32 research outputs found

    The NALCN ion channel is activated by M3 muscarinic receptors in a pancreatic β-cell line

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    A previously uncharacterized putative ion channel, NALCN (sodium leak channel, non-selective), has been recently shown to be responsible for the tetrodotoxin (TTX)-resistant sodium leak current implicated in the regulation of neuronal excitability. Here, we show that NALCN encodes a current that is activated by M3 muscarinic receptors (M3R) in a pancreatic β-cell line. This current is primarily permeant to sodium ions, independent of intracellular calcium stores and G proteins but dependent on Src activation, and resistant to TTX. The current is recapitulated by co-expression of NALCN and M3R in human embryonic kidney-293 cells and in Xenopus oocytes. We also show that NALCN and M3R belong to the same protein complex, involving the intracellular I–II loop of NALCN and the intracellular i3 loop of M3R. Taken together, our data show the molecular basis of a muscarinic-activated inward sodium current that is independent of G-protein activation, and provide new insights into the properties of NALCN channels

    Recepteurs purinergiques et insulo-secretion : aspects physiologiques et pharmacologiques du role de l'ATP, de l'ADP et de l'adenosine extracellulaires sur la secretion d'insuline

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    SIGLECNRS T Bordereau / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Mechanisms of Beta-Cell Apoptosis in Type 2 Diabetes-Prone Situations and Potential Protection by GLP-1-Based Therapies

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    International audienceType 2 diabetes (T2D) is characterized by chronic hyperglycemia secondary to the decline of functional beta-cells and is usually accompanied by a reduced sensitivity to insulin. Whereas altered beta-cell function plays a key role in T2D onset, a decreased beta-cell mass was also reported to contribute to the pathophysiology of this metabolic disease. The decreased beta-cell mass in T2D is, at least in part, attributed to beta-cell apoptosis that is triggered by diabetogenic situations such as amyloid deposits, lipotoxicity and glucotoxicity. In this review, we discussed the molecular mechanisms involved in pancreatic beta-cell apoptosis under such diabetes-prone situations. Finally, we considered the molecular signaling pathways recruited by glucagon-like peptide-1-based therapies to potentially protect beta-cells from death under diabetogenic situations

    La β-arrestine 2 est indispensable pour l'effet insulino-sécréteur du GIP

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    International audienceIntroduction: La β-arrestine2 (ARRB2), connue pour découpler les récepteurs couplés aux protéines G (RCPGs) de la protéine G, induit leur internalisation et recrute de nouvelles voies de signalisation. Si l’interaction d’ARRB2 avec de nombreux RCPGs est bien établie, celle avec le récepteur GIP (GIPR) est controversée. Notre étude vise à déterminer si ARRB2 est impliquée dans la signalisation du GIPR de la cellule-β pancréatique.Matériels et Méthodes: Des souris Arrb2+/+ ou Arrb2-/- de 4 mois ont été utilisées. Les mesures d’AMPc (CAMPS-epac), d’activation de la PKA (AKAR3) des ERK1/2 (EKAR), des [Ca2+] cytosolique ([Ca2+]c ; Fura2-LR) et du réticulum-endoplasmique ([Ca2+]ER ; D4ER) ont été évaluées par microscopie sur cellules- vivantes. Le recrutement sous-membranaire d’Epac2 (Epac2-GFP) a été mesuré par microscopie TIRF. La dépolymérisation de l’actine-F a été évaluée par fluorescence après marquage par la phalloidine (Alexa Fluor 488-conjugated phalloidin).Résultats: La production d’AMPc, les recrutements de la PKA, d’Epac2, des ERK1/2, les changements de la [Ca2+]c et [Ca2+]ER sont similaires dans les cellules Arrb2+/+ et Arrb2-/- en réponse au GIP (10pM-10nM). En revanche, la sécrétion d’insuline en réponse au GIP (100pM-10nM) est réduite (~50% ; p<0.01) en l’absence d’ARRB2 et restaurée lorsque ARRB2 (ARRB2-GFP) est ré-exprimé dans les cellules Arrb2-/-. Ceci s’accompagne d’une réduction (~25%, p<0.01) de la dépolymérisation de l’actine-F sous membranaire en réponse au GIP (10nM) dans les cellules Arrb2-/-. L’inhibition pharmacologique (1µM AS604850) de la PI3K qui est impliquée dans la dépolymérisation de l’actine, diminue de ~30% (p<0.01) la réponse au GIP des cellules Arrb2+/+, sans affecter celle des cellules Arrb2-/-.Conclusion : Notre étude révèle un rôle crucial d’ARRB2 dans l’effet insulino-sécréteur du GIP, via la PI3K et la dépolymérisation de l’actine-F, mais indépendamment de la voie canonique de signalisation AMPc. Ainsi, toute variation d’expression d’ARRB2, comme observé dans des conditions diabétogènes, pourrait impacter l’effet incrétine

    The elevation of glutamate content and the amplification of insulin secretion in glucose-stimulated pancreatic islets are not causally related.

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    Glucose increases insulin secretion by raising cytoplasmic Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)) in beta-cells (triggering pathway) and augmenting the efficacy of Ca(2+) on exocytosis (amplifying pathway). It has been suggested that glutamate formed from alpha-ketoglutarate is a messenger of the amplifying pathway (Maechler, P., and Wollheim, C. B. (1999) Nature 402, 685-689). This hypothesis was tested with mouse islets depolarized with 30 mm KCl (+ diazoxide) or with a saturating concentration of sulfonylurea. Because [Ca(2+)](i) was elevated under these conditions, insulin secretion was stimulated already in 0 mm glucose. The amplification of secretion produced by glucose was accompanied by an increase in islet glutamate. However, glutamine (0.5-2 mm) markedly augmented islet glutamate without affecting insulin secretion, whereas glucose augmented secretion without influencing glutamate levels when these were elevated by glutamine. Allosteric activation of glutamate dehydrogenase by BCH (2-amino 2-norbornane carboxylic acid) lowered islet glutamate but increased insulin secretion. Similar insulin secretion thus occurred at very different cellular glutamate levels. Glutamine did not affect islet [Ca(2+)](i) and pH(i), whereas glucose and BCH slightly raised pH(i) and either slightly decreased (30 mm KCl) or increased (tolbutamide) [Ca(2+)](i). The general dissociation between changes in islet glutamate and insulin secretion refutes a role of beta-cell glutamate in the amplification of insulin secretion by glucose