19 research outputs found

    Power linear proton and heavy ion accelerators for solving scientific and practical problems

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    A scope of the important problems which solving requires the availability of powerful proton and heavy ions beams is presented. The most important among them are creation of effective and safe nuclear energetics with inexhaustible fuel resources based on a complex of a proton linear accelerator and a subcritical reactor on fast neutrons; creation of intensity neutron generators for investigation of the structure and dynamics of condensed matter; the use of intense proton beams of high energy for creation of µ-meson and neutrino factories for application in physics of weak interactions. Information about investigations on radionuclide and heavy ion beams accelerated for high energy is presented.Представлено огляд актуальних проблем, вирішення яких вимагає потужних прискорювачів протонів і важких іонів. Серед них найбільш важливими є створення ефективної і безпечної ядерної енергетики з невичерними ресурсами палива на базі комплексу лінійного прискорювача протонів і підкритичного реактора на швидких нейтронах; створення інтенсивних нейтронних генераторів для вивчення структури і динаміки конденсованої матерії; використання інтенсивних пучків протонів для створення фабрик μ-мезонів та нейтрино для фізики слабких взаємодій. Представлено огляд матеріалів, що відносяться до досліджень на пучках радіонуклідів та важких іонів, прискорених до високих енергій.Представлен обзор актуальных проблем, решение которых требует мощных ускорителей протонов и тяжелых ионов. Среди них наиболее важными являются создание эффективной и безопасной ядерной энергетики с неисчерпаемыми ресурсами топлива на базе комплекса линейного ускорителя протонов и подкритического реактора на быстрых нейтронах; создание интенсивных нейтронных генераторов для изучения структуры и динамики конденсированной материи; использование интенсивных пучков протонов для создания фабрик μ-мезонов и нейтрино для физики слабых взаимодействий. Представлен обзор материалов по исследованиям на пучках радионуклидов и тяжелых ионов, ускореных до высоких энергий

    Beam technologies for incineration and transmutation of the nuclear waste

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    The problem of nuclear wastes is accounted from the viewpoint of 3 aspects: ecological expediency, influence on the environment, and safety with respect to explosion. The most efficient method is burning of the wastes in the Energy Amplifier, which is based on the complex of the reactor-accelerator. The goal of this paper is to scope the development of complex techniques of the transuranic elements (TRU) incineration, and transmutation most hazardous long-lived radionuclides, fragments of nuclear fission, eliminated with the heat removal through the natural convection of air. The main part of the work is associated with setting up the problem for Ukrainian nuclear energetics: the nuclear waste incineration as an alternative to the geological disposal

    Development of linear proton accelerators with the high average beam power

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    Review of the current situation in the development of powerful linear proton accelerators carried out in many countries is given. The purpose of their creation is solving problems of safe and efficient nuclear energetics on a basis of the accelerator-reactor complex. In this case a proton beam with the energy up to 1 GeV, the average current of 30 mA is required. At the same time there is a needed in more powerful beams, for example, for production of tritium and transmutation of nuclear waste products. The creation of accelerators of such a power will be followed by the construction of linear accelerators of 1 GeV but with a more moderate beam current. They are intended for investigation of many aspects of neutron physics and neutron engineering. Problems in the creation of efficient constructions for the basic and auxiliary equipment, the reliability of the systems, and minimization of the beam losses in the process of acceleration will be solved

    Variant of alternating phase focusing with the stepped change of the synchronous phase

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    In the paper the calculation of the accelerating structure with the stepped change of the synchronous phase is presented. The method is tested for the calculation of the accelerating structure and He⁺ beam with A/q=4 in the energy range from 30 keV/n to 0.975 MeV/n.В роботі запропонований розрахунок прискорюючої структури із покроковим зміненням синхронної фази. Метод апробовано на розрахунку прискорюючої структури і динаміки пучка іонів Не⁺ з A/q=4 в інтервалі енергій 30 кеВ/н...0.975 МеВ/н.В работе предлагается расчет ускоряющей структуры с шаговым изменением синхронной фазы. Метод апробирован на расчете ускоряющей структуры и динамики пучка ионов Не⁺ с A/q=4 в диапазоне энергий 30 кэВ/н...0.975 МэВ/н

    Prestripping section of the MILAC accelerator based on the principle of alternating-phase focusing with the moving bunch center

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    The main task facing the personnel of the linear accelerator of multicharged ions (MILAC) at the NSC KIPT was carrying out the fundamental investigations in the field of nuclear physics and material engineering

    Development of the new pre-stripping section for LUMZI

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    The investigations have been performed on the development of a multipurpose complex based on the linear heavy ion accelerator for high-intense light ion beam production. The investigations were carried out with theoretical and experimental methods. As a result physical prerequisites were developed for creation of the pre-stripping section (POS-4) which enables acceleration of high-current light ion beams with the average current of 1-0.5 mA

    Acute problems of nuclear energetics

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    The calculation technique for accelerating channel of the structure with the space-uniform RFQ focusing

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    Calculations were carried out for the initial part of the heavy ion accelerator with the large mass-to-charge ratio (a/q = 46). The process of calculation is divided in four stages. At the first stage the average aperture radius and the field strength are determined according to the initial data. At the second stage the optimization of the accelerating tract is performed. To the purpose, the structure is divided in 6 sections: a funnel (a cone), a bunch former, a pre-buncher, an adiabatic buncher, a booster, an accelerating section. At the third stage the obtained data are re-calculated in the values of the modulation depth and lengths of the accelerating periods with taking into account the real fields. At the fourth stage the beam parameters at the accelerator output are determined for the tract built with taking into account the space charge forces and the input beam parameters

    Accelerating of intense beams of light ions at the MILAC

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    Multicharged ion linear accelerator (MILAC) can be used for effective radionuclide production at NSC KIPT

    Ion linear accelerator as a sourse of narrow-beamed neutrons

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