40 research outputs found
Augstsprieguma elektrolÄ«niju optimizÄcijas paÅÄmieni
ElektroenerÄ£ijas nozares paÅ”reizÄjÄ attÄ«stÄ«ba, kuras galvenais mÄrÄ·is ir nodroÅ”inÄt nepÄrtrauktu un kvalitatÄ«vu elektroenerÄ£ijas piegÄdi patÄrÄtÄjiem, balstÄs uz spÄcÄ«gi sazarotu energosistÄmu raÅ”anos, kurÄs ietilpst lielas elektrostacijas, iekÅ”ÄjÄs un starpsistÄmu elektropÄrvades lÄ«nijas un plaÅ”s sadales tÄ«kls. KÄ redzams, viens no galvenajiem energosistÄmu elementiem ir gaisvadu elektrolÄ«nijas, kuru loma nÄkotnes enerÄ£Ätikas attÄ«stÄ«bÄ pieaug lielos tempos, jo elektriskÄ tÄ«kla paplaÅ”inÄÅ”ana bÅ«s nepiecieÅ”ama gan valsts, gan starptautiskÄ mÄrogÄ.
PieprasÄ«jums pÄc elektroenerÄ£ijas nepÄrtraukti pieaug, tÄpÄc, ievÄrojot to, ka 2030. gadÄ darbosies visi Å”obrÄ«d plÄnotie starpvalstu savienojumi, piemÄram, āEstlink-2ā, āNordBaltā, āLitPolā un projekts āKurzemes loksā, jau tagad nepiecieÅ”ams izstrÄdÄt, realizÄt un ievest esoÅ”ajÄ elektropÄrvades tÄ«klÄ jaunas tehnoloÄ£ijas, jo jauno elektrisko savienojumu realizÄcijas, atjaunojamo energoresursu lielÄs ietekmes, enerÄ£ijas tirgus liberalizÄcijas un atomelektrostaciju bÅ«vniecÄ«bas rezultÄtÄ bÅ«tiski palielinÄsies Baltijas pÄrvades tÄ«klu tranzÄ«ta jaudas plÅ«smas noslodze. TurklÄt nepiecieÅ”ams atzÄ«mÄt, ka liels procents no visÄm elektropÄrvades lÄ«nijÄm, kuras Å”obrÄ«d atrodas ekspluatÄcijÄ, celtas pirms 40...60 gadiem, kas norÄda uz elektrotÄ«kla fizisku un morÄlu novecoÅ”anu, kas savukÄrt prasa papildu atjaunoÅ”anas pasÄkumu ievieÅ”anu. TÄ rezultÄtÄ rodas daudz mÄrÄ·tiecÄ«gu uzdevumu, kas ir tieÅ”i saistÄ«ti ar elektropÄrvades tÄ«kla jaudas palielinÄÅ”anu, nodroÅ”inot droÅ”u un kvalitatÄ«vu patÄrÄtÄju elektroapgÄdi.
emot vÄrÄ iepriekÅ”minÄtos apsvÄrumus, par aktuÄlu kļūst izskatÄ«to problÄmu risinÄÅ”ana, veicinot iespÄjas palielinÄt elektrotÄ«kla caurlaides spÄju, piedÄvÄjot un realizÄjot vairÄkus augstsprieguma elektrolÄ«niju optimizÄcijas paÅÄmienus, kas formulÄti un izstrÄdÄti Å”ajÄ promocijas darbÄ. Izmantojot izstrÄdÄtos tehniski ekonomiskos risinÄjumus, bÅ«s iespÄjams palielinÄt esoÅ”ajÄs un projektÄjamÄs gaisvadu elektrolÄ«nijas pÄrvadÄmo jaudu (slÄptÄs jaudas rezerves noteikÅ”ana), precÄ«zi un operatÄ«vi pieÅemot pareizo lÄmumu dažÄdos elektropÄrvades tÄ«kla pastÄvoÅ”o problÄmu gadÄ«jumos, rezultÄtÄ minimizÄjot kapitÄlieguldÄ«jumus
ElektroapgÄdes sistÄmas droÅ”ums
Raksts apraksta elektroenerÄ£ijas piegÄdes droÅ”uma ietekmÄjoÅ”us faktorus, elektroapgÄdes pÄrtraukuma cÄloÅus, sekas un to uzlaboÅ”anas pasÄkumus. DarbÄ analÄ«zÄti plaÅ”Äk lietotie droÅ”uma rÄdÄ«tÄji ilgstoÅ”iem un Ä«slaicÄ«giem elektroenerÄ£ijas piegÄdes pÄrtraukumiem, to izmantoÅ”anas iespÄjas
ElektroenerÄ£ijas mÄrÄ«Å”ana viedajos elektrotÄ«klos
Raksts apraksta aktuÄlo elektrotÄ«klu attÄ«stÄ«bas virzienu ā viedo elektrotÄ«klu un to mÄrÄ«Å”anas sistÄmas, funkcionÄlÄs prasÄ«bas, potenciÄlÄs attÄ«stÄ«bas iespÄjas. DarbÄ analÄ«zÄti viedo mÄrÄ«jumu sistÄmas, galvenie trÅ«kumi un to priekÅ”rocÄ«bas, kÄ arÄ« dots ieskats viedo tÄ«klu attÄ«stÄ«bas tendencÄs gan LatvijÄ, gan pasaulÄ
Review of Advanced Transmission Technologies Towards the Smart Grid
The progressive re-engineering of the existing power networks requires the innovative transmission technologies, which will be able to adapt to new concepts of operation and management of Smart Grid. Moreover, the level of implementation of these technologies by Transmission System Operators (TSOs) will vary from one control area to the other, also based on past experiences and todayās operation constraints. This paper presents an overview of general groups of such technologies, namely, passive equipment, active equipment, real time system monitoring equipment as well as the impacting TSOsā operations equipment with the main purpose to analyze the prospective opportunities of realization of examined technologies as well as for achieving the better assessment of advantages of Smart Grid. The advanced technology such as High Temperature Low Sag (HTLS) conductors was examined based on a real line design case.
ElektriskÄs slodzes
MÄcÄ«bu metodiskie norÄdÄ«jumi paredzÄti enerÄ£Ätikas un elektrotehnikas specialitÄÅ”u
studentiem kursa darba izstrÄdei priekÅ”metÄ āElektroapgÄdeā. MateriÄlu var izmantot
elektroapgÄdes projektÄÅ”anÄ un sistÄmas elementu izvÄlÄ.
Darbs apkopo priekÅ”meta āElektroapgÄdeā elektrisko slodžu noteikÅ”anas teorÄtisko
materiÄlu, kÄ arÄ« praktiskos piemÄrus ar aplÄses slodžu un raksturÄ«go elektrisko lielumu
aprÄÄ·iniem. IzskatÄ«ti elektrisko slodžu raksturÄ«gie lielumi un koeficienti, aplÄses slodzes
noteikÅ”anas metodes, pÄ«Ä·a slodzes aprÄÄ·ins, elektroenerÄ£ijas zudumu noteikÅ”ana
elektropÄrvades lÄ«nijÄs
Review of Advanced Transmission Technologies towards the Smart Grid
Review of Advanced Transmission Technologies Towards the Smart Gri
Review of Advanced Transmission Technologies Towards the Smart Grid
Review of Advanced Transmission Technologies Towards the Smart Gri
Research and Simulation of Overhead Power Line Uprating Using Advanced Conductors
Due to the deregulation of the electricity market around the world as well as the great impact of renewable energy sources and climate change patterns, uprating of existing overhead power lines (OHPL) has become more popular. There are several methods that are widely used to uprate power lines (PL), but most of them are expensive. However, the use of the advanced conductors such as High Temperature Low Sag conductors (HTLSCs) could provide various technical and economical advantages for an effective operation of the PL. This paper presents the comparison results of both the traditional type conductors and HTLS conductors based on the evaluation of the line thermal rating (LTR) under several sets of local ambient conditions. These computations have been conducted on the basis of IEEE and CIGRE ampacity standards by using PLS-CADD software
Allowable Load Current Calculation Method with Heating Limitation for Overhead Powerlines
This paper describes the allowable load current calculation method with heating limitation for 110-330 kV overhead power lines. The application of this method is given for existing 110 kV overhead line. The obtained data are presented in graphical form.
The received data analysis shows that given methodology is one of the possible solutions to increase the power capacity of existing transmission lines by investing relatively small resources
The Influence of the Restrictions of the Electromagnetic Field on the Capital Costs of Power Line
The paper presents the minimization concept of the capital costs of the power line design by optimizing the main parameters of a transmission line as well as possibility of use of new advanced technologies such as High Temperature Low Sag conductors and monitoring systems. The evaluation process of a concept is presented in three stages and takes into account the impact of the important factors such as thermal, mechanical and environmental limitations. The main interest in this paper is focused on the detection of a problem of an electrical field, which may not satisfy to the required level, thus being as a problem in the transmission network ābottlenecksā. Moreover the
proposed practical method hands an efficient solution of the presenting problem allowing the customer to choose the best alternative of a power line design. The obtained results are analyzed and discussed in a paper