1,684 research outputs found

    Lignin engineering in forest trees

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    Wood is a renewable resource that is mainly composed of lignin and cell wall polysaccharides. The polysaccharide fraction is valuable as it can be converted into pulp and paper, or into fermentable sugars. On the other hand, the lignin fraction is increasingly being considered a valuable source of aromatic building blocks for the chemical industry. The presence of lignin in wood is one of the major recalcitrance factors in woody biomass processing, necessitating the need for harsh chemical treatments to degrade and extract it prior to the valorization of the cell wall polysaccharides, cellulose and hemicellulose. Over the past years, large research efforts have been devoted to engineering lignin amount and composition to reduce biomass recalcitrance toward chemical processing. We review the efforts made in forest trees, and compare results from greenhouse and field trials. Furthermore, we address the value and potential of CRISPR-based gene editing in lignin engineering and its integration in tree breeding programs

    Bioethanol from poplar: a commercially viable alternative to fossil fuel in the European Union

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    Background: The European Union has made it a strategic objective to develop its biofuels market in order to minimize greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, to help mitigate climate change and to address energy insecurity within the transport sector. Despite targets set at national and supranational levels, lignocellulosic bioethanol production has yet to be widely commercialized in the European Union. Here, we use techno-economic modeling to compare the price of bioethanol produced from short rotation coppice (SRC) poplar feedstocks under two leading processing technologies in five European countries. Results: Our evaluation shows that the type of processing technology and varying national costs between countries results in a wide range of bioethanol production prices ((sic)0.275 to 0.727/l). The lowest production prices for bioethanol were found in countries that had cheap feedstock costs and high prices for renewable electricity. Taxes and other costs had a significant influence on fuel prices at the petrol station, and therefore the presence and amount of government support for bioethanol was a major factor determining the competitiveness of bioethanol with conventional fuel. In a forward-looking scenario, genetically engineering poplar with a reduced lignin content showed potential to enhance the competitiveness of bioethanol with conventional fuel by reducing overall costs by approximately 41% in four out of the five countries modeled. However, the possible wider phenotypic traits of advanced poplars needs to be fully investigated to ensure that these do not unintentionally negate the cost savings indicated. Conclusions: Through these evaluations, we highlight the key bottlenecks within the bioethanol supply chain from the standpoint of various stakeholders. For producers, technologies that are best suited to the specific feedstock composition and national policies should be optimized. For policymakers, support schemes that benefit emerging bioethanol producers and allow renewable fuel to be economically competitive with petrol should be established. Finally, for researchers, better control over plant genetic engineering and advanced breeding and its consequential economic impact would bring valuable contributions towards developing an economically sustainable bioethanol market within the European Union

    Shikimate hydroxycinnamoyl transferase (HCT) activity assays in Populus nigra

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    Lignin is a complex phenolic polymer deposited in secondarily-thickened plant cell walls. The polymer is mainly derived from the three primary monolignols: p-coumaryl, coniferyl and sinapyl alcohol which give rise to p-hydroxyphenyl, guaiacyl and syringyl units (H, G and S units, respectively) when coupled into the polymer. The building blocks differ in their degree of methoxylation and their biosynthetic pathway is catalyzed by more than 10 enzymes. HCT plays a crucial role by channeling the phenylpropanoids towards the production of coniferyl and sinapyl alcohols. Interestingly, HCT has been reported to be implicated in the pathway both upstream and downstream of the 3-hydroxylation of the aromatic ring of p-coumaroyl shikimate (Figure 1) (Hoffmann et al., 2003; Hoffmann et al., 2004; Vanholme et al., 2013b). These features highlight the importance of developing an assay to reliably measure HCT activity in planta. Here, we describe a UPLC-MS-based method for the analysis of HCT activity in xylem total protein extracts of Populus nigra, which can be adapted to other woody and herbaceous plant species. The protocol was initially described in Vanholme et al. (2013a)

    Profiling of oligolignols reveals monolignol coupling conditions in lignifying poplar xylem

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    Lignin is an aromatic heteropolymer, abundantly present in the walls of secondary thickened cells. Although much research has been devoted to the structure and composition of the polymer to obtain insight into lignin polymerization, the low-molecular weight oligolignol fraction has escaped a detailed characterization. This fraction, in contrast to the rather inaccessible polymer, is a simple and accessible model that reveals details about the coupling of monolignols, an issue that has raised considerable controversy over the past years. We have profiled the methanol-soluble oligolignol fraction of poplar (Populus spp.) xylem, a tissue with extensive lignification. Using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, chemical synthesis, and nuclear magnetic resonance, we have elucidated the structures of 38 compounds, most of which were dimers, trimers, and tetramers derived from coniferyl alcohol, sinapyl alcohol, their aldehyde analogs, or vanillin. All structures support the recently challenged random chemical coupling hypothesis for lignin polymerization. Importantly, the structures of two oligomers, each containing a γ-p-hydroxybenzoylated syringyl unit, strongly suggest that sinapyl p-hydroxybenzoate is an authentic precursor for lignin polymerization in poplar

    Mutation of the inducible ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA CYTOCHROME P450 REDUCTASE2 alters lignin composition and improves saccharification

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    ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA CYTOCHROME P450 REDUCTASE1 (ATR1) and ATR2 provide electrons from NADPH to a large number of CYTOCHROME P450 (CYP450) enzymes in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Whereas ATR1 is constitutively expressed, the expression of ATR2 appears to be induced during lignin biosynthesis and upon stresses. Therefore, ATR2 was hypothesized to be preferentially involved in providing electrons to the three CYP450s involved in lignin biosynthesis: CINNAMATE 4-HYDROXYLASE (C4H), p-COUMARATE 3-HYDROXYLASE1 (C3H1), and FERULATE 5-HYDROXYLASE1 (F5H1). Here, we show that the atr2 mutation resulted in a 6% reduction in total lignin amount in the main inflorescence stem and a compositional shift of the remaining lignin to a 10-fold higher fraction of p-hydroxyphenyl units at the expense of syringyl units. Phenolic profiling revealed shifts in lignin-related phenolic metabolites, in particular with the substrates of C4H, C3H1 and F5H1 accumulating in atr2 mutants. Glucosinolate and flavonol glycoside biosynthesis, both of which also rely on CYP450 activities, appeared less affected. The cellulose in the atr2 inflorescence stems was more susceptible to enzymatic hydrolysis after alkaline pretreatment, making ATR2 a potential target for engineering plant cell walls for biofuel production

    Lignin engineering in field-grown poplar trees affects the endosphere bacterial microbiome

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    Cinnamoyl-CoA reductase (CCR), an enzyme central to the lignin bio-synthetic pathway, represents a promising biotechnological target to reduce lignin levels and to improve the commercial viability of lignocellulosic biomass. However, silencing of the CCR gene results in considerable flux changes of the general and monolignol-specific lignin pathways, ultimately leading to the accumulation of various extractable phenolic compounds in the xylem. Here, we evaluated host genotype-dependent effects of field-grown, CCR-down-regulated poplar trees (Populus tremula x Populus alba) on the bacterial rhizosphere microbiome and the endosphere microbiome, namely the microbiota present in roots, stems, and leaves. Plant-associated bacteria were isolated from all plant compartments by selective isolation and enrichment techniques with specific phenolic carbon sources (such as ferulic acid) that are up-regulated in CCR-deficient poplar trees. The bacterial microbiomes present in the endosphere were highly responsive to the CCR-deficient poplar genotype with remarkably different metabolic capacities and associated community structures compared with the WT trees. In contrast, the rhizosphere microbiome of CCR-deficient and WT poplar trees featured highly overlapping bacterial community structures and metabolic capacities. We demonstrate the host genotype modulation of the plant microbiome by minute genetic variations in the plant genome. Hence, these interactions need to be taken into consideration to understand the full consequences of plant metabolic pathway engineering and its relation with the environment and the intended genetic improvement

    A molecular timetable for apical bud formation and dormancy induction in poplar

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    The growth of perennial plants in the temperate zone alternates with periods of dormancy that are typically initiated during bud development in autumn. In a systems biology approach to unravel the underlying molecular program of apical bud development in poplar (Populus tremula 3 Populus alba), combined transcript and metabolite profiling were applied to a high-resolution time course from short-day induction to complete dormancy. Metabolite and gene expression dynamics were used to reconstruct the temporal sequence of events during bud development. Importantly, bud development could be dissected into bud formation, acclimation to dehydration and cold, and dormancy. To each of these processes, specific sets of regulatory and marker genes and metabolites are associated and provide a reference frame for future functional studies. Light, ethylene, and abscisic acid signal transduction pathways consecutively control bud development by setting, modifying, or terminating these processes. Ethylene signal transduction is positioned temporally between light and abscisic acid signals and is putatively activated by transiently low hexose pools. The timing and place of cell proliferation arrest (related to dormancy) and of the accumulation of storage compounds (related to acclimation processes) were established within the bud by electron microscopy. Finally, the identification of a large set of genes commonly expressed during the growth-to-dormancy transitions in poplar apical buds, cambium, or Arabidopsis thaliana seeds suggests parallels in the underlying molecular mechanisms in different plant organs