80 research outputs found

    Perspectives in Cell Cycle Regulation: Lessons from an Anoxic Vertebrate

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    The ability of an animal, normally dependent on aerobic respiration, to suspend breathing and enter an anoxic state for long term survival is clearly a fascinating feat, and has been the focus of numerous biochemical studies. When anoxia tolerant turtles are faced with periods of oxygen deprivation, numerous physiological and biochemical alterations take place in order to facilitate vital reductions in ATP consumption. Such strategies include reversible post-translational modifications as well as the implementation of translation and transcription controls facilitating metabolic depression. Although it is clear that anoxic survival relies on the suppression of ATP consuming processes, the state of the cell cycle in anoxia tolerant vertebrates remain elusive. Several anoxia tolerant invertebrate and embryonic vertebrate models display cell cycle arrest when presented with anoxic stress. Despite this, the cell cycle has not yet been characterized for anoxia tolerant turtles. Understanding how vertebrates respond to anoxia can have important clinical implications. Uncontrollable cellular proliferation and hypoxic tumor progression are inescapably linked in vertebrate tissues. Consequentially, the molecular mechanisms controlling these processes have profound clinical consequences. This review article will discuss the theory of cell cycle arrest in anoxic vertebrates and more specifically, the control of the retinoblastoma pathway, the molecular markers of cell cycle arrest, the activation of checkpoint kinases, and the possibility of translational controls implemented by microRNAs

    SnapShot: Lysine Methylation beyond Histones

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    Lysine methylation is a prevalent post-translational modification (PTM) used by the cell to reversibly regulate protein function. Although it has been extensively studied in the context of histones and the associated chromatin, the remaining methyllysine proteome remains largely unexplored. This SnapShot provides an overview of the current state of lysine methylation research and its emergence as a dynamic PTM occurring on histone and non-histone proteins. Lysine methylation is a prevalent post-translational modification (PTM) used by the cell to reversibly regulate protein function. Although it has been extensively studied in the context of histones and the associated chromatin, the remaining methyllysine proteome remains largely unexplored. This SnapShot provides an overview of the current state of lysine methylation research and its emergence as a dynamic PTM occurring on histone and non-histone proteins

    Navigating oxygen deprivation: Liver transcriptomic responses of the red eared slider turtle to environmental anoxia

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    The best facultative anaerobes among vertebrates are members of the genera Trachemys (pond slider turtles) and Chrysemys (painted turtles), and are able to survive without oxygen for up to 12 to 18 weeks at ∼3 °C. In this study, we utilized RNAseq to profile the transcriptomic changes that take place in response to 20 hrs of anoxia at 5 °C in the liver of the red eared slide turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans). Sequencing reads were obtained from at least 18,169 different genes and represented a minimum 49x coverage of the C. picta bellii exome. A total of 3,105 genes showed statistically significant changes in gene expression between the two animal groups, of which 971 also exhibited a fold change equal to or greater than 50% of control normoxic values. This study also highlights a number of anoxia-responsive molecular pathways that are may be important to navigating anoxia survival. These pathways were enriched in mRNA found to significantly increase in response to anoxia and included molecular processes such as DNA damage repair and metabolic reprogramming. For example, our results indicate that the anoxic turtle may utilize succinate metabolism to yield a molecule of GTP in addition to the two molecules that results from lactate production, and agrees with other established models of anoxia tolera

    The evaluation of anoxia responsive E2F DNA binding activity in the red eared slider turtle, Trachemys scripta elegans

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    In many cases, the DNA-binding activity of a transcription factor does not change, while its transcriptional activity is greatly influenced by the make-up of bound proteins. In this study, we assessed the protein composition and DNA-binding ability of the E2F transcription factor complex to provide insight into cell cycle control in an anoxia tolerant turtle through the use of a modified ELISA protocol. This modification also permits the use of custom DNA probes that are tailored to a specific DNA binding region, introducing the ability to design capture probes for non-model organisms. Through the use of EMSA and ELISA DNA binding assays, we have successfully determined the in vitro DNA binding activity and complex dynamics of the Rb/E2F cell cycle regulatory mechanisms in an anoxic turtle, Trachemys scripta elegans. Repressive cell cycle proteins (E2F4, Rb, HDAC4 and Suv39H1) were found to significantly increase at E2F DNA-binding sites upon anoxic exposure in anoxic turtle liver. The lack of p130 involvement in the E2F DNA-bound complex indicates that anoxic turtle liver may maintain G1 arrest for the duration of stress survival

    New Approaches to Comparative and Animal Stress Biology Research in the Post-genomic Era: A Contextual Overview

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    Although much is known about the physiological responses of many environmental stresses in tolerant animals, studies evaluating the regulation of stress-induced mechanisms that regulate the transitions to and from this state are beginning to explore new and fascinating areas of molecular research. Current findings have developed a general, but refined, view of the important molecular pathways contributing to stress-survival. However, studies utilizing newly developed technologies that broadly focus on genomic and proteomic screening are beginning to identify many new targets for future study. This minireview will provide a contextual overview on the use of DNA/RNA sequencing, microRNA annotation and prediction software, protein structure and function prediction tools, as well as methods of high-throughput protein expression analysis. We will also use select examples to highlight the existing use of these technologies in stress biology research. Such tools can be used in comparative stress biology in the characterization of animal responses to environmental challenges. Although there are many areas of study left to be explored, research in comparative stress biology will always be continuing as new technologies allow the further analysis of cell function, and new paradigms in gene regulation and regulatory molecules (such as microRNAs) are continuing to be discovered. Building upon the findings of past research, while utilizing new technologies in the appropriate manner, future studies can be carried out in new and exciting areas still unexplored. Proper use of rapidly developing technologies will help to create a complete understanding of the animal stress response and survival mechanisms utilized by many diverse organisms

    Expression and Characterization of the Novel Gene fr47

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    The wood frog, Rana sylvatica, has numerous adaptations that allow it to survive freezing of up to 65% of its total body water during the winter. Such adaptations have been found to include the expression of novel freeze responsive genes that are thought to be important for adaptation and survival. In this study, the tissue-specific stress responsive expression of one novel gene, fr47, was assessed in seven wood frog tissues. In response to freezing, the transcript expression of fr47 increased significantly in six tissues: heart, lung, liver, skeletal muscle, kidney, and testes. The expression of fr47 was also strongly upregulated by component stresses of freezing, namely, anoxia and dehydration. A dynamic change in fr47 expression was also observed during tadpole development, with expression low in embryonic stages (Gosner stages 14–20), increasing through intermediate (stages 26–43) and transformation phases (stages 44-45). These results indicated that fr47 potentially has a role to play in development and metamorphosis, in addition to freeze, anoxia, and dehydration tolerance. De novo analysis of FR47 protein structure revealed a likelihood of membrane associated function and possible GRB2 association. It is hypothesized that this interaction may influence inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate production, known to increase during wood frog freezing

    Expression and Characterization of the Novel Gene fr47 during Freezing in the Wood Frog, Rana sylvatica

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    The wood frog, Rana sylvatica, has numerous adaptations that allow it to survive freezing of up to 65% of its total body water during the winter. Such adaptations have been found to include the expression of novel freeze responsive genes that are thought to be important for adaptation and survival. In this study, the tissue-specific stress responsive expression of one novel gene, fr47, was assessed in seven wood frog tissues. In response to freezing, the transcript expression of fr47 increased significantly in six tissues: heart, lung, liver, skeletal muscle, kidney, and testes. The expression of fr47 was also strongly upregulated by component stresses of freezing, namely, anoxia and dehydration. A dynamic change in fr47 expression was also observed during tadpole development, with expression low in embryonic stages (Gosner stages 14-20), increasing through intermediate (stages 26-43) and transformation phases (stages 44-45). These results indicated that fr47 potentially has a role to play in development and metamorphosis, in addition to freeze, anoxia, and dehydration tolerance. De novo analysis of FR47 protein structure revealed a likelihood of membrane associated function and possible GRB2 association. It is hypothesized that this interaction may influence inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate production, known to increase during wood frog freezing

    Protein quantification and visualization via ultraviolet-dependent labeling with 2,2,2-trichloroethanol

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    The incorporation of 2,2,2-trichloroethanol in polyacrylamide gels allows for fluorescent visualization of proteins following electrophoresis. Ultraviolet-light exposure, in the presence of this trichlorinated compound, results in a covalent modification of the tryptophan indole ring that shifts the fluorescent emission into the visible range. Based on this principle, we used 2,2,2-trichloroethanol to develop a microplate format protein quantification assay based on the fluorescent signal generated by modified proteins. We also demonstrated a specific fluorescent emission of 2,2,2-trichloroethanol-labeled protein at 450 nm, with a 310 nm excitation, resulting from modification of both tryptophan and tyrosine residues. Following optimization, this protein quantification assay displayed superior sensitivity when compared to UV absorbance at 280 nm (A280), and enabled quantification beyond the linear range permitted by the Bradford method. This 100 μL assay displayed a sensitivity of 10.5 μg in a range up to at least 200 μg. Furthermore, we extended the utility of this method through the development of a 20 μL low-volume assay, with a sensitivity of 8.7 μg tested up to 100 μg, which enabled visualization of proteins following SDS-PAGE. Collectively, these results demonstrate the utility of 2,2,2-trichloroethanol-based protein quantification and demonstrates the protein visualization in polyacrylamide gels based on 2,2,2-trichloroethanol-labeling pre-electrophoresis

    Modulation of Gene Expression in Key Survival Pathways During Daily Torpor in the Gray Mouse Lemur, Microcebus murinus

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    AbstractA variety of mammals employ torpor as an energy-saving strategy in environments of marginal or severe stress either on a daily basis during their inactive period or on a seasonal basis during prolonged multi-day hibernation. Recently, a few Madagascar lemur species have been identified as the only primates that exhibit torpor; one of these is the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus). To explore the regulatory mechanisms that underlie daily torpor in a primate, we analyzed the expression of 28 selected genes that represent crucial survival pathways known to be involved in squirrel and bat hibernation. Array-based real-time PCR was used to compare gene expression in control (aroused) versus torpid lemurs in five tissues including the liver, kidney, skeletal muscle, heart, and brown adipose tissue. Significant differences in gene expression during torpor were revealed among genes involved in glycolysis, fatty acid metabolism, antioxidant defense, apoptosis, hypoxia signaling, and protein protection. The results showed upregulation of select genes primarily in liver and brown adipose tissue. For instance, both tissues showed elevated gene expression of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma (ppargc), ferritin (fth1), and protein chaperones during torpor. Overall, the data show that the expression of only a few genes changed during lemur daily torpor, as compared with the broader expression changes reported for hibernation in ground squirrels. These results provide an indication that the alterations in gene expression required for torpor in lemurs are not as extensive as those needed for winter hibernation in squirrel models. However, identification of crucial genes with altered expression that support lemur torpor provides key targets to be explored and manipulated toward a goal of translational applications of inducible torpor as a treatment option in human biomedicine

    A framework for improving microRNA prediction in non-human genomes

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    The prediction of novel pre-microRNA (miRNA) from genomic sequence has received considerable attention recently. However, the majority of studies have focused on the human genome. Previous studies have demonstrated that sensitivity (correctly detecting true miRNA) is sustained when human-trained methods are applied to other species, however they have failed to report the dramatic drop in specificity (the ability to correctly reject non-miRNA sequences) in
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