119 research outputs found

    Primena kinematičke metode GPS u geodetskim radovima

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    This article is explaining some standards of using GPS kinematics methods in engineering surveys. Results of GPS measurements were sufficiently accurate compared with data of terrestrial measurement.U radu su prikazani neki standardi primene kinematičke GPS metode i rezultati analize mogućnosti njene primene u geodetskim radovima. Rezultati GPS merenja su upoređeni sa rezultatima terestričkih merenja, na osnovu čega je konstatovana saglasnost dobijenih ocena po horizontalnom položaju i visini bolja od 3 cm


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    Izgradnja novih mostova na mjestima starih zahtjeva ruÅ”enja prijaÅ”njdi mostova. Zbog blizine izvedenih dijelova novog mosta temelji starih ruse se minSiranjem u viÅ”e faza. Na industrijskoj pruzi Belaćevacā€”GoleÅ” preko rijeke Drenice miniranjem u Četiri faze sruÅ”eni su stupovi i upornjak starog mosta uz izvedene stupove i upornjak budućeg mosta i elemente konstrukcije novog mosta.The construction of new bridges on the sites of the existing ones require demolition of the old bridge. Due to closeness of newly erected bridge elements the fundations of old bridges are demolished by multiphase blasting process. The blasting of the piers and anchorages of the bridge across \u27the Drenica river carrying the Balačevacā€”GoleÅ” industrial railway was done in four phases. The piers and anchorages of a new bridge and its construction elements have been erected before


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    The degree of fragmentation influences the economy of the excavation operations. Characteristics of blasted rock such as fragment size, volume and mass are fundamental variables effecting the economics of a mining operation and are in effect the basis for evaluating the quality of a blast. The properties of fragmentation, such as size and shape, are very important information for the optimization of production. Three factors control the fragment size distribution: the rock structure, the quantity of explosive and its distribution within the rock mass. Over the last decade there have been considerable advances in our ability to measure and analyze blasting performance. These can now be combined with the continuing growth in computing power to develop a more effective description of rock fragmentation for use by future blasting practitioners. The paper describes a view of the fragmentation problem by blasting and the need for a new generation of engineering tools to guide the design and implementation of blasting operations.Stupanj fragmentacije odminirane mase ima utjecaj na ekonomsko poslovanje eksploatacije. Značajke odminirane mase kao veličina komada stijene, volumen i količina su osnovni čimbenici ekonomskih efekata rudarskih radova i osnova su razvoja kvalitete minerskih radova. Svojstva odminirane stijenske mase kao oblik i veličina važni su elementi za postizanje optimalne proizvodnje. Tri su osnovna čimbenika koji direktno utječu na fragmentaciju odminirane mase: struktura stijenske mase, količina eksploziva i način aktiviranja minskih buÅ”otina, odnosno rasprostiranje energije eksploziva u stijenskoj masi. Koncem zadnjeg desetljeća zbio se znatan napredak u mjerenju i analizi minerskih značajki. U kombinaciji s razvojem i snagom računala omogućen je značajan razvoj opisa fragmentacije za buduće minerske radove. U radu se opisuje i daje pregled problematike fragmentacije kod miniranja i primjene nove generacije inženjerskih pomagala za projektiranje minerskih operacija

    Project oriented problem based learning: The first experiances of using this approach at the study program of Geodesy and geoinformatics

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    Projektno orijentisan problemski zasnovan pristup učenju (eng. Project Oriented and Problem Based Learning/Problem Oriented Project Based Learning - POPBL) jeste koncept koji je prvi put uveden sedamdesetih godina proÅ”log veka. Iako je u početku bio prvenstveno zastupljen u oblasti medicinskog obrazovanja, danas se proÅ”irio na ostale naučne oblasti. Rad prikazuje iskustva u jednogodiÅ”njoj primeni POPBL u okviru studijskog programa Geodezija i geoinformatika, na jednom predmetu master studija. Prvi rezultati pokazuju da su efekti primene problemski orijentisane nastave (eng. ProblemBased Learning PBL) unapredili proces učenja. Stečena iskustva će predstavljati značajan podstrek i polaznu osnovu za novi ciklus procesa učenja po PBL modelu

    Referentna geodetska osnova Dunava

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    The Danube is most important river in Europe today. It relates The Western European countries with The Eastern. The safety of the flyway is a primary aim of the Serbian company PLOVPUT which is in charge to make it to be properly marked and realized. The realization of The Danube geodetic reference network is of a great importance to both - development of the river navigation system and economic development of Republic of Serbia. It is clear that all kind of transportation means through the Danube is in connection with the modern navigation equipment and can not work properly without uniform coordinate frame, specially if we have in mind that The Danube flows through several European countries. Except that, all of the graphic maps are not make in global reference system. If we want to use them it is of great importance to georepherence the contents of the maps which are in a locally based system to the global one, in which GPS works. For solving this kind of a problem, the terrain GPS campaign was organized. Four GPS instruments were used and work was based on the existing The Republic of Serbia Control GPS network. The GPS campaign lasted two weeks and was conducted by University people and supported by PLOVPUT. After GPS measurements were processed transformation parameters were estimated and coordinates of the Danube reference geodetic network stations were calculated. Based on the estimated coordinates, the Network has accuracy better than 5 cm, but the accuracy of the transformation between local and global system is about 0.20 cm to 0.30 cm.Izrada informacionog sistema plovidbe Dunavom od izuzetnog je ekonomskog značaja za Republiku Srbiju. Užoj javnosti je poznato da Javno preduzeće PLOVPUT već duži niz godina održava međunarodni plovni put Dunavom kroz teritoriju Republike Srbije. Sa pojavom globalnih tehnologija pozicioniranja pojavila se potreba za definisanjem jedinstvenog geodetskog okvira u kome će se obezbediti univerzalan način upravljanja sistemom saobraćaja, nezavisan od nacionalne teritorije kroz koju Dunav prolazi. Kao logično reÅ”enje, nameće se jedinstven evropski geodetski referentni okvir, poznatiji kao EUREF EUropian REference Frame. Istovremeno, jednako važno pitanje jeste i prisustvo velikog broja postojećih grafičkih i digitalnih podloga na ovim prostorima koje su u upotrebi i koje nisu georeferencirane u okviru EUREF-a. U takvim okolnostima nameće se potreba povezivanja geocentričnog koordinatnog sistema u kojem funkcioniÅ”u globalne tehnologije i državnog, u kojem su (za sada) definisani svi postojeći topografsko-hidrografski premeri, na teritoriji Dunavskog koridorŠ° kroz Srbiju

    The Effect of Fissures in Dolomite Rock Mass on Blasting Projects

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    Raspucalost stijenske mase u obliku pukotiinskih sistema jedna je od važnijih geoloÅ”kih karakteristika tektonskog sklopa. Ona utječe na mehaničko ponaÅ”anje stijenske mase kada je izložena djelovanju vanjskih sila. Za eksploataciju u kamenolomima dolomita, koja se izvodi miniranjem dubokih minskih buÅ”otina, važno je utvrditi raspucalost stijenskog masiva, jer se lomovi u stiijeni odvijaju po već oslabljenim plohama.Rock fractures in the form of fissures are one of more important geological features of a tectonic system. They have an effect on mechanical behaviour of rook masses exposed to the actions of surface forces. For exploitation in dolomite quarries carried out by blasting of deep shot holes it is important to know the system of fissures within a rock mass for the rock brakes along already weakened planes

    Analysis of actual status and needs for real estate valuation model development in Republic of Serbia

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    U radu je opisano stanje u oblasti razvoja tzržiÅ”ta nekretnina u Republici Srbiji, sadaÅ”nji nosioci poslova procjene, neki primeri dobre prakse u Evropi i međunarodne organizacije koje tu oblast uređuju. Na kraju, na bazi analize pojedinih sistema vrednovanja u nekim evropskim državama, dat je prijedlog buduće organizacije,a koji je ujedno zasnovan i na specifičnostima u Republici Srbiji.This article points out to real estate market in Republic of Serbia and main actors at the process of real estate valuation. Some international organizations at the area of property valuation were explained, also. At the end relating to the good practice of some EU valuation systems, a proposal for new valuation system at the Republic of Serbia was explianed

    Referentna geodetska osnova Dunava

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    The Danube is most important river in Europe today. It relates The Western European countries with The Eastern. The safety of the flyway is a primary aim of the Serbian company PLOVPUT which is in charge to make it to be properly marked and realized. The realization of The Danube geodetic reference network is of a great importance to both - development of the river navigation system and economic development of Republic of Serbia. It is clear that all kind of transportation means through the Danube is in connection with the modern navigation equipment and can not work properly without uniform coordinate frame, specially if we have in mind that The Danube flows through several European countries. Except that, all of the graphic maps are not make in global reference system. If we want to use them it is of great importance to georepherence the contents of the maps which are in a locally based system to the global one, in which GPS works. For solving this kind of a problem, the terrain GPS campaign was organized. Four GPS instruments were used and work was based on the existing The Republic of Serbia Control GPS network. The GPS campaign lasted two weeks and was conducted by University people and supported by PLOVPUT. After GPS measurements were processed transformation parameters were estimated and coordinates of the Danube reference geodetic network stations were calculated. Based on the estimated coordinates, the Network has accuracy better than 5 cm, but the accuracy of the transformation between local and global system is about 0.20 cm to 0.30 cm.Izrada informacionog sistema plovidbe Dunavom od izuzetnog je ekonomskog značaja za Republiku Srbiju. Užoj javnosti je poznato da Javno preduzeće PLOVPUT već duži niz godina održava međunarodni plovni put Dunavom kroz teritoriju Republike Srbije. Sa pojavom globalnih tehnologija pozicioniranja pojavila se potreba za definisanjem jedinstvenog geodetskog okvira u kome će se obezbediti univerzalan način upravljanja sistemom saobraćaja, nezavisan od nacionalne teritorije kroz koju Dunav prolazi. Kao logično reÅ”enje, nameće se jedinstven evropski geodetski referentni okvir, poznatiji kao EUREF EUropian REference Frame. Istovremeno, jednako važno pitanje jeste i prisustvo velikog broja postojećih grafičkih i digitalnih podloga na ovim prostorima koje su u upotrebi i koje nisu georeferencirane u okviru EUREF-a. U takvim okolnostima nameće se potreba povezivanja geocentričnog koordinatnog sistema u kojem funkcioniÅ”u globalne tehnologije i državnog, u kojem su (za sada) definisani svi postojeći topografsko-hidrografski premeri, na teritoriji Dunavskog koridorŠ° kroz Srbiju
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