49 research outputs found

    Balansiranje smeŔa koncentrata za matično jato fazana u skladu sa normativima i ograničenjima

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    The paper presents the needs of pheasant flock and the possibility of designing a mixture with substitutions feed of animal origin or products of soybean processing. Basis of concrete examples, three types of concentrate mixtures, it can be seen that the preparation of concentrate mixtures for pheasants hens possible without the use of animal feedstuffs, while reducing the share of products of soybean processing, using synthetic amino acids. Thanks to this, a lower price and concentrate mixtures. At the same time, it is possible to fulfill the requirements in accordance with the standards and restrictions for certain nutrients because of the presence of some toxic matters.U radu su izložene potrebe matičnog jata fazana i mogućnost balansiranja smeÅ”a uz supstituciju hraniva animalnog porekla ili proizvoda prerade soje. Na osnovu konkretnih primera, odnosno tri vrste smeÅ”a koncentrata, vidi se da je pripremanje smeÅ”a koncentrata za fazanke nosilje moguće bez upotrebe hraniva animalnog porekla, uz smanjenje udela proizvoda prerade soje, koriŔćenjem sintetičkih aminokiselina. Zahvaljujući tome, postiže se i niža cena smeÅ”a koncentrata. Istovremeno, na taj način moguće je ispuniti zahteve u skladu sa normativima, kao i ograničenja za pojedina hraniva zbog prisustva nekih antinutritivnih materija

    Proizvodni rezultati različitih kategorija fazana gajenih u kontrolisanim uslovima

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    The overview of domestic and foreign investigations of the effects of various intensity of ant feeding technique in various categories of pheasants. With the aim to increase number of pheasants in our country and in the world, for decades pheasant chicks are produced in pheasant farms up to the age of 5-8 weeks, and body mass of 400-450 g, after which they are released into the hunting grounds. The capacity of pheasant farms in Serbia is about 900.500 hatched chicks, and in the past four decades several tens of millions of artificially reared pheasants were released. The quality of feeding the brood stock of pheasants, which produce eggs for hatching incubator has a direct influence on number, mass and fertility of eggs, and on the mass of newly hatched chicks. The feed conversion ratio in chicks depends on the first place on energy and protein level, and also on biological value of protein. In domestic investigations of pheasant chicks feeding with the concentrate mixture with higher protein value (30% to 28 days of age and 24% to 42 days of age) and with lower stocking density (450 individuals in the group), had significantly bigger Final body mass (457.07 g) and higher daily gain (4.22 g in the first 13:31 and g in the second period), and with better feed conversion ratio.U radu je dat pregled domaćih i stranih istraživanja efekata različitog intenziteta i tehnike ishrane na proizvodne rezultate različitih kategorija fazana. U cilju povećanja broja fazana za odstrel u svetu i kod nas decenijama se gaje fazančići u fazanerijama do starosti od 5-8 nedelja i telesne mase od 400-450 g a zatim se puÅ”taju u loviÅ”ta. Kapacitet fazanerija u Srbiji je oko 900.500 jednodnevnih fazančića a za protekle četiri decenije u loviÅ”ta Srbije puÅ”teno je nekoliko desetina miliona veÅ”tački odgajenih fazana. Kvalitet ishrane matičnog jata fazana koji proizvode jaja za inkubatore direktno utiče na broj, masu i fertilitet jaja, kao i na masu fazančića. Konverzija hrane kod fazančića zavisi od nivoa energije i proteina, kao i od bioloÅ”ke vrednosti proteina, pre svega od sadržaja metionina i lizina. U domaćim ispitivanjima ishrana fazančića smeÅ”om koncentrata sa većim nivoom proteina (30% do 15. dana života i 24% do 42. dana) i pri manjoj gustini naseljenosti (450 jedinki u grupi) rezultovala je signifikantno većom zavrÅ”nom telesnom masom (457,07 g) i većim dnevnim prirastima (4,22 g za prvi period odgajivanja i 13,31 g za drugi period), kao i boljom konverzijom hrane

    Impact of climatic factors to the percentage of young in the population of brown hare (Lepus europaeus P) in the Bačka district

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    Climatic factors, especially temperature and precipitations, greatly affect the dynamics of the hare number and population. Climatic factors directly affect the physiological and reproductive processes of both individuals and entire populations, or indirectly, through the availability of food, competition with other species, predators and other. The age structure of the hare population at the end of the period of reproduction is an important indicator of the population growth that is used for planning the level of explotation of the hare population (hunting). The rational use of the hare's population is one of the most important protection procedures and it should be well monitored and controlled by the hunting professionals. We used the average monthly temperature and the sum of monthly precipitations in the hare reproductive period (March-September) during ten years (2000 - 2009), together with the percent of young in the hare population, on the territory of Bačka, for multiple regression (stepwise) analysis. Results of the regression analysis show an association between the percentage of young hares and the influence of climatic factors. The average temperature and sum of precipitation in June, are the strongest predictor of the percent of young in the hareā€™s population in Bačka. According to the coefficient of determination (R2=0.50) climatic parameters account for 50% of variance in the percentage of young hares in Bačka. The regression correlation coefficient of all factors was R=0.70, which is on the border line between medium and high correlation

    Dinamika brojnosti i stepen koriŔćenja populacije zeca (Lepus Europaeus) u potiskom delu Bačke

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    The basic task of this paper is that on base of statistics information's about number and killing plan, in the round of river Tisa, for long period realize number and degree of benefit for broen hare. All results are presented in tables, for round of river Tisa, and for each hunting organization. To realize this paper we use basic elements of rabbit population: number of rabbit, thickness, degree of benefit, age structure. Research are for five years from 2002-2007.Osnovni zadatak ovog rada je da se na bazi podataka o brojnosti i odstrelu u loviÅ”tima Potiskog dela Bačke, za jedan duži period sagleda brojno stanje i stepen koriŔćenja zečije divljači. Dobijeni rezultati su predstavljeni tabelama za Potisko područje i pojedinačno po lovačkim udruženjima. U cilju ostvarivanja osnovnog zadatka ovog rada ispitani su osnovni elementi jedne zečije populacije: brojnost, gustina, stepen koriŔćenja i starosna struktura. Istraživanja obuhvataju period od 2002-2007 godine

    Uticaj klime, stepena poŔumljenosti i prirodnih izvora hrane na starosnu strukturu zeca

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    The paper gives review about effects of local climate and forestation to the leveretā€™s percentage, of brown hare population research in hunting grounds of Serbia. Performed research rely to measurement of dry eye lens (Lens crystaline), basis of which it can perform precise classification by age category of hunted hares. Practically, for planning degree of use brown hare, the most important are age category: up to one year, and over one year. The statistical analysis of data collected during several years and in various hunting grounds of Serbia, has not found significant influence factors of climate (temperature and precipitation) and the degree of forestation (as an indicator of the benefits of environment and natural resources, food). Based on the literature review, it can be concluded that the size and age structure of the population of brown hare have a big impact, in addition to examined, and anthropogenic factors.U radu je dat pregled domaćih istraživanja uticaja klime i Å”umovitosti na procenat mladih u populaciji zeca u loviÅ”tima Srbije. Obavljena ispitivanja se baziraju na merenju osuÅ”enog očnog sočiva (Lens crystalina), na osnovu čega se može izvrÅ”iti precizno razvrstavanje ulovljenih životinja u starosne kategorije. Za praksu planiranja stepena koriŔćenja zeca najznačajnije su starosne kategorije do jedne i preko jedne godine. Pri statističkoj analizi podataka prikupljenih iz viÅ”e godina i iz različitih loviÅ”ta Srbije nije utvrđen signifikantan uticaj faktora klime (temperature i padavina) i stepena poÅ”umljenosti (kao pokazatelja pogodnosti životne sredine i prirodnih resursa hrane). To ukazuje da je uticaj dugih faktora i njihovo interakcijsko delovanje mnogo veće. Na osnovu pregleda literature može se zaključiti da na brojnost i starosnu strukturu populacije zeca veliki uticaj imaju, pored ispitivanih, pre svega antropogeni faktori

    Deficit of natural food for pheasant in modern agrobiocenose and additional feeding

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    U radu su na revijalan način prikazane karakteristike prirodne ishrane fazana u loviÅ”tima ravničarskog tipa, kao i mere za njeno popravljanje. Istraživanjima je utvrđeno da se adekvatnom i blagovremenom ishranom fazana može povećati njihova masa do lovne sezone za 45-50%. Na početku vegetacije loviÅ”te najčeŔće pruža obilje hrane biljnog i životinjskog porekla za fazane. Međutim, već posle kombajniranja strnih žita bitno se smanjuje raspoloživa hrana zbog paljenja i zaoravanja strniÅ”ta pa je neophodno vrpÅ”ti prihranjivanje. Za dodatnu ishranu najčeŔće se koristi zrnasta hraniva, eventualno peletirane smeÅ”e koncentrata prečnika 3-5 mm, kao i sočna hraniva (repa, mrkva, kupus, kelj, čičoka i otpaci voćaj.Preporučuje se da intenzivno prihranjivanje fazana počne u ravničarskim predelima od novembra i traje do kraja marta, na srednje visokom terenima od oktobra i traje do kraja marta, a na visokim od oktobra do kraja aprila. Za zimsku prihranu fazana planira se dnevna količina zrnaste hrane minimalno 40 g po jedinki, odnosno optimalno 60 g. U toku zime fazan može da koristi i povrnÅ”ne zasejane keljom, kao i njive sa mladim žitom.This paper presents a review o f characteristics of a natural pheasant nutrition in hunting grounds plain type, and measures for its improvement. Research has shown that adequate and timely nutrition pheasants can increase their weight to the hunting season up to 45-50%. Of early-season hunting ground usually provides plenty o f plant and animal origin food for pheasants. However, even after harvesting small grains significantly reduced food availability due to burning and plowing under o f stubble, so it is necessary to conduct feeding. As additional food commonly used feed grain, possibly pellet feed concentrate diameter 3-5 mm, and juicy feeds (beet, carrot, cabbage, kale, Jerusalem artichoke and finit waste). It is recommended that intensive feeding of pheasants in the plains begin in November and lasts until the end o f March, in midle high areas begin in October and lasts until the end o f March, and in the higher areas from October to late April. The winter feeding of pheasants is planned daily amount o f food grain at least 40 g per animal, ie the optimal 60 years During the winter pheasant can be used and the area planted kale, and fields o f young wheat

    Značaj obradivih povrŔina u Srbiji za ishranu fazana i zeca i brojnost populacija

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    In this review paper has been shown how the specific feeding brown hares and pheasant, the structure of arable land in the hunting grounds of Serbia and its importance as a nutrient base for the number of populations of these species. The spatial distribution and abundance of brown hares and pheasants primarily affect natural factors (climate, disease and predators) and to some extent, extent and anthropogenic factors (agricultural work, transportation, hunting ...). Hunting grounds in Serbia occupy a total area of 8,828,528.29 hectares, of which the fields and fields 3,787,836.13 hectares or 42.9%. This structure in the hunting area (the area under cereals in particular) have a major impact on the number of brown hares and pheasants, which in recent years has the trend. In contrast, the recorded increase in the percentage of killing relative to base stock of game, which the hardest in 2008. amounted to 18.02% and 45.78% for the pheasants. Based on the literature review it is evident that the intensification of agriculture and reducing the natural diversity of food are of great importance for the number of hares and pheasant populations. A partial solution to this problem is in the preservation of 'green oasis' and found a 'green corridor' between large areas of monoculture, organic vegetable production, control the number of predators and offspring production in the rabbit and pheasant farm. .U radu su na revijalan način prikazane specifičnosti ishrane fazana i zeca, struktura obradivih povrÅ”ina u loviÅ”tima Srbije i njihov značaj kao hranidbene baze za brojnost populacija ovih vrsta divljači. Na prostornu distribuciju i brojnost fazana i zeca utiču prvenstveno prirodni faktori (klima, bolesti i predatori) a u značajnoj meri i antropogeni faktori (poljoprivredni radovi, saobraćaj, lov...). LoviÅ”ta u Srbiji zauzimaju ukupnu povrÅ”inu od 8.828.528,29 ha, od čega je pod njivama i oranicama 3.787.836,13 ha, odnosno 42,9%. Ovakva struktura povrÅ”ina u loviÅ”tima (naročito povrÅ”ina pod cerealijama) ima veliki uticaj na brojnost populacija zeca i fazana, koja zadnjih godina ima trend smanjenja. Nasuprot tome, beleži se povećanje procenta odstrela u odnosu na matični fond divljači, koji za zeca u 2008. godini iznosi 18,02% a za fazana 45,78%. Na osnovu pregleda literature evidentno je da intenzifikacija poljoprivrede i smanjenje raznovrsnosti prirodne ishrane imaju veliki značaj za brojnost populacija zeca i fazana. Delimično reÅ”enje ovog problema je u: očuvanju 'zelenih oaza' i zasnivanje 'zelenih koridora' između velikih povrÅ”ina sa monokultura, organskoj biljnoj proizvodnji, kontroli brojnosti predatora i proizvodnji podmlatka zeca i fazana u odgajivaliÅ”tima. . PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR-31009

    Natural nutrition of brown hare and possible damage in hunting ground

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    U radu su na revijalan način prikazane karakteristike prirodne ishrane zeca u savremenim agrobiocenozama, problemi deficita koji mogu bita izraženi tokom cele godine, kao i moguće Å”tete koje su posledica specifičnosti ishrane zeca. Većina citiranih autora istine da su glavni razlozi za drastično smanjenje brojnosti zeca u Evropi: bitno izmenjeni životni uslovi, mala raznovrsnost hrane, sve veća upotreba herbicida, kao i različite zarazne bolesti. Na osnovu pregleda literature vidi se da zec konzumira i do 100 različitih vrsta biljaka, odnosno trave, leguminoze i druge biljke, uglavnom korove, sa oranica ili iz prirode. Pri tome, u jesenjem i zimskom periodu najveći afinitet pokazuje prema pÅ”enici a u prolećnom i letnjem periodu prema soji, detelini i kukuruzu, pri čemu nastaju i manje Å”tete. Nasuprot tome, daleko je veći značaj Å”teta koje čini u voćarstvu. Letnji deficiti u ishrani zeca javljaju se nakon žetve i mogu imati ozbiljne posledice na telesnu kondiciju i reprodukciju. U skladu sa tam, preporučuje se zasnivanje ā€žzelenih koridoraā€œ. Ostali oblici prihraljivanja zeca su od malog značaja. U cilju smanjenja Å”teta u voćarstvu preporučuje se upotreba mehaničkih zaÅ”titinih sredstava tipa folija ili mrežica.In this paper, a review of the characteristics of natural hare diet in modern agrobiocenose, the problems of deficit that can be expressed throughout the year, as well as possible damages that result from specific hare nutrition. Most cited authors point out that the main reasons for the drastic reduction in the number of hare in Europe: it changed living conditions, a small variety of food, increased use of herbicides, and various infectious diseases. Upon review of the literature shows that hares consume up to 100 different species of plants and grasses, legumes and other plants, mostly weeds, with arable land and from nature. In addition, in autumn and winter period shows a high affinity to wheat, in the spring and summer to soybeans, clover and maize, resulting in less damage. In contrast, is far more significant damage that makes the fruit. Summer food deficits in the hare nutrition occurs after harvest and can have serious effects on body condition and reproduction. Accordingly, we recommend the establishment of ā€žgreen corridorsā€œ. Other forms of dressing a hare are of little significance. In order to reduce damage to fruit is recommended to use mechanical means of type of protective foil or mesh

    Analysis of state and application of technological process to pheasant farm by regional hunting association in Serbia

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    Lovački savez Srbije preko svoja 212 lovačkih udruženja gazduje sa 89% ukupne povrÅ”ine loviÅ”ta u Srbiji. Dvadeset dva lovačka udruženja registrovala su proizvodnju fazana, dok je sada proizvodni proces prisutan samo kod petnaest. U radu su prikazanы proizvodni kapaciteti analiziranih fazanerija. Analizom su uključeni sledeći parametri: ukupna povrÅ”ina fazanerija, povrÅ”ine pod volijerama za držanje matičnog jata, kavezni ili po dni sistem gajenja fazančića, prostorы sa ispustima, volijere za podivljavanje, tehnička opremljenost faza- nerije, kao i stanje matičnog jata. Na osnovu analize utvrđeno je da brojnost matičnog jata omogućava proizvodnju koja prevazilazi potrebe tržiÅ”ta u Srbiji. Analizom predhodno navedenih parametara u pojedinim fazanerijama, sačinjen je predlog restruktuiranja proizvodnыh tehnologija fazanerija u cilju postizanja rentabilnosti proizvodnje fazanerija.The Hunting Association of Serbia over its 212 regional hunting associations, managed with 89% of the total area of hunting grounds in Serbia. Twenty-two regional hunting associations are registered pheasant production, and is now manufacturing process can be found only fifteen. This paper presents the manufacturing capacity of the analyzed pheasant farm. The analysis included the following parameters: total pheasant farm, land under aviary holding flock, cage and floor system rearing pheasant chickens, spaces with vents, aviary for run amok, technical equipment of pheasant farm, and the state flock. Analysis showed that the number of flock enables production that exceeds the needs of the market in Serbia. Analysis previously mentioned parameters in some pheasant farm, made a proposal of restructuring of production technologies pheasant farm in order to achieve profitability pheasant farm production