12 research outputs found

    A study on estimation of time since death after histological examination of kidney

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    Background: Estimation of time since death is one of the most important object of post-mortem examination. Many degenerative changes begin to take place in the body immediately or shortly after death. Kidney is one of the most important excretory organs of human body, its undergo series of gross as well as histological changes.  Methods: This study was performed in department of anatomy in close association with the department of forensic medicine & toxicology and pathology, Pt. J. N. M. medical college and DBRAM hospital Raipur (C.G.) India, during study period November 2012 to October 2013. Study was done on 50 human cadavers (Study subjects). Kidney was obtained from dead bodies during post-mortem examination. In each case kidney was studied histologically. Data was compiled in MS excel and checked for its completeness and correctness and then it was analyzed.Results: In 48-60 hour increasing temperature, one case show very severe change was seen. Microscopic changes in kidney were increasing (mild to moderate, moderate to severe, severe to very severe) as temperature increases.Conclusion: In the present study earliest remarkable postmortem histological changes were seen in DCT. Finding of present study will be useful for forensic experts.

    Conceptual framework on - establishing healthy life style centre in Chhattisgarh state, India

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    Lifestyle diseases characterized by those diseases whose occurrence is primarily based on the daily habits of people and are a result of an inappropriate relationship of people with their environment. The main factors contributing to lifestyle diseases include bad food habits, physical inactivity, wrong body posture, and disturbed biological clock. Lifestyle diseases are the most common causes of disability, morbidity and premature mortality. They account for 52% of deaths, 43% Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) and 62% of total disease burden in India. Life style disease can be prevented through focused and comprehensive public health intervention by establishment of Healthy Life Style Centre (HLSC). HLSC will be a comprehensive approach which will provide health services for Non-Communicable diseases under the one roof. The HLSC will offer consultation, learning, counselling and testing facilities regarding Diabetes and other Non-Communicable diseases (NCD). Life style diseases can be prevented through public health intervention by special task force and policy document related to life style disorders

    Evaluation of fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of soft tissue tumors and its correlation with histopathological findings

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    Background: Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) is a useful, safe and cost effective tool that is used in the diagnosis of lesions in various organs. Even though the literature on FNAC of soft tissue masses is relatively scarce, a large amount of interest has developed in this area in the last few years due to the low cost of the procedure, low incidence of complications, feasibility and high therapeutic efficiency. So the present study was undertaken to study the nature of various soft tissue tumors by FNAC and to compare the cytological diagnosis with the results obtained by biopsy.  Methods: All cases 713 (Prospective-217 and Retrospective 496) included in present series were taken up for study. Aspiration of soft tissue lesions were performed following the technique of Zajicek et al. Smear was prepared, stained and examined. Histopathological details were available in 140 cases. Data was compiled in MS excel and checked for its completeness, correctness and then it was analyzed.Results: Total number of 11,560 FNAC was done in six and half year’s period from 1st April 2003 to 30th September 2009. Out of the total 713 cases of soft tissue tumors, 71.25% were reported as benign and 28.75% as malignant. Soft tissue tumors were more common in males in comparison to females, with M: F-1.63:1. Accuracy of FNAC for benign and malignant soft tissue tumours was 88.1% and 92.9% respectively.  Conclusion: The overall diagnostic accuracy of FNAC in the present study was found 90%. FNAC is a safe and reliable method of recognizing benign and malignant soft tissue tumors and in most instances histological sub typing is possible. Cytological diagnosis must be based on strict cytological criteria and well controlled ancillary techniques.

    A study on seroprevalence of hepatotropic viruses among HIV-positive individuals attending the integrated counselling and testing centre (ICTC) in Mayo hospital of Nagpur city, Maharashtra, India

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    Background: Infection with human immunodeficiency virus type-1 and its end stage, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is the major public health challenge of modern time. A variety of exogenously acquired infectious agents appear to influence the pace of HIV replication, the destruction of CD4+ T cells, and HIV transmission to infants and sexual partners. More persistent elevations in plasma HIV levels have been seen in patients with chronic infections (such as those with tuberculosis and herpes and hepatitis viruses), and such co-infected patients have a more rapid loss of CD4+ T cells and an increased rate of progression to AIDS and death. Within India, variable co-infection rates have been reported from region to region. With the above background, the present study was undertaken to study the seroprevalence of hepatotropic viruses (Hepatitis B virus and Hepatitis C virus) in HIV-positive individuals attending the Integrated Counselling and Testing Centre (ICTC) in Mayo hospital of Nagpur city, Maharashtra, India.  Methods: The current prospective study was conducted in the department of microbiology, Indira Gandhi government medical college and Mayo general hospital, Nagpur (Maharashtra) from August 2005 to August 2007. All the patients attending ICTC were included in the study. 300 HIV negative matched controls were also included in the study. All the individuals who were positive for HIV infection were selected for this study and further tested for the presence of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and anti-HCV antibodies. Data was compiled in MS excel. Then it was analyzed using online statistical calculator and chi square test were applied with value of P <0.05 was considered statistically significant for interpretation of finding.  Results: Maximum numbers of HIV positive patients (38.8%) were in age group of 31-40 years. Present study showed male preponderance in HIV positive patients. Males showed a slightly high seroprevalence of HBsAg (9.21%) compared to females (7.57%) among HIV positive patients. The difference in positivity of two viral agents studied in HIV positive patients was highly significant as compared to HIV-negative individuals (P <0.001).  Conclusion: On the basis of the findings that the co-infection of hepatotropic viruses (HBV and HCV) were significantly higher in HIV positive cases than controls, the study concludes that the chronic viral hepatitis is a serious concern in HIV-infected patients. Thus, there is an urgent need to ensure the screening of the same in HIV-infected patients.

    Prevalence of smokeless tobacco use among school going adolescent students of Raipur city Chhattisgarh state, India

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    Background: Tobacco consumption in various forms in recent years is a proven risk factor and contributes substantially to the emerging epidemic. Increasing tobacco use and its impact on physical and psychosocial health is a worldwide public health concern affecting the early youth and whole life of the individuals. Tobacco is used in different forms and health effects are seen irrespective of the form in which it is used. Smokeless tobacco is found to be as addictive and harmful as smoking. Objectives: To assess the prevalence and factors influencing smokeless consumption among high school students in Raipur city.Methods: Study design: Cross-sectional, Study area: 16 selected high schools of Raipur city, in which 12 were government schools and 4 private schools. Study subjects: 1006 high-school students, Sampling technique: Two stage cluster sampling according to probability proportional to size, Study tool: Predesigned pretested questionnaire. Statistical analysis: Data was entered in Microsoft excel sheet and analyzed in Epi info 7 software.Results: The mean age of students in the study was 15 years. The prevalence of smokeless tobacco consumption was 10%. Majority male 80.9% were users, mean age of initiation was 13 years (SD 7.07), Peer pressure (76%) was the reason for initiation. Pocket money 57.1% found to be the major source of purchasing. Strong association of family member tobacco use and promotional advertisement were found.Conclusion: Study reflects smokeless tobacco use was prevalent among adolescent students and there is a need for targeted interventions to reduce the risk and deleterious consequences.

    Knowledge and response of health care workers after needle - stick injury in a tertiary care hospital setting in tribal Rajnandgaon, Chhattisgarh, India

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    Background: Health care workers (HCW) who have occupational exposure to blood are at increased risk for acquiring blood-borne infections. Occupational exposure to blood can result from per-cutaneous injury (needle stick or other sharps injury), muco-cutaneous injury or contact with non-intact skin. Hence not only doctors and nurses even laboratory technicians, housekeeping personnel and hospital waste handlers are at risk of harboring the blood borne infections through needle-stick injury (NSI).Methods: The present prospective cross sectional study was carried out at the 400 bedded Government Medical College Hospital, Rajnandgaon, Chhattisgarh, India, during period from November 2015 to August 2016. Out of total study participants, 18 were doctors, 142 nurses and 20 lab technicians from different clinical departments/wards of the hospital. Data was collected by using a predesigned pretested questionnaire and analyzed using appropriate statistical software.Results: Out of 180 HCW, 149 (82.78%) were females and, 31 (17.22%) were males. Majority 78 (43.3%) of the subjects said that the physician should be consulted after NSI within one hour. 51.1% of the subjects surprisingly replied that it was not necessary to report NSI. Around 72 (40%) of the subjects had history of NSI sometime in their life till then. Out of total exposed respondents, 56/72 (77.8%), took ICTC consultation. Out of total subjects who consulted ICTC, 51/56 (91.1 %), were suggested to take PEP by the ICTC physician. Out of 51 subjects who were advised PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) by ICTC Physician, 45 (88.2%) started PEP within 1 hr of NSI. Majority of the participants replied that most probability of getting NSI was while drawing blood sample from the patients (29.2%). 68.9% of the study subjects were immunized completely against Hepatitis B.Conclusions: The study subjects had adequate knowledge about NSI and their response in the form of actions that have to be taken after NSI was also satisfactory. The response in the form of taking consultation from a specialist and taking PEP was appreciable but it needs to be improved upon

    Morbidity pattern and health seeking behavior in elderly population of Raipur City, Chhattisgarh, India

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    Background:&nbsp;Epidemiological transition across globe is considered as the net result of the demographic transition. The shape of the population pyramid is gradually changing from a wide-based and narrow topped form to a barrel-shaped form in recent future (1).&nbsp;Aims &amp; Objectives: 1. To determine morbidity pattern in elderly population, 2. To assess their health care seeking behavior.&nbsp;Material &amp; Methods: Study design- A Community based cross sectional observational study. Study setting - Pt J.N.M. Medical College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh. Study Duration: July 2013 to June 2014. Sampling method: - Multi stage simple random sampling. Sample size: 640. Sample Size were calculated by using statistical formula, n= Z21-?/2 P(1-P)/d. Study tool: Pre-designed, Pre-tested Performa. Ethical consideration-Written document from institutional ethical Committee and Informed Consent from subject. Inclusion criteria: 1. All elderly persons in the age group of 60 years and above who were residing in the study area for at least one year, and willing to Participate in study without compulsion. Exclusion Criteria: 1. Those who were not willing to participate in study.&nbsp;Results &amp; Conclusions:&nbsp;Prevalence of morbidity was 95.31%. Morbidity was positively associated with advancement of age and predominant in females (98.92%) and those belong to slum (98.43%) and lower (98.14%) socio-economic status while inversely associated with Physical activity. Out of total morbid population 70.49% had chronic illness. Most common system involvement was Gastro intestinal system (82.62%). Perception about illness was increased with advancement of age. Majority were seeking therapy from private registered practitioner (35.52%)

    Assessment of Unmet Need for Contraception among eligible couples in Urban Slums of Raipur city of Chhattisgarh state

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    Background: India was the first country to launch National Family Planning Program in 1952. Even though various measures have been taken to encourage the usage of contraception but the achievement in this field was not to the extent expected due to various social and cultural factors. Objective: This study was planned to assess the prevalence and its determinants of unmet need for contraception among eligible couples in urban slums of Raipur city. Methodology: A cross sectional community based study was conducted using cluster sampling in urban slums of Raipur city from November 2011 to October 2012. During the study, 711 fecund married women, age group 15-49 years were included and predesigned and pretested proforma was used as a study tool. The obtained data were analyzed using appropriate statistical test. Results: Among all eligible married women 45 % were concentrated in the prime reproductive age 20-29 yrs. Majority of women were not educated. The total unmet need for family planning comes out to 32.9%. Age, Education, literacy, Occupation, Type of Family, No of living children, Birth Order , No of male child, No of female child , Husband literacy were the most significant predictor of unmet need. Conclusion: Percentage of unmet need is higher as compared to national data, so there is urgently need to ensure the same


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    Background- Every year, approximately 18 lakh people develop TB disease and about 4 lakh die of it. India accounts for one-fifth of all new TB cases each year globally and tops the list of 22 high TB burden countries. Lab technician plays a pivotal role in the diagnosis of patients and thus in the success of the programme. There is need to assess the proper implementation of programme at operational level and the grass root level realities of DMC’s. This study was planned to assess the laboratory practices by lab technicians at DMCs level under Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme in Raipur district of Chhattisgarh state. Method- Study was conducted in all 33 Designated Microscopic Centers (DMC’s) of Raipur district from November 2011 to October 2012. During the study, all (36) Lab technicians were included. Result- Majority of the lab technician were male. 94.4% were modular trained. IEC materials at DMC were available at 83.33% of centers. Laboratory stock like sputum containers, slides, staining reagents &amp; disinfected materials were available for more than 1 month at 77.77%, 91.66%, 93.44% &amp; 100% respectively. Correct method of display of contaminated material was observed in 36.11% of centers only. Conclusion- Supportive supervision should be carried out regularly to check for availability of sufficient stock and proper practices related to staining, examination and regarding of result

    Assessment of nutritional status among school children of Karimnagar, Telangana, India

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    Background: Children are the country's biggest human investment for development. Quality of life of school children, by all standards continues to be poor more so in rural areas and urban slums. Hence evaluation nutritional status of the children is imperative as it is an important index of the national investment in the development of its future manpower. Nutritional status during school age is a major determinant of nutritional and health status in adult life. Globally, including India, health hazards associated with under-nutrition and micronutrient deficiencies remain major public health problems. Therefore comprehensive health care of this section will fulfils the health need of these vulnerable populations.Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted among children (Aged 6 to11 years) from selected government primary schools (Urban and Rural) of Karimnagar city, Telangana, India during study period November 2011 to October 2012. The calculated sample size was 820. Children were interviewed during school and examined in classrooms with the assistance of teachers. The background information of respondents was collected by personal interview and supplemental information was gathered from the school registers and parents. Nutritional status of the children was assessed by anthropometry using standardized techniques.Results: There were total 820 children out of which 410 were belonging to rural area and similar numbers of children were in urban area. Age range of the children was between 6 to 11 years. Age distributions in context to school area showed that maximum numbers of children were in age of 7 and 10 years (11.8 per cent each) in rural area and 6 and 9 years (8.7 per cent in and 10.2 per cent respectively) in urban area. Out of total children 401, (48.9 per cent) were boys and 419, (51.1 per cent) were girls. There was marginal difference observed between the proportion of boys and girls in urban and rural areas. In rural areas girls accounted for 27.1 per cent whereas in urban area boys accounted for 26 per cent of total sample. Mean caloric intake of children was deficient in relation to reference standards for all age groups and both sexes. Mean caloric intake among boys was better in early age (6 to 8 years) but in later ages their intake was less than girls as per reference. Among rural children 29.3 per cent were underweight as compared to 22.2 per cent urban children. Similarly 21.5 per cent children were stunted in rural and 16 per cent from urban areas.Conclusions: Under nutrition were the key findings of the present study especially in rural areas. Hence emphasis on primordial and primary preventive measures like health education should be given for this section of students.