6 research outputs found

    Flavonol Glucosylation: A Structural Investigation of the Flavonol Specific 3-O Glucosyltransferase Cp3GT

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    Flavonoid glycosyltransferases (GTs), enzymes integral to plant ecological responses and human pharmacology, necessitate rigorous structural elucidation to decipher their mechanistic function and substrate specificity, particularly given their role in the biotransformation of diverse pharmacological agents and natural products. This investigation delved into a comprehensive exploration of the flavonol 3-O GT from Citrus paradisi (Cp3GT), scrutinizing the impact of a c-terminal c-myc/6x histidine tag on its enzymatic activity and substrate specificity, and successfully achieving its purification to apparent homogeneity. This established a strong foundation for potential future crystallographic and other structure/function analyses. Through the strategic implementation of site-directed mutagenesis, a thrombin cleavage site was incorporated proximal to the tag, followed by cloning in Pichia pastoris, methanol-induced expression, and cobalt-affinity chromatography for initial purification stages. Notably, the recombinant tags did not exhibit a discernible influence on Cp3GT kinetics, substrate preference, pH optima, or metal interactions, maintaining its specificity towards flavonols at the 3-OH position and favoring glucosylation of quercetin and kaempferol. Subsequent purification steps, including MonoQ anion exchange and size-exclusion chromatography, yielded Cp3GT with ≥95% homogeneity. In silico molecular models of Cp3GT and its truncated variants, Cp3GTΔ80 and Cp3GTΔ10, were constructed using D-I-TASSER and COFACTOR to assess binding interactions with quercetin and kaempferol. Results indicated minimal interference of c-myc/6x-his tags with the native Cp3GT structure. This study not only lays a foundation for impending crystallographic studies, aiming to solidify the understanding of Cp3GT\u27s stringent 3-O flavonol specificity, but also accentuates the potential of microbial expression platforms and plant metabolic engineering in producing beneficial compounds. To this end, a thorough review of four pivotal classes of plant secondary metabolites, flavonoids, alkaloids, betalains, and glucosinolates, was conducted. This will open avenues for further research and applications in biotechnological, medical, and agricultural domains

    The Effect of Recombinant Tags on Citrus Paradisi Flavonol-Specific 3-O Glucosyltransferase Activity

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    Recombinant tags are used extensively in protein expression systems to allow purification through IMAC (Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography), identification through Western blot, and to facilitate crystal formation for structural analysis. While widely used, their role in enzyme characterization has raised concerns with respect to potential impact on activity. In this study, a flavonol-specific 3-O glucosyltransferase (Cp3GT) from grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) was expressed in Pichia pastoris, and was assayed in its untagged form and with a C-terminal c-myc/6x His tag under various conditions to determine the effect of tags. Prior characterization of pH optima for Cp3GT obtained through expression in Escherichia coli, containing an N-terminal thioredoxin/6x His tag, indicated an optimal pH of 7–7.5, which is indicative of a normal physiological pH and agrees with other glucosyltransferase (GT) pH optima. However, characterization of Cp3GT expressed using P. pastoris with a C-terminal c-myc-6x His tag showed a higher optimal pH of 8.5–9. This suggests a possible tag effect or an effect related to physiological differences between the cell expression systems. Results testing recombinant Cp3GT expressed in Pichia with and without C-terminal tags showed a possible tag effect with regard to substrate preference and interactions with metals, but no apparent effect on enzymatic kinetics or pH optima

    Metabolic Engineering and Synthetic Biology of Plant Natural Products – a Minireview

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    Plant natural products include a diverse array of compounds that play important roles in plant metabolism and physiology. After elucidation of biosynthetic pathways and regulatory factors, it has become possible to metabolically engineer new capabilities in planta as well as successfully engineer whole pathways into microbial systems. Microbial expression systems for producing valuable plant compounds have evolved to incorporate polyculture and co-culture consortiums for carrying out robust biosynthesis strategies. This review focuses on four classes of plant secondary metabolites and the recent advances in generating useful compounds in microbial expression platforms and in plant metabolic engineering. They are the flavonoids, alkaloids, betalains, and glucosinolates

    Crystallization of a Unique Flavonol 3-O Glucosyltransferase found in Grapefruit

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    Flavonoids are a specialized group of compounds produced by plants that give them greater adaptability to their environment and ultimately enhance their ability to survive. In plants, one function of flavonoids is to attract pollinators by their various flavor and scent profiles. They also protect the photosynthetic machinery from photo-oxidation. In humans, flavonoids have been shown to act as antioxidants, exhibit antimicrobial activity, and have shown potential as cancer treatments. In nature, flavonoids are most often found coupled with a sugar group (glucose, rhamnose, and others) which imparts stability and increases bioactivity. The process of adding a sugar (glycosylation) is catalyzed by a class of enzymes called glycosyltransferases (GT). One such enzyme found in grapefruit only glucosylates the flavonol class of flavonoids at the 3-OH position and is of interest due to its unique substrate and regio-specificity. Called Cp3GT (Citrus paradisi flavonol 3-O glucosyltransferase), this enzyme is similar in structure to other plant GT’s yet differs in the flavonoids it can glucosylate and where the glucose can be added. To date, the literature has not reported a structural mechanism for a flavonol specific 3-O glucosyltransferase’s unique catalytic activity. High-resolution structural imagery of enzymes, elucidated using X-ray crystallography, can be used to direct custom enzyme development to produce bioavailable natural products. Furthermore, structural research on enzymes with high specificity strengthens enzyme-ligand docking simulations, which are commonly used to test the binding affinity of potential pharmaceuticals. This research hypothesizes Cp3GT has structural features that confer its unique substrate and regiospecificity that are not revealed by homology modeling. This hypothesis will be tested using x-ray crystallography of purified Cp3GT protein bound to its preferred flavonol substrates. The gene for Cp3GT was transformed into Pichia pastoris and was recombinantly expressed using methanol induction. Cp3GT was purified to 80% purity using cobalt metal affinity chromatography. Cp3GT was subjected to additional purification measures using anion exchange chromatography with the goal of increasing purity to ≥95% for crystallization experiments. Purity analysis was conducted using SDS-PAGE (Coomassie/silver stain, western blot) and UV-Vis spectrophotometry. While initial results are promising, additional purification steps may be needed to achieve the purity necessary for crystallization

    Expression and Purification of Cp3GT: Structural Analysis and Modeling of a Key Plant Flavonol-3-O Glucosyltransferase from <i>Citrus paradisi</i>

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    Glycosyltransferases (GTs) are pivotal enzymes in the biosynthesis of various biological molecules. This study focuses on the scale-up, expression, and purification of a plant flavonol-specific 3-O glucosyltransferase (Cp3GT), a key enzyme from Citrus paradisi, for structural analysis and modeling. The challenges associated with recombinant protein production in Pichia pastoris, such as proteolytic degradation, were addressed through the optimization of culture conditions and purification processes. The purification strategy employed affinity, anion exchange, and size exclusion chromatography, leading to greater than 95% homogeneity for Cp3GT. In silico modeling, using D-I-TASSER and COFACTOR integrated with the AlphaFold2 pipeline, provided insights into the structural dynamics of Cp3GT and its ligand binding sites, offering predictions for enzyme–substrate interactions. These models were compared to experimentally derived structures, enhancing understanding of the enzyme’s functional mechanisms. The findings present a comprehensive approach to produce a highly purified Cp3GT which is suitable for crystallographic studies and to shed light on the structural basis of flavonol specificity in plant GTs. The significant implications of these results for synthetic biology and enzyme engineering in pharmaceutical applications are also considered