43 research outputs found

    Influence of hydrochemical factors on morphometric variability of Scardinius erythrophthalmus in a freshwater river system

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    Studying fish growth is a complex task because growth depends on many factors. The process of fish growth is influenced by ecological factors of the water environment. Each species of fish has growth characteristics and characteristic changes in this process as a result of the action of natural and anthropogenic factors. We investigated the morphometric features of Scardinius erythrophthalmus in the hydroecosystem conditions of the Horyn River. Fish were caught by amateur fishing methods during 2018–2021 in the section of the hydrographic system of the Horyn River within the Rivne Plateau, which is the northern part of the Volhynian Upland , namely the Horyn River and its tributaries – the Zamchysko River, the Ustia River, and the Stubelka River. The catches included fish aged from 0+ (one-year-olds) to 5+ (five-year-olds). Growth variability was studied for fish aged 1+ to 4+ because their numbers were sufficient for statistical evaluation. We noticed clear features of the morphometric variability of the fish. According to the coefficient of variation for the general populations of S. erythrophthalmus from different rivers, there was mostly significant variability of such growth characteristics as the largest and smallest fish body height, total length, Smith length and short body length of fish. We also noticed the similarity of the morphometric variability of fish of different ages for the Horyn River and Stubelka River and Zamchisko River and Ustia River. The analysis and evaluation of the surface water quality of these rivers was also similar. Thus, Horyn and Stubla districts had a transitional state from II to III quality class, and the Zamchysko River and Ustya River districts had a transitional state from III to IV quality class. We conducted a multivariate regression and it revealed statistical significance and a close correlation between the coefficients of variation of the growth characteristics of fish with the phosphate content in the water (with an average value of the weighting coefficients of 0.50 ± 0.06), nitrite nitrogen (0.39 ± 0.10) and nitrate nitrogen (0.84 ± 0.34). The calculation of the specific growth of fish by full length revealed that the intensity of growth is the highest between the first and second year of life of fish for small rivers (Zamchysko River, Ustya River, Stubelka River) and between the second and third year for the Horyn River. The results presented in the article are valuable and describe the local variation in the morphometric variability of S. erythrophthalmus. This expanded the understanding of the influence of ecological factors of the aquatic environment on the formation of growth characteristics of this species of fish. In the future, our research will continue and study the linear growth of natural fish populations against the background of changes in the ecological and hydrological conditions of the studied regio


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    Animals of soil participate in most key ecosystem processes and functions. At the same time, anthropogenic interference in the ecosystem leads to a decrease or increase in the number of species or frequency of their meeting, which further leads to the restructuring of the biocenosis structure.The purpose of our research was to determine biomass and quantity of soil mesofauna of sub-regions of the south-eastern part of Volyn Polissya on sections of the forest with different levels of anthropogenic loading. Soil-zoological studies carried out by the method of manual dissolving of soil samples and further determination of the size of biomass and the average number of soil mesofauna. The soil temperature was determined at the site of the research. Soil moisture was determined after delivery of selected samples in the laboratory. All the definitions were performed in three-fold repetition and were subject to statistical processing. The works were carried out on plots of wood, which have one type of soil, cut wood, mainly pine breeds and leaf-wood of natural origin: Site №1 is located near the highway, where the area for picnics is equipped; site №2 is within the limits of the forest, which is not affected by anthropogenic loading; site №3 is the forest area in the first months after the medium intensity fire; site №4 is after the solid felling of forest. Research period – June 2021.In addition, we have noticed that the values of biomass and the number of soils mesofauna, although they differ on sections of the forest with different types of anthropogenic loading, but have no direct relation to the presence or absence of factors of anthropogenic press. In particular, the highest values of biomass of soil animals were characteristic for recreational area (3,78±0,41 g/m2) and area within the forest (2,25±0,71 g/m2), without anthropogenic loading. The analysis of the influence of temperature and moisture of soil on distribution of invertebrates testifies to absence of direct dependence between separately taken factors of hydrothermal regime. However, the joint action of these factors has an obvious influence both on the size of biomass (r=0,81; p=0,009) and on the number of animals (r=0,91; p=0,0004).Тварини ґрунту беруть участь у більшості ключових екосистемних процесів і функцій. При цьому антропогенне втручання в екосистему призводить до зменшення або збільшення чисельності виду або частоти їх зустрічі, що надалі призводить до перебудови структури біоценозів.Метою нашого дослідження було визначення біомаси та кількості ґрунтової мезофауни суборів південно-східної частини Волинського Полісся на ділянках лісу з різним рівнем антропогенного навантаження. Ґрунтово-зоологічні дослідження  проводились методом ручного перебирання зразків ґрунту і подальшого визначення розмірів біомаси і середньої кількості ґрунтової мезофауни. Температура ґрунту була визначена на місці проведення досліджень. Вологість ґрунту визначалася після доставки відібраних зразків у лабораторію. Всі визначення були виконані в трикратному повторенні і підлягали статистичній обробці. Роботи проводилися на ділянках лісу, що мають один тип ґрунту, розріджений деревостан, переважно соснових порід і листяної деревини природного походження: ділянка № 1 розташована біля траси, де обладнано ділянку для пікніків; ділянка № 2 знаходиться в межах лісу, що не потерпає від антропогенного навантаження; ділянка № 3 –  ділянка лісу в перші місяці після пожежі середньої інтенсивної; ділянка № 4 – після суцільної вирубки лісу. Період досліджень – червень 2021 року.Крім того, ми помітили, що значення біомаси і чисельності ґрунтової мезофауни, хоча і відрізнялись на ділянках лісу різними видами антропогенного навантаження, але не мали прямого відношення до наявності або відсутності факторів антропогенного пресу. Зокрема, найвищі значення біомаси ґрунтових тварин були характерні для рекреаційної зони (3,78±0,41 г/м2) і площі в межах лісу без антропогенного навантаження (2,25±0,71 г/м2). Аналіз впливу температури і вологості ґрунту на розподіл безхребетних свідчить про відсутність прямої залежності між окремо взятими чинниками гідротермального режиму. Однак спільна дія цих факторів має очевидний вплив як на розмір біомаси (r=0,81; p=0,009), так і на кількість тварин (r=0,91; p=0,0004)


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    The problem of Ukraine Western Polissya soddy-podzolic soils degradation by the illegal hydraulic method of amber mining is described in the article. Soil degradation is characterized by the formation of natural and man-made layer of soil-rock mixtures with signs of degradation on large areas. Soil degradation of disturbed lands relative to the standard Podzolic soil is estimated by a decreasing of humus content – up to 12.9… 82.9%, a decreasing of mobile phosphorus content – up to 80.9%, an increasing of potential acidity of the soil solution up to 23.3%, an increasing of mobile aluminum content – up to 44.75 mg / kg (+ 17.8% to the standard). Soils are assessed as a limited suitability for agricultural recultivation. For the forest recultivation, the researching soils need to phytotoxicity reducing. The soil’s phytotoxicity is caused by mobile aluminum content increasing and humus content decreasing. The degree of phytotoxicity of soil’s aqueous extracts are assessed as "toxic" (Іft=0,56).Among the researched plants, Pinus sylvestrys was the most vulnerable to the toxic effects of soil extracts, followed by Lupinus angustifolius. Therefore, to reduce the phytotoxic effect of the studied soils during the period of biological reclamation, greening is recommended. Pinus sylvestrys and Lupinus angustifolius were the most vulnerable to the toxic effects of degraded soil’s extracts. Therefore, sideration is recommended to reduce the phytotoxic effects of the researched soils during biological recultivation period. Fagopyrum esculentum, Vicia sativa and Sinapis alba were the most resistant to the toxic effects of degraded soil’s aqueous extracts in the seed germination phase. Fagopyrum esculentum, Vicia sativa and Sinapis alba can be considered the most suitable for biological recultivation of disturbed lands soils as siderite manures for humus content restoring the and soil’s biological activity increasing. Siderat’s sowing is recommended in early spring as a mixture. The siderat’s mixture will provide rapid closing of plant leaves, and different structure of root systems will provide the maximum effect of soil structuring.У статті висвітлено проблему деградації дерново-підзолистих ґрунтів під впливом гідравлічного способу незаконного видобування бурштину на території Західного Полісся України. Деградація ґрунтового покриву характеризується формуванням на значних площах природно-техногенного шару ґрунтово-породних сумішей з ознаками деградації. Деградація ґрунтів порушених земель відносно фонового (еталонного) ґрунту оцінюється зменшенням вмісту гумусу – на 12,9…82,9%, зменшенням вмісту рухомого фосфору – до 80,9%, підвищенням потенціальної кислотності ґрунтового розчину до 23,3%, збільшенням вмісту рухомого алюмінію – до 44,75 мг/кг (+17,8% до еталону). Ґрунти оцінюються як обмежено придатні до сільськогосподарської рекультивації. З метою лісогосподарської рекультивації досліджувані ґрунти потребують зменшення фітотоксичності, зумовленої підвищенням вмісту рухомого алюмінію на фоні зменшення вмісту гумусу. Ступінь фітотоксичності водних витяжок досліджуваних ґрунтів оцінюється як «токсичний» (Іфт=0,56). Серед досліджуваних рослин найбільш вразливою до токсичного впливу ґрунтових витяжок була Pinus sylvestrys, на другому місці – Lupinus angustifolius. Тому для зменшення фітотоксичного впливу досліджуваних ґрунтів у період біологічної рекультивації рекомендується сидерація. Найбільш стійкими до токсичного впливу водних витяжок у фазу проростання виявились Fagopyrum esculentum, Vicia sativa та Sinapis alba. Саме Fagopyrum esculentum, Vicia sativa та Sinapis alba можна вважати найбільш придатними для біологічної рекультивації ґрунтів порушених земель в якості сидератів з метою поновлення вмісту гумусу та підвищення біологічної активності ґрунту. Висів сидератів рекомендується проводити у суміші рано навесні, суміш дозволить швидко закрити ґрунт листовими поверхнями сидератів, а різна будова кореневих систем забезпечить максимальний ефект оструктурення ґрунту


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    The purpose of our work was to analyze loads of biogenic surface waters of the Horyn River. The objectives of the studies were to monitor nitrate ion and phosphate ion, followed by an assessment of the environmental status of surface waters, and to establish the relationship between nitrate and phosphate. We determined the direction of eutrophication and deficiency of one of the elements in the river’s aquatic ecosystem. Data from the 2005–2021 monitoring program of the State Water Resources Agency of Ukraine were used in the studies. Thus, according to our studies, there has been a general downward trend in the concentrations of nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates, with variations from year to year. The average nitrate ion content was higher than the source of the river (checkpoint 1) than the area near the mouth (checkpoint 2) by more than three times. The average phosphate ion content doubled within the second flank compared to the first. During the observation period, environmental assessment of the quality of the surface waters of the Horyn River in terms of nitrate content revealed fluctuations in the quality of nitrate content from category 2.5 (water condition «very good – good») within the second section to category 7.0 (water condition «very bad») in the first view. In terms of phosphate content from category 2,3 (water state «good») in the first section to category 5,8 (water state «bad») within the second section. The nitrate content of both vents did not exceed the regulatory value. The phosphate content was found to exceed the fishery boundary concentrations and the norms of the European Union Directive, in the first case only up to 2007 and in the second case only up to the 16-year observation period.The calculation of the stoichiometric ratio of nitrates to phosphates revealed an average of 68.26 within the first flank and 40.63 within the second flank. Thus, phosphates are the limiting element at both Нoryn sections of the river, and green algae dominate phytoplankton groups, with a marked increase in eutrophication within checkpoint 2.У статті представлено результати відстеження змін концентрацій у поверхневих водах р. Горинь нітратів і фосфатів за період 2005–2021 років на ділянках поблизу витоку (створ № 1) та поблизу гирла (створ № 2). Відображено коливання їх середніх значень за окремими роками. Оцінено відповідні якісні характеристики стану води та ступені її чистоти за відповідними категоріями. Розраховано стехіометричне співвідношення нітратів і фосфатів, що дозволило вважати фосфор лімітуючим елементом у водній екосистемі. За величиною числа Редфільда з’ясовано, що евтрофікаційні процеси річки мають більш інтенсивний прояв у межах створу № 2. Ключові слова: поверхневі води; нітрати; фосфати; лімітуючий елемент

    Health assessment of hydro-ecosystems based on homeostasis indicators of fish: Review of approaches

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    This paper reviews scientific literature concerning the possibility of using aspects of physiological responses of fish to environmental stressors and their indicators to assess vulnerability (‘health’) of hydro-ecosystems of various types. Based on the available information, the authors have found that most of these methods are quite complex, they require a researcher to have specialized skills, involve considerable time and costs, and therefore are not widely used in research on natural water bodies. These factors allowed the author to determine the aim of the paper: the analysis of the most representative and relatively simple methods of health assessment of hydro-ecosystems by using fish as biological indicators. Some of the known concepts are then discussed, demonstrating the possibility of describing and monitoring changes in hydro-ecosystems according to morphometric parameters and fish growth variability. The paper indicates that such approaches can be justified and illustrative only when the ecosystem is assessed in clearly defined local terms. The review of literature on the influence of different biotic and abiotic factors and their mutagenic action on fish suggests that the micronucleus (MN) test in fish erythrocytes is one of the most important and relatively simple assessment methods. Our research emphasizes that there is a need to pay attention in the assessment process both to the measurement units used in the presentation of research results and to their interpretation regarding the level of spontaneous mutations among fish, which differs according to various sources. The research suggests that such complications can be avoided by clarifying the levels of ontogenetic ‘noise’ for hydro-ecosystems of specific geographic zones. Taking into consideration the existing generalization of scientific facts about significant destabilization in the development of organisms when water is polluted even at low levels, the paper focuses on the opportunity to assess health of hydro-ecosystems using the fluctuating asymmetry index (FA). This study indicates that such assessments have the benefit of close correlation between the parameters of fish development stability and levels of water pollution. However there is an obvious risk of obtaining serious measurement errors in determining the level of FA. Based on the foregoing, this paper uses the registration of changes in fish homeostasis in order to expand the understanding of both the possibility of assessing the effects of combined ratings of water pollution and the background conditions in which harmful elements and compounds act. The authors substantiate the feasibility of combining several relatively simple and descriptive assessment methods and conclude that there is a need to elaborate criteria for the development of health of hydro-ecosystems within specific geographic zones

    Health assessment of hydro-ecosystems based on homeostasis indicators of fish: Review of approaches

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    Розширено уявлення про можливість оцінок наслідків комбінованих ефектів забруднення водойм і умови, на фоні котрих діють шкідливі елементи та сполуки, шляхом реєстрації змін показників гомеостазу риб. Більшість таких методів достатньо складні, потребують спеціальних навичок дослідника, значних матеріальних і часових затрат, тому не можуть широко застосовуватись у дослідженнях природних водойм. Проведений аналіз реакцій організму риб на мутагенну дію біотичних та абіотичних факторів показує, що до найважливіших та відносно простих методів належить мікроядерне тестування периферійної крові риб. Наголошено на необхідності звертати увагу як на одиниці виміру результатів досліджень, так і на їх інтерпретацію відносно рівнів спонтанних мутацій. Зроблено припущення, що таких ускладнень можна уникнути шляхом з’ясування рівнів онтогенетичного «шуму» для гідроекосистем окремих фізико-географічних регіонів. Узагальнено факти про помітну дестабілізацію розвитку організмів за незначних порушень водного середовища. Акцентовано увагу на можливості оцінки «здоров’я» гідроекосистем за показниками флуктуюючої асиметрії риб. Перевагами подібних оцінок є тісна кореляція параметрів стабільності розвитку риб із рівнями забруднення води, однак існує очевидна загроза отримання високої похибки вимірювань пыд час установлення рівнів флуктуючої асиметрії. Зроблено висновок про доцільність поєднання декількох відносно простих і показових методів і розробки критеріїв «здоров’я» гідроекосистем у межах окремих фізико-географічних зон. Розширено уявлення про можливість оцінок наслідків комбінованих ефектів забруднення водойм і умови, на фоні котрих діють шкідливі елементи та сполуки, шляхом реєстрації змін показників гомеостазу риб. Більшість таких методів достатньо складні, потребують спеціальних навичок дослідника, значних матеріальних і часових затрат, тому не можуть широко застосовуватись у дослідженнях природних водойм. Проведений аналіз реакцій організму риб на мутагенну дію біотичних та абіотичних факторів показує, що до найважливіших та відносно простих методів належить мікроядерне тестування периферійної крові риб. Наголошено на необхідності звертати увагу як на одиниці виміру результатів досліджень, так і на їх інтерпретацію відносно рівнів спонтанних мутацій. Зроблено припущення, що таких ускладнень можна уникнути шляхом з’ясування рівнів онтогенетичного «шуму» для гідроекосистем окремих фізико-географічних регіонів. Узагальнено факти про помітну дестабілізацію розвитку організмів за незначних порушень водного середовища. Акцентовано увагу на можливості оцінки «здоров’я» гідроекосистем за показниками флуктуюючої асиметрії риб. Перевагами подібних оцінок є тісна кореляція параметрів стабільності розвитку риб із рівнями забруднення води, однак існує очевидна загроза отримання високої похибки вимірювань пыд час установлення рівнів флуктуючої асиметрії. Зроблено висновок про доцільність поєднання декількох відносно простих і показових методів і розробки критеріїв «здоров’я» гідроекосистем у межах окремих фізико-географічних зон. This paper reviews scientific literature concerning the possibility of using aspects of physiological responses of fish to environmental stressors and their indicators to assess vulnerability (‘health’) of hydro-ecosystems of various types. Based on the available information, the authors have found that most of these methods are quite complex, they require a researcher to have specialized skills, involve considerable time and costs, and therefore are not widely used in research on natural water bodies. These factors allowed the author to determine the aim of the paper: the analysis of the most representative and relatively simple methods of health assessment of hydro-ecosystems by using fish as biological indicators. Some of the known concepts are then discussed, demonstrating the possibility of describing and monitoring changes in hydro-ecosystems according to morphometric parameters and fish growth variability. The paper indicates that such approaches can be justified and illustrative only when the ecosystem is assessed in clearly defined local terms. The review of literature on the influence of different biotic and abiotic factors and their mutagenic action on fish suggests that the micronucleus (MN) test in fish erythrocytes is one of the most important and relatively simple assessment methods. Our research emphasizes that there is a need to pay attention in the assessment process both to the measurement units used in the presentation of research results and to their interpretation regarding the level of spontaneous mutations among fish, which differs according to various sources. The research suggests that such complications can be avoided by clarifying the levels of ontogenetic ‘noise’ for hydro-ecosystems of specific geographic zones. Taking into consideration the existing generalization of scientific facts about significant destabilization in the development of organisms when water is polluted even at low levels, the paper focuses on the opportunity to assess health of hydro-ecosystems using the fluctuating asymmetry index (FA). This study indicates that such assessments have the benefit of close correlation between the parameters of fish development stability and levels of water pollution. However there is an obvious risk of obtaining serious measurement errors in determining the level of FA. Based on the foregoing, this paper uses the registration of changes in fish homeostasis in order to expand the understanding of both the possibility of assessing the effects of combined ratings of water pollution and the background conditions in which harmful elements and compounds act. The authors substantiate the feasibility of combining several relatively simple and descriptive assessment methods and conclude that there is a need to elaborate criteria for the development of health of hydro-ecosystems within specific geographic zones

    Influence of river water quality on homeostasis characteristics of cypriniform and perciform fish

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    Within an integrated ecosystem approach, it is preferable to evaluate the effects of pollution of surface waters through research on the organisms of fish. The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of a set of water quality indicators on the homeostasis of fish, in order to determine the response of a hydro-ecosystem to the impact of human activity. Fish samples were obtained from control catches in 16 control sites located in the rivers of Rivne Oblast which differ in intensity of anthropogenic load. The researchers observed that increased concentrations of phosphates and suspended substances, heavy metals, iron, fluorides and nitrogen compounds have violated the environmental state of the examined hydro-ecosystems. Parameters of the morphological homeostasis were assessed by the levels of the fluctuating asymmetry of the meristic signs of fish.The scientists recorded significant impairments (within IV points of body stability) in case of roach and bleak in the majority of the control sites. We carried out the analysis of cytogenetic parameters of fish homeostasis using a micronuclear test of blood erythrocytes.The investigation revealed a significant excess of spontaneous mutagenesis (1.1–1.7 times) in such species as roach, bleak and perch, and this is certainly a clear indicator of unfavourable ecological conditions of the water environment in seven areas of hydro-ecosystems. Given the results of the analysis, the authors found that different ecological groups of fish have their own complex and multifactorial processes of morphological and cytogenetic homeostasis formation. Furthermore, the regression dependences set out in the paper indicated the decisive impact of the oxygen regime of the water environment (COD, BOD5, О2), pollutants (Cu2+, Zn2+, Mn2+), and substances of biogenic group (NH4+, NO2–, PO4‑) upon fish homeostasis. differences in scope of homeostasis characteristics of different fish species were complemented by the differences in the composition of the regression equations. In particular, in case of species that had signs of homeostasis violation, the equation consisted of a greater number of members. The dependences for morphological and cytogenetic homeostasis of bleak and roach appeared to multifactorial. This finding suggests that these species are sensitive local indicators of the water environment both at early and late stages of ontogeny . Finally, as an outcome of the research we obtained prognostic forms of the relationship between water quality indicators and fish homeostasis that may form the basis of an environmental assessment method in which fish characteristics are used to assess the health of hydro-ecosystems.Within an integrated ecosystem approach, it is preferable to evaluate the effects of pollution of surface waters through research on the organisms of fish. The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of a set of water quality indicators on the homeostasis of fish, in order to determine the response of a hydro-ecosystem to the impact of human activity. Fish samples were obtained from control catches in 16 control sites located in the rivers of Rivne Oblast which differ in intensity of anthropogenic load. The researchers observed that increased concentrations of phosphates and suspended substances, heavy metals, iron, fluorides and nitrogen compounds have violated the environmental state of the examined hydro-ecosystems. Parameters of the morphological homeostasis were assessed by the levels of the fluctuating asymmetry of the meristic signs of fish.The scientists recorded significant impairments (within IV points of body stability) in case of roach and bleak in the majority of the control sites. We carried out the analysis of cytogenetic parameters of fish homeostasis using a micronuclear test of blood erythrocytes.The investigation revealed a significant excess of spontaneous mutagenesis (1.1–1.7 times) in such species as roach, bleak and perch, and this is certainly a clear indicator of unfavourable ecological conditions of the water environment in seven areas of hydro-ecosystems. Given the results of the analysis, the authors found that different ecological groups of fish have their own complex and multifactorial processes of morphological and cytogenetic homeostasis formation. Furthermore, the regression dependences set out in the paper indicated the decisive impact of the oxygen regime of the water environment (COD, BOD5, О2), pollutants (Cu2+, Zn2+, Mn2+), and substances of biogenic group (NH4+, NO2–, PO4‑) upon fish homeostasis. differences in scope of homeostasis characteristics of different fish species were complemented by the differences in the composition of the regression equations. In particular, in case of species that had signs of homeostasis violation, the equation consisted of a greater number of members. The dependences for morphological and cytogenetic homeostasis of bleak and roach appeared to multifactorial. This finding suggests that these species are sensitive local indicators of the water environment both at early and late stages of ontogeny . Finally, as an outcome of the research we obtained prognostic forms of the relationship between water quality indicators and fish homeostasis that may form the basis of an environmental assessment method in which fish characteristics are used to assess the health of hydro-ecosystems.Within an integrated ecosystem approach, it is preferable to evaluate the effects of pollution of surface waters through research on the organisms of fish. The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of a set of water quality indicators on the homeostasis of fish, in order to determine the response of a hydro-ecosystem to the impact of human activity. Fish samples were obtained from control catches in 16 control sites located in the rivers of Rivne Oblast which differ in intensity of anthropogenic load. The researchers observed that increased concentrations of phosphates and suspended substances, heavy metals, iron, fluorides and nitrogen compounds have violated the environmental state of the examined hydro-ecosystems. Parameters of the morphological homeostasis were assessed by the levels of the fluctuating asymmetry of the meristic signs of fish.The scientists recorded significant impairments (within IV points of body stability) in case of roach and bleak in the majority of the control sites. We carried out the analysis of cytogenetic parameters of fish homeostasis using a micronuclear test of blood erythrocytes.The investigation revealed a significant excess of spontaneous mutagenesis (1.1–1.7 times) in such species as roach, bleak and perch, and this is certainly a clear indicator of unfavourable ecological conditions of the water environment in seven areas of hydro-ecosystems. Given the results of the analysis, the authors found that different ecological groups of fish have their own complex and multifactorial processes of morphological and cytogenetic homeostasis formation. Furthermore, the regression dependences set out in the paper indicated the decisive impact of the oxygen regime of the water environment (COD, BOD5, О2), pollutants (Cu2+, Zn2+, Mn2+), and substances of biogenic group (NH4+, NO2–, PO4‑) upon fish homeostasis. differences in scope of homeostasis characteristics of different fish species were complemented by the differences in the composition of the regression equations. In particular, in case of species that had signs of homeostasis violation, the equation consisted of a greater number of members. The dependences for morphological and cytogenetic homeostasis of bleak and roach appeared to multifactorial. This finding suggests that these species are sensitive local indicators of the water environment both at early and late stages of ontogeny . Finally, as an outcome of the research we obtained prognostic forms of the relationship between water quality indicators and fish homeostasis that may form the basis of an environmental assessment method in which fish characteristics are used to assess the health of hydro-ecosystems


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    The main approaches to the organization of ecological monitoring of the agrosphere of the zone of influence of the urban system are highlighted in the article. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the system of ecological monitoring of the agro-sphere of the zone of influence of the urban system as a means of managing its sustainability. The object of research is the components of the agrosphere and sources of influence on them, in particular land resources and soils, atmospheric air and surface waters etc. The subject of the environment is the organization and functioning of the system of ecological monitoring, assessment and forecasting of the state of the main components of the agrosphere, the nature of the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on them. The research methods are used in the work: theoretical, experimental, field. The research was carried out on the example of the agrosphere in the zone of influence of the urban system of Rivne, which is differentiated by socio-economic, ecological condition into three zones: resistant, dissipative and buffer. Monitoring is planned at two levels: regional and local. We propose to expand the regional (regional) monitoring system with the mandatory inclusion of observation in the areas of agro-sphere zone of urban system influence. The main principles of improving the monitoring system are described, namely administrative-territorial and basin. The system of monitoring of agrosphere of zone of urban system influence which provides system of supervision, estimation, the forecast on a condition of components of agrosphere is offered. Improving the monitoring and control system for the local level is aimed at tracking certain processes and phenomena that can lead to crises and deterioration of environmental safety, sustainability of the urban system and the agro-sphere of the zone of urban system influence. The monitoring system allows to form an ecological information database for users from the local to the regional level, for effective management of economic use of the agrosphere of zone of urban system influence, ensuring its sustainable development.У статті висвітлено основні підходи до організації екологічного моніторингу агросфери зони впливу урбосистеми. Запропоновано систему моніторингу агросфери ЗВУ, яка передбачає систему спостереження, оцінювання, прогноз за станом складових агросфери та дозволяє сформувати еколого-інформаційну базу даних для користувачів від локального до регіонального рівня, для ефективного управління господарським використанням агросфери ЗВУ, забезпечення її сталого розвитк