3,490 research outputs found

    Non-simplifying Graph Rewriting Termination

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    So far, a very large amount of work in Natural Language Processing (NLP) rely on trees as the core mathematical structure to represent linguistic informations (e.g. in Chomsky's work). However, some linguistic phenomena do not cope properly with trees. In a former paper, we showed the benefit of encoding linguistic structures by graphs and of using graph rewriting rules to compute on those structures. Justified by some linguistic considerations, graph rewriting is characterized by two features: first, there is no node creation along computations and second, there are non-local edge modifications. Under these hypotheses, we show that uniform termination is undecidable and that non-uniform termination is decidable. We describe two termination techniques based on weights and we give complexity bound on the derivation length for these rewriting system.Comment: In Proceedings TERMGRAPH 2013, arXiv:1302.599

    Intensional properties of polygraphs

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    We present polygraphic programs, a subclass of Albert Burroni's polygraphs, as a computational model, showing how these objects can be seen as first-order functional programs. We prove that the model is Turing complete. We use polygraphic interpretations, a termination proof method introduced by the second author, to characterize polygraphic programs that compute in polynomial time. We conclude with a characterization of polynomial time functions and non-deterministic polynomial time functions.Comment: Proceedings of TERMGRAPH 2007, Electronic Notes in Computer Science (to appear), 12 pages, minor changes from previous versio

    Observation of implicit complexity by non confluence

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    We propose to consider non confluence with respect to implicit complexity. We come back to some well known classes of first-order functional program, for which we have a characterization of their intentional properties, namely the class of cons-free programs, the class of programs with an interpretation, and the class of programs with a quasi-interpretation together with a termination proof by the product path ordering. They all correspond to PTIME. We prove that adding non confluence to the rules leads to respectively PTIME, NPTIME and PSPACE. Our thesis is that the separation of the classes is actually a witness of the intentional properties of the initial classes of programs

    Analysis and Diversion of Duqu's Driver

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    The propagation techniques and the payload of Duqu have been closely studied over the past year and it has been said that Duqu shared functionalities with Stuxnet. We focused on the driver used by Duqu during the infection, our contribution consists in reverse-engineering the driver: we rebuilt its source code and analyzed the mechanisms it uses to execute the payload while avoiding detection. Then we diverted the driver into a defensive version capable of detecting injections in Windows binaries, thus preventing further attacks. We specifically show how Duqu's modified driver would have detected Duqu.Comment: Malware 2013 - 8th International Conference on Malicious and Unwanted Software (2013

    Idea of Law Among Civilized Peoples

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