1,543 research outputs found

    Flexibility support for a changing university

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    The research project Flexibility Support for a Changing University focused on the problem of how to identify underlying dimensions for change in higher education and how to help instructors via their use of technology for teaching and learning to respond to the chang

    Sport as a medicine for health and health inequalities:essays on the role of sport participation in socioeconomic inequalities in health and health care costs

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    It is important to get a better understanding of the relationship between sport participation on the one hand and health and health care costs on the other. For that purpose, the research in this thesis shows that sport participation is positively associated to significantly lower risks of morbidity, type 2 diabetes, prediabetes and obesity. However, the relationship between sport participation and health differs between groups. For several health outcomes, the positive effects of sport participation are significantly greater for people with a healthy weight than for obese persons. Another finding is that socioeconomic inequalities in sports participation (with the most vulnerable groups participating the least) seem contribute considerably, and much more than physical activity, to the socioeconomic inequalities in health outcomes. The research also shows that there exists a strong socioeconomic gradient in health care costs in the Netherlands: controlling for the population structure, poor neighborhoods have substantially higher costs than affluent neighborhoods. In addition, neighborhoods with a higher percentage of voluntary sports club members have significantly lower average health care costs. This relationship seems to be independent of the socioeconomic level of a neighborhood. Finally, the research shows that the socioeconomic inequalities in physical activity behavior have increased significantly in the Netherlands due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the measures to prevent the spread of the virus. In conclusion, the research in this thesis demonstrates that sports participation can be an important preventive medicine for improving health, reducing socioeconomic health inequalities, as well as lowering health care costs

    ICT in teaching and learning:Part of a blend

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    Modelleren van expertise in expertsystemen

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    Human experts posses the ability to solve problemns without an explicity formulated algorithm. Expert systems are a way to represent this ability as a model of the expert. To build an expert system one has to solve two consecutive problems: 1. There is a human expert and his knowledge. Is it possible to capture this knowledge? What methods can be used for knowledge acquisition? 2. Experts solve problems. In what way(s) is it possible to build an expert system based on the acquired knowledge? ... Zie: Summar

    Developing an equestrian network in the province of Drenthe

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    Abstract for the European Association for Sport Management conference 2015 in Dublin. The abstract describes a study to the economic value of the equestrian sector in the province of Drenthe (Netherlands) and the possibilities for the equestrian sector to optimize its economic value

    Conclusions, discussion and recommendations

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    Future therapeutic treatment of COPD: Struggle between oxidants and cytokines

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a global health problem. Being a progressive disease characterized by inflammation and predominantly caused by tobacco smoking, it deteriorates pulmonary and skeletal muscle functioning, and reduces physical behavior, societal participation and quality of life. During the last two decades studies were focused on the airway and systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, and airway and/or parenchymal remodeling. Macrophages, neutrophils and T cells are thought to be important key players, as well as structural cells like fibroblasts, epithelial, endothelial and smooth muscle cells. Mediators and proteins including cytokines, chemokines, growth factors, proteinases, and oxidants seem to be involved differentially in its pathogenesis. Current pharmacological treatments are directed to reducing airway inflammation, boosting the endogenous levels of anti-oxidants and relieving airway contraction and sputum production. Most agents were primarily used for treating asthma. But in contrast to asthma, these treatments are not very effective in COPD. As a result, novel more specifically acting interventional drugs with less side effects are being developed to treat chronic inflammatory diseases, including COPD. This review highlights studies on novel or potential drug antioxidants such as dietary antioxidants supplementation, N-acetyl-L-cysteine, N-acystelyn, endosteine, antioxidant enzyme mimetics, and anti-inflammatory agents like antagonists of cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, CXCL8, and CCL2, and inhibitors of signal transduction proteins including phosphodiesterase 4, MAPK p38, Pl-3k, and NFκB