1,932 research outputs found

    Implementation of Image Processing and Classification Techniques on EEG Images for Emotion Recognition System

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    The target paper aims at recognizing emotions using miscellaneous stimulus domains such as Electroencephalography (EEG) Images. The present study focuses on the recognition of emotions and extracting active regions, by using image processing and classification techniques. The study was performed using the data from 10 volunteers experiencing three emotional states relax, happy and sad. By applying thresholding and Sobel Edge detection technique, active regions were extracted. The Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminate Analysis (LDA) classification techniques were enforced on the results respectively. The techniques resulted in effective outcomes, which can further be used for compelling Emotion Recognition System. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.160411

    Diffuse scattering model for human brain wave (Alpha) propagation prediction during meditation inside a temple, through ray tracing, a hypothetical study

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    Electromagnetic radio waves have been propagating for billions of years through the universe since the beginning of time. Electromagnetic radio wave propagation and the communication revolution it spawned, however are products of the twentieth century. Radio propagation in a particular environment is a complex, multipath phenomenon which involves several different mechanisms. According to a traditional, simplified approach, two  major urban propagation mechanisms are identified over-roof-top (ORT) or vertical propagation (VP), where one major radial path undergoes multiple diffractions on building tops, and lateral propagation (LP) where several rays reflect/diffract all vertical building walls/edges according to the geometrical Optics (GO) rules before reaching the receiver

    Clinical analysis of gynecological diseases in postmenopausal women in tertiary care centre

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    ABSTRACTBackground: Menopause is a natural step in ageing process represents the period end of menstruation after last menstrual period in previous 12 months. Gynaecological disorder in older women differs from those who are younger. Disorders peculiar to ageing are pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence, genital infections and malignancies. Present study is contemplated with a view to assess the magnitude of postmenopausal gynaecological morbidity. The goal of this study was to assess the age of onset of menopause and the spectrum of different gynaecological diseases, their incidence, diagnosis and treatment modality in postmenopausal females.Methods: A Prospective observational study of postmenopausal females attending Gynecology OPD or admitted in Sultania Zanana Hospital, Bhopal was carried out between July 2014 to June 2015. Total 401 postmenopausal females were included. Age of menopause and detail of all gynecological problems were recorded using predesigned proforma.Results: The study population was drawn from both rural (41.4%) and urban (58.8%) areas. Mean age of onset of menopause was 48.01 years in study population. In all, 28.4% had pelvic organ prolapse, 26.6% had genital malignancies, 25.5% had urogenital infections and 17.7% had benign disorder like senile endometritis, fibroid uterus etc.Conclusions: Menopausal health has been one of the neglected area in our country and needs timely vital attention as they are at risk of developing various genital malignancies. This emphasises the need for a screening programme for Indian women in our scenario

    An unusual case of delivery with central rupture of perineum and intact introitus

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    Most women experience some degree of tear during childbirth and in some these can be extensive. Obstetrics injuries contribute 0.5-15% of vaginal deliveries. Here authors present a case of 23-year-old primigravida who presented at Safdarjung hospital New Delhi, Delhi, India with complaint of pain in perineum and excessive bleeding per vaginum. On examination, introitus was intact and there was central rupture of perineum which involved anal sphincter proximally and rectal mucosa distally. Patient was shifted to operation theatre for exploration and repair. She received 2 units of blood transfusion, antibiotics and laxatives. Patient was discharged on post-operative day 5 in satisfactory condition. Thus, authors emphasise the need of institutional delivery and prevention of perineal injuries which would further obviate the need for surgical repair and associated morbidity. In present era of easy communication and transport we still receive cases of unsupervised deliveries which gives us a strong motive to spread awareness for antenatal visits and care among this population


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    Introduction: Female genital tract malignancy is common carcinoma. In the developed countries, ovarian cancer is the most common cancer and in developing countries, carcinoma cervix is the most common malignancy. Menopause does not cause cancer, but the risk of developing cancer increases as women ages. Therefore, women who have been through natural menopause are more likely to develop cancer because they are older. A woman who experiences menopause after age 55 has increased risk of ovarian, breast, and uterine cancers. The risk is greater if women also began menstruating before age 12. This is because a woman who menstruates longer than normal during her lifetime is exposed to more estrogen and has more ovulation. Hence, aims and objectives of our study are: (1) To determine the incidence of different genital malignancies in postmenopausal females and (2) to analyzes diagnosis and treatment of genital malignancies in postmenopausal females. Methods: 1. Data were collected using predesigned proforma; consent was taken from every participant, 2. After collection of data, it was tabulated. Statistical calculation and subsequent analysis was made has been presented in the form of Tables and graphs. Results: A total of 401 cases reported to the institute during a period of 1 year. Out of which, 107 patients were that of genital carcinoma. Incidence of female genital tract carcinoma was 26.68%. Approximately 73.87% (82 patients) of cases were that of cervical cancer. Conclusion: Hence, from above study, the most of the patients were diagnosed in advanced stage of malignancy. Carcinoma cervix was the most common female genital tract cancer with ovarian cancer taking the second rank. This is unfortunate as cancer cervix is preventable to a large extent as it takes a decade or more to progress from pre-invasive to invasive lesion, there are various screening modalities to diagnosed the cervix in pre-invasive age, that is, when it still curable

    A radiological study of ossification at the lower end of humerus for age estimation among boys in Central Karnataka, India

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    Background: The earlier studies which were conducted across the world on long bones to know the age reveal that there is no uniform sequence for the epiphyseal union of long bones in different countries or different places in the same country. To ascertain this in Central Karnataka, India present study was done.Methods: A radiological study of lower end of Humerus was conducted on total 100 boys of age group 11–20 years from different schools and colleges of Chitradurga district of central Karnataka, India. The radiographs were studied in detail and the findings were recorded.Results: Fusion of epiphyseal centre of lateral epicondyle with that of Capitulum was seen between 12–15 years. Fusion of epiphyseal centre of Capitulum with that of Trochlea was seen between 12–15 years. Fusion of conjoint epiphysis with the shaft was seen between 12–16 years. Fusion of epiphyseal centre of medial epicondyle with shaft was seen between 14-17 years.Conclusions: In general, fusion of epiphysis occurs around 12-17 years

    Risk factors associated with development of senile cataract

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    Background: Cataract is the most common cause of reversible blindness worldwide, which has been associated with various causative risk factors. Hence, we aim to study the factors that might play a role in cataractogenesis. Material and methods: A total of 240 eyes of 240 subjects were included for the study, which consisted of 120 cases with age-related cataract and 120 age-matched controls, and in them various factors like blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), smoking, sun exposure, and serum cholesterol were studied. Results: A statistically significant difference between the two groups was found with respect to smoking profile (p = 0.007), sun exposure (p = 0.001), and serum cholesterol (p < 0.001). Subjects who were smokers, had a longer exposure to sun, and had higher serum cholesterol level were found to be positively associated with development of cataract. No significant association between BMI (p = 0.384) and blood pressure (p > 0.05) was observed. Conclusion: Higher cholesterol levels, increased sun exposure, and smoking habit play a role in the development of senile cataract, and these are modifiable risk factors. Hence, control of these might help in delaying formation and progression of cataract

    People’s Perception about Gender Equity at RHTC, Naila, Jaipur

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    Gender equality refers to the equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of women and men, as well as girls and boys (United Nations Women, 2012). Women in India have suffered gender disparities since ages; although addressed at all fronts (social, political) for last few decades yet we can find scars here and there in the form of gender violence, honor-killing, rape, and social policing. Changes toward equitable gender roles and relations in the community as well as household are a prerequisite to gender equality Promotion of gender equality and empowering of women is one of the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDG) to which India is a signatory. Gender equality and women‘s empowerment are two sides of the same coin: progress toward gender equality requires women‘s empowerment and women‘s empowerment requires increases in gender equality evident by pairing of them in MDG

    Progressive Sleep Scheduling For Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Network

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    Increasing the network efficiency & reducing the power consumption are important issues in the design of applications & protocols for wireless sensor network. Sleep scheduling & routing protocol provides efficient communication with less power consumption. In this paper, we address the routing protocol for static network which reduces the computation time & power consumption. Proposed system, in practice, suitable for small & medium sized networks. In this proposed work the first module incorporates the communication between node to node & node to base station. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150313
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