. Društvo vlasništva, dominacije, hijerarhije i država u svim svojim oblicima nespojivi su na duži period s opstankom biosfere. S druge strane, primjena ekoloških principa na rekonstrukciju društva otvara nove mogućnosti za izgradnju decentralizirane zajednice, modelirane prema mjeri čovjeka i s novim tehnološkim i energetskim obrascima u proizvodnji i potrošnji.The article begins by stating the hypothesis of ecological issue existing in the West in various dimensions from the beginning of the industrial revolution. Numerous discussions concerning the ecological crisis do not take account of an important feature of the issue: the deterioration of the environment is directly connected with the destruction of existing social structures (agriculture, industry, city, etc.) The deterioration of the environment and ecological catastrophe cannot be averted by programs of the protection of the environment, but only by long-reaching changes within social development and interpersonal relations. The society of ownership, of domination, of hierarchy and state in all its forms are irreconcilable with the existence of the biosphere in a long-term perspective. On the other hand, an application of ecological principles to the reconstruction of the society opens new possibilities for the establishment of a decentralized community, modeled after humane criteria, while equipped with new technological and energy patterns in the production and consumption

    Environmentalism, pre-environmentalism, and public policy

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    In the last decade, thousands of new grassroots groups have formed to oppose environmental pollution on the basis that it endangers their health. These groups have revitalized the environmental movement and enlarged its membership well beyond the middle class. Scientists, however, have been unable to corroborate these groups' claims that exposure to pollutants has caused their diseases. For policy analysts this situation appears to pose a choice between democracy and science. It needn't. Instead of evaluating the grassroots groups from the perspective of science, it is possible to evaluate science from the perspective of environmentalism. This paper argues that environmental epidemiology reflects ‘pre-environmentalist’ assumptions about nature and that new ideas about nature advanced by the environmental movement could change the way scientists collect and interpret data.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45449/1/11077_2005_Article_BF01006494.pd

    The Ghost of Anarcho-Syndicalism

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    Tesis sobre municipalismo libertario

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    Históricamente, la teoría y la práctica social radical se han centrado sobre dos campos de la actividad social humana: el lugar de trabajo y la comunidad. A partir de la creación del Estado-nación y de la Revolución Industrial, la economía ha ido adquiriendo una posición predominante sobre la comunidad; y no sólo en la ideología capitalista, sino también en los diferentes socialismos, libertarios y autoritarios, que han ido apareciendo en el último siglo. Este cambio de posición del socialismo desde un enfoque ético a uno económico es un problema de enormes proporciones que ha sido ampliamente debatido. Lo más relevante para el tema que nos atañe es que los propios socialismos muy pronto adquirieron inquietantes atributos burgueses, un desarrollo principalmente revelado por la visión marxista de buscar la emancipación humana a través del dominio de la naturaleza, un proyecto histórico que presumiblemente establece la «dominación del hombre por el hombre»; es el razonamiento marxista y burgués del nacimiento de una sociedad de clase como precondición a la emancipación humana.Desafortunadamente, el ala libertaria del socialismo —los anarquistas— no ha avanzado consistentemente en la prevalencia de lo moral sobre lo económico. Quizá pueda comprenderse a partir del nacimiento del sistema fabril, locus classicus de explotación capitalista, y del proletariado industrial como portador de la nueva sociedad. Con todo su fervor moral, la adaptación sindical a la sociedad industrial y la imagen del sindicalismo libertario como infraestructura del mundo liberado, supuso un preocupante cambio de enfoque desde el comunitarismo hacia el industrialismo, de valores comunales a valores fabriles. Algunos trabajos que han adquirido santidad doxográfica dentro del sindicalismo han servido para enaltecer el significado de la fábrica y, de forma más general, el lugar de trabajo dentro de la teoría radical, por no hablar del papel mesiánico del proletariado. No es preciso examinar aquí los límites de este análisis; de forma superficial, puede decirse que están justificados por los hechos acaecidos en la época de la Primera Guerra Mundial y los años 30. Hoy en día la situación es distinta, y el hecho de que podamos criticarlos con la sofisticación que nos da una perspectiva de décadas, no nos da derecho a rechazar condescendientemente el socialismo proletario por su falta de visión a largo plazo

    Vers une rationalité libertaire

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    Murray Bookchin, Towards a Libertarian Rationality A distinction between the authoritarian and the libertarian modalities of reason is as decisive for thought and its history as it is for technology. A symbiotic and libertarian rationality constitutes a pervasive presence, a sensibility and a mental state and not a simple train of logic. It is on an existential level that the ambivalences of liberty must be resolved by engaging social principles, institutional imperatives and a moral consensus that contributes to the harmonization of liberty and social reality.Bookchin Murray, Blanchard Daniel. Vers une rationalité libertaire. In: L'Homme et la société, N. 123-124, 1997. Actualité de l'anarchisme. pp. 149-157

    Introduction to the Special Issue

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    Être anarchiste aujourd’hui

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    Bookchin Murray, Weill Claudie, Pluet-Despatin Jacqueline. Être anarchiste aujourd’hui. In: Autogestions, NS N°18, 1984. La république des experts. pp. 3-10