58 research outputs found

    Collectivity in pp from resummed interference effects?

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    Azimuthal asymmetries vnv_n in the soft transverse momentum spectra of hadronic collisions can result as a consequence of quantum interference and color flow which translates spatial anisotropies into momentum anisotropies via multipole radiation patterns. Here, we analyze to what extent these effects result in signal strengths vn{2s}v_n\lbrace 2s\rbrace that can persist in higher order (2s)(2s) cumulants. In a simple model of soft multi-particle production with quantum interference effects in which mm particles are emitted from NN sources and in which interference contributions appear naturally ordered in inverse powers of the adjoint color trace, 1/(Nc21)1/(N_c^2-1), we provide the first resummed calculation of all powers of m2/(Nc21)m^2/(N_c^2-1). This allows one to determine all higher order flow cumulants vn{2s}v_n\lbrace 2s\rbrace with the same parametric accuracy. For a phenomenologically relevant range of NN sources emitting mm particles, we find that the even flow coefficients vn{2s}v_n\lbrace 2s\rbrace decrease very mildly with increasing cumulants. This provides a proof of principle that non-vanishing higher order cumulants vn{2s}v_n\lbrace 2s\rbrace can persist in systems that exhibit neither final state interactions nor phenomena related to high (saturated) initial parton densities.Comment: 8 pages, 1 Fi

    Hard four-jet production in pA collisions

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    In a suitably chosen back-to-back kinematics, four-jet production in hadronic collisions is known to be dominated by contributions from two independent partonic scattering processes, thus giving experimental access to the structure of generalized two-parton distributions 2GPDs. Here, we show that a combined measurement of the double hard four-jet cross section in proton-proton and proton-nucleus collisions will allow one to disentangle different sources of two-parton correlations in the proton, that cannot be disentangled with 4-jet measurements in proton-proton collisions alone. To this end, we analyze in detail the structure of 2GPDs in the nucleus (A), we calculate in the independent nucleon approximation all contributions to the double hard four-jet cross section in pA, and we determine corrections arising from the nuclear dependence of single parton distribution functions. We then outline an experimental strategy for determining the longitudinal two-parton correlations in the proton.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, revised version v2 to be published in EPJC, argument in section 5 improve

    Parton Hadron Duality in nonleptonic B hadron decays

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    Assuming so called global duality we argue that it is very likely that local duality needed to obtain results for the hadronic width of heavy meson decays within the 1/mQ1/m_Q expansion holds. Hence, if the discrepancy between experiment and the theory concerning charm counting, the semileptonic branching fraction and the lifetimes of bb hadrons persist, it may be taken as a hint at some qualitatively new effect in (nonperturbative) QCD or even as a new physics.Comment: Some thanks are adde

    Regge asymptotics and color suppressed heavy meson decays

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    We discuss a possible generation of color suppressed B-decays amplitudes through a soft final state interaction. As a typical example, we consider in detail the decay Bˉ0D0π0 \bar{B}^{0} \rightarrow D^{0} \pi^{0} (and also Bˉ02π0 \bar{B}^{0} \rightarrow 2 \pi^{0} ). We show that in the approximation of the two particle unitarity and at zero order in αs \alpha_{s} this process can be related to the weak decay Bˉ0D+π \bar{B}^{0} \rightarrow D^{+} \pi^{-} followed by the strong charge exchange scattering in the Regge kinematics. We estimate the amplitude of this process using the light cone QCD sum rule technique and find that it is supppressed as a power of 1/mB 1/m_{B} in comparison to the amplitude generated by the effective non-leptonic Hamiltonian, but remains important for the physical value of mBm_{B}.Comment: 14 pages,Latex,no figure

    On the Determination of Vub|V_{ub}| from Inclusive Semileptonic Decay Spectra

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    We propose a model independent method to determine Vub|V_{ub}| from the energy spectrum of the charged lepton in inclusive semileptonic BB decays. The method includes perturbative QCD corrections as well as nonperturbative ones.Comment: LaTeX, 19 pages, 8 figures appended after \end{document} as uu-encoded and compressed .eps files, uses epsf, Technion-PH-94/9, CERN-TH.7308/9

    Proton lifetime, Yukawa couplings and dynamical SUSY breaking in SU(5) GUT

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    We study the influence of messenger Yukawa couplings and top, bottom and τ\tau Yukawa couplings on the proton lifetime in SU(5) Supersymmetric GUT with dynamical supersymmetry breaking mechanism due to Dine and Nelson.Comment: 7 pages latex file, 6 ps figures include

    Calculation of 1/m^3 terms in the total semileptonic width of D mesons.

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    We calculate the 1/mc3m^3_c corrections in the inclusive semileptonic widths of DD mesons. We show that these are due to the novel penguin type operators that appear at this level in the transition operator. Taking into account the nonperturbative corrections leads to the predicted value of the semileptonic width significantly lower than the experimental value. The 1/mc31/m^3_c worsen the situation or at the very least, within uncertainty, give small contribution. We indicate possible ways out. It seems most probable that violations of duality are noticeable in the energy range characteristic to the inclusive decays in the charm family. Theoretically these deviations are related to divergence of the high-order terms in the power expansion in the inverse heavy quark mass.Comment: Final version accepted for publication in Physical Review D (19 pages, 5 figures appended as two PS files at the end of the LATEX file

    Annihilation, Rescattering, and CP Asymmetries in B Meson Decays

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    A number of BB meson decays may proceed only through participation of the spectator quark, whether through amplitudes proportional to fB/mBf_B/m_B or via rescattering from other less-suppressed amplitudes. An expected hierarchy of amplitudes in the absence of rescattering will be violated by rescattering corrections. Such violations could point the way toward channels in which final-state interactions could be important. Cases in which final state phases can lead to large CP asymmetries are pointed out.Comment: 9 page