6 research outputs found

    Echo-Doppler Features of Pulmonary Valve Endocarditis

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    Three patients with fever and pneumonitis were found to have pulmonary valve vegetations by echocardiography. Pulsed and color flow Doppler studies demonstrated mild to moderate pulmonary valve insufficiency in these patients. All patients responded to the appropriate antibiotics without requiring valve surgery. Echocardiography is of value in diagnosing pulmonary valve endocarditis and should be considered in every patient with recurrent pneumonitis

    Practical Value of Echo Doppler Evaluation of Aortic and Mitral Stenosis: A Comparative Study with Cardiac Catheterization

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    This retrospective analysis compares data derived by echocardiography and cardiac catheterization in the evaluation of aortic and mitral valve stenosis. Sixty-seven patients, aged 69 ± 12 years, underwent 76 catheterization procedures. In all studies the Doppler recording was technically adequate. In 64 studies of patients with aortic stenosis, correlation was good between the gradient obtained at catheterization (peak 51 ± 28 mm Hg, mean 48 ± 24 mm Hg) and the Doppler gradient (peak 73 ± 29 mm Hg, mean 41 ±17 mm Hg) (R = 0.78 peak, 0.77 mean). In 15 studies the aortic valve area, 0.8 ± 0.2 cm2, calculated by the simplified continuity equation, correlated well with the catheterization valve area, 0.7 + 0.3 cm2, calculated by the Gorlin equation (R = 0.80). In 14 studies in mitral stenosis patients, the mean gradient at catheterization was 11 ±5 mmHg compared to the Doppler gradient of 8 ±4 mmHg (R = 0.58). The mitral valve area was 1.1 ± 0.3 cm2 by the Gorlin equation and 1.2 ± 0.3 cm2 by echo Doppler, using pressure half-time. When cardiac rhythm, the presence and severity of regurgitation, and the cardiac index were analyzed, none was shown to have demonstrable influence cm the accuracy of the Doppler study. Doppler echocardiography can be used reliably to assess valvular stenosis in a clinical, noninvasive laboratory where routine tests are performed and interpreted by more than one individual

    A case of asymptomatic patient with right ventricular dilatation

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    Sinus venous defect is an uncommon type of atrial septal defect (ASD), often associated with anomalous pulmonary vein drainage and left to right shunting. If undetected, it leads to right atrial and ventricular volume overload. The current case describes an asymptomatic athlete with missed large sinus venosus defect since birth, and the different types of cardiac imaging modalities that lead to the detection of the defect and guiding the appropriate surgical intervention

    A case of asymptomatic patient with right ventricular dilatation

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    Sinus venous defect is an uncommon type of atrial septal defect (ASD), often associated with anomalous pulmonary vein drainage and left to right shunting. If undetected, it leads to right atrial and ventricular volume overload. The current case describes an asymptomatic athlete with missed large sinus venosus defect since birth, and the different types of cardiac imaging modalities that lead to the detection of the defect and guiding the appropriate surgical intervention


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    角形鋼管柱を用いた露出型柱脚の力学的性状に関する研究[伊藤倫夫]石炭灰を大量使用するコンクリートの調合および中性化性状に関する研究[伊藤是清]煉瓦を構造材とする循環型住宅の環境戦略的基礎研究[高巣]朝鮮後期山水画にみる都市景観と景観評価に関する研究[姜]EVALUATION OF METROPOLITAN AREA AND ITS NEIGHBORHOODIN TERMS OF TRANSIT-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT : トランジット・オリエンテッドの観点に基づく都市圏および住宅地の評価に関する研究[Bitar]近代工業都市成立に伴う市街地形成の実証的研究八幡製鐵の立地と市街地形成を通して[北村]Study on Sir John Vanbrugh in the 18th Century British Architecture : 18世紀イギリスのサー・ジョン・ヴァンブラーに関する研究[金]17世紀イタリアの教会堂ファサードにおける造形手法の展開[小林]空調による室内温湿度・必要外気量・室圧・風量の予測と制御に関する研究[山崎]近代和風への道程 : 對龍山荘の建築と庭[永田]接着接合した枠付き鉄骨系補強骨組に関する研究[毛井


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    角形鋼管柱を用いた露出型柱脚の力学的性状に関する研究[伊藤倫夫]石炭灰を大量使用するコンクリートの調合および中性化性状に関する研究[伊藤是清]煉瓦を構造材とする循環型住宅の環境戦略的基礎研究[高巣]朝鮮後期山水画にみる都市景観と景観評価に関する研究[姜]EVALUATION OF METROPOLITAN AREA AND ITS NEIGHBORHOODIN TERMS OF TRANSIT-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT : トランジット・オリエンテッドの観点に基づく都市圏および住宅地の評価に関する研究[Bitar]近代工業都市成立に伴う市街地形成の実証的研究八幡製鐵の立地と市街地形成を通して[北村]Study on Sir John Vanbrugh in the 18th Century British Architecture : 18世紀イギリスのサー・ジョン・ヴァンブラーに関する研究[金]17世紀イタリアの教会堂ファサードにおける造形手法の展開[小林]空調による室内温湿度・必要外気量・室圧・風量の予測と制御に関する研究[山崎]近代和風への道程 : 對龍山荘の建築と庭[永田]接着接合した枠付き鉄骨系補強骨組に関する研究[毛井