7 research outputs found

    A Preliminary Trypanocidal Study of Natural and Synthetic Supplementation of Zinc and Magnesium in Combination with Diminazene Aceturate in Wistar Rats

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    Eighty healthy Wistar albino rats were used to investigate the trypanocidal effect of natural and synthetic supplements of zinc and magnesium in combination with diminazene aceturate in Trypanosoma congolense-inoculated rats. The rats were randomly divided into eight groups in study ‘1’ (involving the natural supplements of zinc and magnesium) and eight groups in study ‘2’ (the synthetic supplements ZnCl2 and MgCl2), each group of both studies having five rats. Hence, studies 1 and 2 had groupsA - H each. Parasitaemia of trypanosome parasite was assessed using ‘wet mount method’ after inoculation of all test groups except group ‘G’ of both studies (the normal, not infected, not treated control). Group ‘E’ of both studies in which combinations of natural source of zinc ion (maize bran) and magnesium ion (wheat bran) were combined with subtherapeutic dose of diminazene aceturate at 1.75 mg/kg cleared the trypanosome parasites with no relapse. The salts supplements of ZnCl2 and MgCl2 with the same subtherapeutic dose of diminazene aceturate also elicited an effect similar to the group ‘E’ in natural supplementation study. There was thus, no significant difference (p>0.05) between the PCV and RBC of normal group ‘G’ and the natural and synthetic supplemented groups with the trypanocide. The groups B, C, and D of both studies however, onlyprolonged the live of the animals (though with relapse occurring) there was still the death of the animals before the end of the experiment. The improvement of PCV and RBC values of treated groups ‘E’ in the two studies towards the normal gave credence to the fact that the supplements of Zn2+ and Mg2+ with the subtherapeutic dose of 1.75 mg/kg had a better trypanocidal and rejuvenating tendency and could be used for treatment

    Effects of Lippia multiflora leaf extract on the semen of Wistar rat

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    To investigate the effect of Lippia multiflora (Verbanaceae) on the reproductive activity of male Wistar rats, three groups (A,B and C) of rats were treated with 400, 800 and 1600 mg/kg/day of Lippia multiflora leaves extract respectively for 28 days while 5ml/kg of distilled water was given to the control group D. At the end of the experimental period, animals were sacrificed and sperm characteristics, histology of the testes and epididymis were assessed. Lippia multiflora leaf extract caused a significant reduction (P<0.05) in sperm motility, a statistically significant dose dependent reduction in the sperm count and a significant (P<0.05) dose dependent increase in morphological abnormalities of the spermatozoa of the treated rats. Histopathological evaluation of the testis and epididymis revealed varying degrees of degeneration and necrosis of the germinal epithelia cell of the seminiferous tubules, spermiostasis and complete epididymal aspermia. Lippia multiflora leaf extract has significant anti-spermatogenic effects on adult male Wistar rats which could impair reproductive activities in these rats.Keywords: extract, Lippia multiflora, rats, sperm

    A survey of ethnoveterinary botanical remedies in Ogun State and their public health implications

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    Twenty four villages were visited during a cross sectional survey of ethno veterinary botanical remedies used for the management of animal diseases in four local government areas randomly selected cutting across the four geopolitical zones in Ogun State. A total of 323 households were purposively selected and administered with a semi structured questionnaire. A total of 319 questionnaires out of 323 were used for the analysis in the study.The farmers were assisted by the enumerators to fill the questionnaires in their homes: information on household demography, common animal diseases in the area, botanical remedies used for treatment, part of plant used, and source of prescription, methods of preparation and administration of these remedies were gathered.Most of the respondents were farmers, majority keeping goats. Out of the 319 respondents 110 (34.4%) admitted using plants in treatment of livestock diseases. Thirty two plant species were identified in the study area for treating livestock ailments. Leaves were the plant part mostly used. Adenopus breviflorus(Pseudocolocynth) is the most commonly used plant for treatment of many animal diseases in both ruminants and poultry. Most common livestock diseases condition is mange followed by Peste des petits ruminants; however in poultry the most important diseases are Newcastle disease and diarrhoea. Losses to livestock owners were mostly due to infection.There is need for government and non-government intervention in curbing the menace of diseases in livestock production. Reasons for utilization of botanical remedies were identified and public health implications of usage of these herbs were discussed. In conclusion,there is an urgent need for more of this documentationcum scientific and clinical validation of the claims;if not ethno-veterinary botanical knowledge faces the risk of going into extinction due to increasing modern veterinary medical intervention.Keywords: Ethnoveterinary, Botanical remedies, Public Health

    The effect of aqueous Aloe vera gel extract on serum mineral compositions of Red Sokoto Bucks (Maradi)

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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of Aloe vera gel extract on the serum mineral compositions of Red Sokoto bucks. Blood samples were collected from 30 bucks before the commencement of administration of Aloe vera gel extract for serum minerals and these served as control group. The bucks were now divided into three groups A, B and C containing ten goats per group. The Aloe vera extract was administered orally at 1.0 ml/kg body weight daily at 3.0%, 4.0% and 5.0% to the group A, B, and C respectively for 14 days period. Five milliliters (5ml) of blood samples were collected from the jugulars vein of Red Sokoto bucks in the respective animals in the groups at 7 and 14 days, deposited into anticoagulant free plastic tubes and allowed to clot at room temperature within 3 hours of collection. Sera samples were analysed for potassium, sodium, calcium, Chloride, total protein, and albumin. Data were analysed using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA).The results showed that there were significant (P<0.05) differences in the values of potassium, calcium, chloride, total protein and albumin in the pretreated control group and posttreatment groups while there were no significant difference in sodium level (P>0.05) in the bucks that were administered with Aloe vera gel extract and control group. This indicated that oral Aloe vera gel administration in Red Sokoto bucks relatively caused some changes in mineral composition which may affect some physiological functions of visceral organs in these animals.Keywords: Aloe vera, serum minerals, Res Sokot

    The prevalence and clinico-haematological changes of protozoan diseases in food animals in Alabata, Abeokuta

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    One hundred and fifty eight samples were collected from various species of food animals, namely bovine, ovine, porcine and caprine to investigate the prevalence of various natural haemoparasitic protozoan infections namely trypanosomosis, anaplasmosis, babesiosis and theileriosis. Most importantly, the bovine and ovine showed high susceptibility to haemoparasiticprotozoan infection with 13.6% and 15.18% respectively. The ovine also showed 16% prevalence with mixed infection of two or more of anaplasmosis, babesiosis and theileriosis respectively. Porcine is the least predisposed to haemoparasitic infections. The clinico-haematological picture shows that anaemia is common to all species, there was eosinophilia and lymphocytosis in sheep and goats with varying extent of neutrophilia in bovine and ovine, while the porcine manifested neutropaenia, but there was lymphocytosis. The haematological parameters of naturally infected animals improved after treatment in virtually all species

    Observations on some renal function indices in dogs under ketamine-xylazine anaesthesia

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    This study was done to evaluate the effect of an increased dose of ketamine on some renal function indices of Ketamine−Xylazine anaesthetised dogs. Five adult female mongrel dogs assigned to two different treatment groups in a randomized cross over design were used for this study. Each of the dogs received either 10mg/kg or 20mg/kg ketamine at a week interval. The mean glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of creatinine, absolute and fractional excretion of sodium (UNaV, FENa), urine flow rate (UFR), and plasma sodium clearance were all found to be insignificantly increased in dogs that received the higher dose regime of ketamine. All the dogs in the two treatment groups exhibited levels of glycosuria and hyposthenuria. When plasma sodium concentration of dogs treated with 10mg/kg was correlated with UNaV it was found to be significant and strong (P < 0.05; r =0.86). It was however strong but insignificant with sodium clearance (P>0.05; r = 0.82) and creatinine clearance (P> 0.05; r = 0.39). At 20mg/kg, the UNaV, sodium clearance and glomerular filtration rate all correlated weakly and insignificantly with plasma sodium concentration. The enhanced diuresis and natriuresis observed in the two treatment groups could be attributed to the effect of xylazine on either the alpha-2 adrenoceptor of the brain or those on the tubules of the kidney. These effects of xylazine could not be reversed by attempting to competitively antagonize it with a 100% increase in ketamine dose.Keywords: Diuresis, GFR fractional excretion, Ketamine, Natriuresis, xylazin

    Effects of xylazine on physiological and biochemical parameters of Sahel bucks exposed to twenty-eight hours road transportation

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    Thirty two apparently healthy animals were used in the study with four bucks per group. There were eight groups in all and two stocking densities. The experimental treatment groups were xylazine at 0.01 mg/kg intramuscularly administered (IM), xylazine at 0.015 mg/kg (IM), xylazine at 0.020 mg/kg (IM) and a control none treated group. Each of the treatments had low and high stocking rates respectively. Thus, 16 animals each were experimented upon for the high and low stocking rates. Xylazine was administered prior and midway into the experimental journey.  Physiological parameters taken were: respiratory and heart rates, rectal  temperature and excitability score. Biochemical parameters analyzed were: alanine aminotransferase (ALT) aspartate amino transferase (AST), glucose, cholesterol, and protein. The electrolytes analyzed were Ca+, Mg++, Na+ K+ and Cl- . Antioxidative stress markers assayed were glutathione transferase, superoxide dismutase, malonyldialdehyde. Full blood count and thyroid hormones  [triiodothyronine (T3) and tetraidothyronine (T4)] were also determined using ELISA. The results show there was no significant (P>0.05) changes at all doses except for cholesterol where the dose of (0.015mg/kg) of xylazine produced a significantly (P<0.05) higher value when compared to the control, and the other treated groups. The serum Na+ and Cl- were significantly higher in the group treated with 0.01 mg/kg of xylazine (155.51±15.11 and 121.32±36.90 mg/dl) compared to the control. Xylazine at 0.015 mg/kg and 0.02 mg/kg dose caused a reduction in the Cl- levels. Xylazine treatment might have improved adaptability in long term transportation.Keywords: Antistress markers, Biochemistry, Bucks, Physiology, Transportatio