379 research outputs found

    Trace Elements in the Soils of Some Regions in the Republic of Macedonia

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    The paper presents investigations carried out on the presence of rare elements in the soils in the vicinity of Kocani, Probistip (Neokazi, Zletovica), Lakavica (along the River Lakavica course) and in the vicinity of Sveti Nikole. The regions are known for their intense agricultural and other anthropological activities. Understanding the level of soil contamination is of enormous importance for the population in the region . The region is also known for the mining activities that also have an impact on the distribution of some microelements in the soils. Studies carried out by ICP-AES included elements such as AI, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn, Na, K, Ti, Sr, Ba, Ni, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cr, Cd, Co, Y, Li. mo, Se and Ag. Based on the results obtained it can be inferred that there are increased anthropogenic impacts in the regions of Kocani, Zletovica and Lakavica

    Mineralogical- Geochemical Characteristic of the Neogene Sediments at the Coal Mine of Zivojno in the Pelagonia Depression

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    This study gives a first-time detailed analysis of the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the Neogene sediments found at the coal mine of Živojno in the Pelagonija depression based on tested samples of cores recovered in the investigation of the coal series from this region. For the determination of the mineralogical composition we used the x-ray diffraction method while for the determination of the detailed geochemical characteristics we tested the presence of trace elements with the ICP-MS method. The presence of the following main mineral stages was recorded: muscovite/illite, chlorite, quartz, albite, orthoclase and epidote. The presence of these rare elements ranges from (in ppm): Mn (1684); Sr (250); Ba (598); Zn (121); Pb (36); Cr (34); Co (22); Ni (39); Cd (0.65); Cu (55); As (9.7); Li (32); V (121); Mo (2.1); Sb (1.2);  Be (3); Bi (1); Ge (0.38); Sn (2.97); Ag (3.3); Ti (1.41); Rb (157); Cs (8.5); Th (15.9); U (3.93)

    Microelements in the Soils and Ashes of the Plants Viola alsharica and Thymus alsharensis of the Alshar Site-Macedonia

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    The paper presents detailed geochemical investigations carried out in part of the Alshar polymetallic deposit to investigate the presence of individual microlements in the soils and plants such as Viola alsharica and Thymus alsharensis. The investigated area covers the northern portion of the deposit. Elements analyzed included Sb, Se, W, Zn, Ba, TI, As, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Cd and Be. Investigations demonstrated high geochemical correlation between the distribution of individual elements in the soils and plants. It can be inferred that the plants in the area under investigation contain increased concentrations of thallium, zinc, lead, manganese and copper. For the results of previous studies of the Alsar deposit, the reader is referred to Ivanov (1965), Percival and Boev (1990), Percival et al. (1992), Boev and Serafimovski (\996), and for investigation of minerals to Caye el al. (1967), Balic-Zullic et al. (1986) El Goresy and Pavicevic (1988), and Frantz (1994)

    Tertiary magmatism within the Republic of Macedonia: a review

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    Widespread Tertiary magmatism of both orogenic and within-plate signatures developed within the Macedonian part of the Dinarides. Orogenic magmatites (predominantly volcanic rocks) are present in 5 areas (from east to west): Osogovo-Besna Kobila, Kratovo-Zletovo, Bucim-Borov Dol, Dojran and Kozuf. The age of the igneous rocks decreases in the same direction: from Priabonian-Early Oligocene at Os ogovo-Besna Kobila area, Early Oligocene-Miocene in Kratovo-Zletovo and Bucim-Borov Dol to Late Miocene-Late Pliocene in Kozuf. The Osogovo-Besna Kobila area contains only acid volcanics (trachydacites to dacites), occurring mainly as subvolcanic to hypabyssal bodies. They have collision-related chemical characteristics. Latites and andesites to dacites predominate in the Kratovo-Zletovo area, but a monzonite pluton is also be found . Only the shoshonite series (from latites to trachy­ rhyolites) is present in Bucim-Borov Dol, and trachytes in Dojran area. The Kozuf area, which consists of two series; (I) shoshonitic (high-Mg shoshonites, latites and trachydacites) and (2) andesitic series (Iow-K andesites and high-Fe rhyo­lites), seems to be the most complex volcanic field. Magmatites in the last three areas have island arc signatures. The within-plate volcanics rocks are high-K to ultra-K mafic igneous rocks (phonotephrites) accompanied by some absarokite, shoshonite to Iatite .occurrences. Their age is Upper Miocene-Pliocene. These rocks are grouped in 4 areas: Kumanovo, Skopje-SLNikole, Stip and Demir Kapija. The high Mg' and the high Cr-Ni contents of the phonotephrites, together with Fo-rich olivine phenocrysts suggest their asthenospheric origin

    Geochemical investigations of the soils in the republic of Macedonia

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    The paper presents data from studies aiming at determination of individual elements in the soils in some valleys in Macedonia, with particular reference to the concentration of Mg, which is one of the most important bio­ gene elements in the process of photosynthesis in plants. The authors detemined concentrations of individual microelements and toxic elements in some soils in the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. The aim of the studies was to determine the amounts of those elements that exceed the values allowed and are toxic and harmful for the normal growth and development of plant strains

    The alshar polymetallic deposit and its impact on the lake Tikves

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    The paper presents investigations carried out on the possible effects of the Alshar AsSb-TI-Au-Ba deposit on the water of Lake Tikves. Lake Tikves is the largest artificial water reservoir in this part of the Republic of Macedonia and plays an important role in the development of agriculture in the region and the municipality of Kavadarci. Lake Tikves is constructed on the Cma River, which is the largest water artery that receives most of the waters in the western region of the country. The River Blasnica empties into Lake Tikves below the village of Klinovo carrying the waters of the westem parts of Mts. Kozuf and Kozjak. It receives the waters of the Majdanska, Portska, and Kozamic. The River Mjadanska flows through the central part of the Alsar mineralized zone and through numerous earlier dumps of waste material abundant in As, TI, Sb, Pb and Zn. Investigations carried out regarding the present state at the Alshar mine indicate that it does not have a large impact on the waters in Lake Tikves and that it is important to protect the balance

    Allchar Deposit in Republic of Macedonia – Petrology and Age Determination

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    The Allchar Sb-As-Tl-Au volcanogenic hydrothermal deposit is situated at the northwestern margins of Kožuf Mts. (Republic of Macedonia), close to the border between Republic of Macedonia and Greece (Fig.1). From the geotectonic point of view, ore mineralization is related to a Pliocene volcano-intrusive complex located between the rigid Pellagonian block in the west, and the labile Vardar zone in the east. From the metallogenic point of view, the Allchar deposit belongs to the Kožuf ore district as part of the Serbo-Macedonian metallogenetic province

    Geochemistry and origine of thermo-mineral waters on Kožuf mountain

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    The paper presents the results of geochemical surveys of the representation of trace elements inthermal mineral water from Kožuf Mountain and investigations relating to the representation of the stable isotopes ofhydrogen and oxygen. The results displaying the representation of trace elements suggest that the water is enrichedwith arsenic, uranium and cesium, while other trace elements are within permissible concentrations. Studies on therepresentation of isotopes d18O, dD indicate that the values of stable isotopes are placed near the route of water fromprecipitation. This indicates that the water in primary reserve tanks is renewed with the water that comes from currentrainfall

    Microelements in the rocks and ashes of the plants violla alsharica and thymus alsharensis of the alshar site

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    The paper presents detailed geochemical investigations carried out in part of the Alshar polymet­allic deposit in terms of the presence of individual microelments in the rocks and plants such as Violla alsharica and Thymus alsharensis. The investigated area covers the northern portion of the deposit. Elements analyzed included Sb, Se, W, Zn, Ba, TI, As, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Cd and Be. Investigations carried out demonstrated large geochemical correlation between the distribution of individual elements in the rocks and plants. It can be inferred that the plants in the area under investigation contain increased concentrations of thallium, zinc. lead. manganese and copper

    Tertiary volcanic activity in the Inner Dinarides (Republic of Macedonia)

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    During the Teritary, from the Eocene to the Plioccene granodiorite masses inturdes axtruded on the surface along some tectonic zones. The evolution of this magmatism was reported first by Ilic (1962), and later presended in detail by Karamata (1962), Karamata and Dzordzevic (1980), Antonovic and Filipovic (1977) reported the major geochemical features of this magmatism. Individual area were shown in detail by Boev(1988)