35 research outputs found

    Influence of soil cultivation depth on energy consumption and on preparation of seed bed using rotary harrow before maize planting

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    In 2012 on the Laboratory Field of Biotechnical Faculty the field trial was carried out, trying to establish the influence of the soil cultivation on the fuel consumption, on the physical-mechanical soil properties of the seed bed and at the end on the field emergence of maize. A rotary harrow was used for soil preparation just before maize planting and it was adjusted to the soil cultivation depths of 5 cm, 10 cm and 15 cm. The trial was designed as random blocks. A tractor with stepless transmission and nominal power of 73 kW and a rotary harrow with working width of 2.5 m were used. The speed of soil cultivation was 5.0 km h-1 on the tractometer and the engine rotational frequency was 1900 rpm. The fuel consumption per hour, the fuel consumption per hectare and the energy consumption per hectare increased by increasing the adjusted soil depth cultivation from 5 cm to 15 cm using the rotary harrow. At the adjusted soil cultivation depth of 10 and 15 cm cm, the vertical soil resistance at depths between 8 and 13 cm was lower than at the adjusted soil depths of 5 cm. No significant differences were found regarding the soil physical properties in the seed bed and the field emergence of maize among three adjusted soil cultivation depths. The soil cultivation depth of 10 cm proved to be the most appropriate in view of the fuel consumption, energy consumption as well as the physical-mechanical soil properties of the seed bed and plant emergence

    Postupci uništavanja korova u kukuruzu

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    In the year 2003, we had a field experiment on the field of the Biotechnical faculty. It was the experiment with five procedures of mechanical and chemical care of the corn. It was planed in the form of random blocks with four repetitions. Procedures 1 and 2 included spraying before emergence and hoeing with drawn hoeing machine; procedure 3 was spaying before and after emergence, procedures 4 and 5 included hoeing with PTO driven hoeing machine. With this experiment, we were trying to find weediness, yield and corn moisture with different procedures. According to the method of weighing the weeds, weediness was the least with procedure 3. The largest weediness was with the procedures 4 and 5. Weediness was smaller in the hoed and larger in nonhoed area. The largest yield of dry corn was with the procedure 3, the smallest with procedure 4. With the other procedures yield was smaller, because of the larger weediness in the nonhoed area. The smallest percentage of corn moisture was with the procedure 3, the largest was with the procedure 5. The smallest percentage of corn moisture was with the procedure 3, because the weediness was the smallest.U 2003 godini na oglednom polju Biotehničkog fakulteta u Ljubljani urađen je poljski ogled sa pet potupaka mehaničke i hemijske i samo hemijskog načina nege kukuruza. Osnovan je kao slučajni blok sa četiri ponavljanja. U postupak 1 i 2 bila je uključena zaštita pre nicanja, i kultivacija za rotacionim odnosno vučenim kultivatorom. U postupku 3 bila je zaštita pre i posle nicanja, a u postupku 4 i 5 bila je uključena kultivacija za rotacionim, odnosno vučenim kultivatorom. U tim ogledima posmatrana je: zakorovljenost, prinos i vlažnost zrna kukuruza. Zakorovljenost je određena po metodi merenja težine korova. Po ovoj metodi najmanja je bila zakorovljenost u postupku 3, a najveća u postupcima 4 i 5. Zakorovljenost je bila veća u nekultiviranom pojasu i manja u kultiviranom pojasu. Najveći prinos suhog zrna sa 14% vlage je bio kod postupka 3. Najmanji prinos je kod postupka 4. Najmanji % vlage je bio kod postupka 3, a najveći kod postupka 5. Kod postupka 3 bio je % vlage najmanji, jer je bila zakorovljenost najmanja

    A Mathematical Model and Numerical Simulation of the Static Stability of a Tractor

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    Tractor overturning remains a serious problem in agricultural activities. A detailed analysis of problems and causes leading to a tractor overturn have revealed that by improving tractor’s static stability we can positively influence the safety as early as during the concept phase. We designed a mathematical model and a numerical simulation of the static stability of a tractor with an oscillating front axle in relation to its position on a slope. It was followed by analysing the changes of individual parameters, such as the position of the centre of gravity, the wheelbase, the wheel track width and the height of the oscillating axle mounting point, and their impact on tractor’s static stability in relation to its position on a slope. Results show that manipulating these parameters can significantly increase tractor’s static stability. A better static stability is directly proportional to improved dynamic stability, resulting in a better safety in a view of the tractor overturn, particularly while working on a sloping terrain

    Razvoj traktora u sloveniji zadnjih 15 godina (aspekt: tržište, udesi i propisi)

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    Since 1990, less and less agricultural enterprises in Slovenia decide to purchase new tractors and agricultural equipment. The number of sold tractors and machines decreases, and the structure of the purchased technology changes [1, 3]. Investors buy more efficient and reliable technology that is more expensive at the same time. The share of West-European modern tractors manufacturers has increased considerably. Changes in the purchase of agricultural equipment are illustrated by the example of tractor sales and their effects of accident in exploatation condition.Posle 1990. godine u Republici Sloveniji je malo poljoprivrednih gazdinstava investiralo u kupovinu novih traktora i poljoprivredne tehnike. Broj prodatih traktora i mašina se smanjuje i menja se i struktura kupovine [1, 3]. Investitori kupuju efikasnije, sigurnije i skupe mašine i traktore. Povećan je udeo kupovine od proizvođača savremenih traktora iz Zapadne Evrope. Na primeru traktora su prikazane promene pri kupovini poljoprivredne tehnike i njihov uticaj na pojavu nesreća eksploatacionim uslovima

    The use of the model for determining potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber distribution in the soil

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    The paper focuses on the testing of a model for determining the distribution of potato tubers in the soil. Analytical testing of the model was performed at the laboratory of the Biotechnological Faculty (University in Ljubljana) in 2015 and in the same year, the model was tested in practice on a field owned by the company Zeleni Hit d.o.o. in Ljubljana. After the laboratory testing, the results were analyzed and additional steps were taken to expedite field measurements. To optimize the determination of the distribution of potato tubers in the soil, the program was upgraded to include three-dimensional data acquisition. This allows accurate determination of the horizontal, vertical and longitudinal spans of the distribution of tubers in the soil. Specifically, the program calculates the shape of the tubers, vertical cover of tubers with soil and their minimum distance from the left and right edges of the ridge. The program also locates the center of the tubers, which is a key parameter (along with tuber mass) for determining the area of the tuber cluster. The laboratory testing of the model revealed successful data processing of the program and adequate precision analytics. The testing of the model in the field on Arizona potato variety revealed that the model includes all the data necessary for further processing. Based on the calculated data, it can be assumed with great certainty that the model enables the acquisition of all necessary data and accurately determines the distribution of potato tubers in the soil, ideal shape of the ridge and the minimum necessary depth and distance for the planting of Arizona seed potatoes.</span

    Udesi sa traktorima u Sloveniji u periodu od poslednje tri decenije

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    In Republic of Slovenia tragically killed 874 persons in tractor accidents in last three decades, in 28-year period (1981-2009). Number of accident has decreasing trend especially in public traffic, while it is less obvious in tractor use outside of public traffic and roads. First higher fall of accident number below 40 killed persons, was after compulsory introduction of tractor cabin in 1986. Second significant fall of accident number was in 2005. Below 15 regarding year average number. Last fall trend of accidents can be imputed to purchasing of new better tractors in last years and introduction of homologation, since 1.5.2005. With this measure it was forbidden selling of technically and safety inadequately tractors.Od 1981. do 2009. godine (28 godina) u udesima sa traktorima u Republici Sloveniji tragično je nastradalo ukupno 874 osoba. Konstatovan je trend opadanja broja udesa i smrtno stradalih, naročito u saobraćaju, a manje kod korišćenja traktora izvan javnog saobraćaja i puteva. Prvi veći pad broja udesa i smrtno stradalih osoba, bio je posle obaveznog uvođenja kabine za sve traktore 1986 godine, ispod 40 stradalih osoba. Drugi značajan pad je bio od 2005. godine, ispod 15, i to, ako se posmatraju događaji na nivou proseka po godini. Zadnji trend pada broja nesrećnih slučajeva, može se pripisati kupovini boljih, novih traktora u zadnjim godinama i uvođenju obavezne homologacije, počevši od 1.5.2005. godine Sa ovom merom bila je zakonski sprečena prodaja tehničko i sigurnosno neadekvatnih traktora

    Tehnika v kmetijstvu

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    Tehnika v kmetijstvu

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    Tehnika v kmetijstvu

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