12 research outputs found

    Альфа-синуклеин и дисфункция митохондрий при болезни паркинсона

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    Болезнь Паркинсона (БП) - одно из самых распространенных нейродегенеративных заболеваний. Развитие патологии связано с гибелью дофаминергических нейронов, главным образом, в черной субстанции головного мозга. Недостаточность дофамина вызывает целый набор тяжелых симптомов, среди которых брадикинезия, постуральная неустойчивость, ригидность мышц и тремор. Генетические исследования показали, что ведущую роль в патогенезе БП играет белок альфа-синуклеин (?-Син). Большое количество данных свидетельствует о различных механизмах токсического действия ?-Син. Кроме того, среди ключевых факторов, способствующих развитию нейродегенерации при БП, выделяют существенные нарушения функций митохондрий и/или мутации. В число мутируемых генов при наследственной и спорадической формах БП входят гены, кодирующие PINK1 и Parkin, основные компоненты системы “контроля качества” митохондрий. Самые ранние биохимические признаки заболевания проявляются в нарушениях взаимодействия митохондрий и эндоплазматического ретикулума, митохондриальной динамики, гомеостаза кальция и повышении уровня митохондриальных активных форм кислорода. Все эти факторы участвуют в повреждении дофаминергических нейронов

    Dopamine controls neuronal spontaneous calcium oscillations via astrocytic signal

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    Dopamine is a neuromodulator and neurotransmitter responsible for a number of physiological processes. Dysfunctions of the dopamine metabolism and signalling are associated with neurological and psychiatric diseases. Here we report that in primary co-culture of neurons and astrocytes dopamine-induces calcium signal in astrocytes and suppress spontaneous synchronous calcium oscillations (SSCO) in neurons. Effect of dopamine on SSCO in neurons was dependent on calcium signal in astrocytes and could be modified by inhibition of dopamine-induced calcium signal or by stimulation of astrocytic calcium rise with ATP. Ability of dopamine to suppress SSCO in neurons was independent on D1- or D2- like receptors but dependent on GABA and alpha-adrenoreceptors. Inhibitor of monoaminoxidase bifemelane blocked effect of dopamine on astrocytes but also inhibited the effect dopamine on SSCO in neurons. These findings suggest that dopamine-induced calcium signal may stimulate release of neuromodulators such as GABA and adrenaline and thus suppress spontaneous calcium oscillations in neurons

    Alpha-Synuclein and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Parkinson Disease

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases. The development of pathology is associated with the loss of dopaminergic neurons, mainly in substantia nigra pars compacta. Dopamine deficiency causes a whole range of severe motor symptoms, including bradykinesia, postural instability, muscle rigidity, and tremor. Studies have shown the primary role of the alpha-synuclein protein in this neurodegenerative disease. A large amount of data indicates different mechanisms of the toxic effect of alpha-synuclein. The process of neurodegeneration in PD is the result of significant disturbances in mitochondrial functions and/or genetic mutations. The number of mutated genes in hereditary and sporadic forms of Parkinson’s disease includes genes encoding PINK1 and Parkin, which are the main participants in the mitochondrial “quality control” system. The earliest biochemical hallmarks of the disease are disturbances of the mitochondrial interaction with endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrial dynamics, Ca2+ homeostasis, and an increase in the level of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species. All these factors exert damaging effects on dopaminergic neurons

    Intracellular pH Modulates Autophagy and Mitophagy

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    The specific autophagic elimination of mitochondria (mitophagy) plays the role of quality control for this organelle. Deregulation of mitophagy leads to an increased number of damaged mitochondria and triggers cell death. The deterioration of mitophagy has been hypothesized to underlie the pathogenesis of several neurodegenerative diseases, most notably Parkinson disease. Although some of the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial quality control are described in detail, physiological or pathological triggers of mitophagy are still not fully characterized. Here we show that the induction of mitophagy by the mitochondrial uncoupler FCCP is independent of the effect of mitochondrial membrane potential but dependent on acidification of the cytosol by FCCP. The ionophore nigericin also reduces cytosolic pH and induces PINK1/PARKIN-dependent and -independent mitophagy. The increase of intracellular pH with monensin suppresses the effects of FCCP and nigericin on mitochondrial degradation. Thus, a change in intracellular pH is a regulator of mitochondrial quality control

    Role of DJ-1 in the mechanism of pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease

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    DJ-1 protein has multiple specific mechanisms to protect dopaminergic neurons against neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease. Wild type DJ-1 can acts as oxidative stress sensor and as an antioxidant. DJ-1 exhibits the properties of molecular chaperone, protease, glyoxalase, transcriptional regulator that protects mitochondria from oxidative stress. DJ-1 increases the expression of two mitochondrial uncoupling proteins (UCP 4 and UCP5), that decrease mitochondrial membrane potential and leads to the suppression of ROS production, optimizes of a number of mitochondrial functions, and is regarded as protection for the neuronal cell survival. We discuss also the stabilizing interaction of DJ-1 with the mitochondrial Bcl-xL protein, which regulates the activity of (Inositol trisphosphate receptor) IP3R, prevents the cytochrome c release from mitochondria and inhibits the apoptosis activation. Upon oxidative stress DJ-1 is able to regulate various transcription factors including nuclear factor Nrf2, PI3K/PKB, and p53 signal pathways. Stress-activated transcription factor Nrf2 regulates the pathways to protect cells against oxidative stress and metabolic pathways initiating the NADPH and ATP production. DJ-1 induces the Nrf2 dissociation from its inhibitor Keap1 (Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1), promoting Nrf2 nuclear translocation and binding to antioxidant response elements. DJ-1 is shown to be a co-activator of the transcription factor NF-kB. Under nitrosative stress, DJ-1 may regulate PI3K/PKB signaling through PTEN transnitrosylation, which leads to inhibition of phosphatase activity. DJ-1 has a complex modulating effect on the p53 pathway: one side DJ-1 directly binds to p53 to restore its transcriptional activity and on the other hand DJ-1 can stimulate deacylation and suppress p53 transcriptional activity. The ability of the DJ-1 to induce activation of different transcriptional factors and change redox balance protect neurons against aggregation of α-synuclein and oligomer-induced neurodegeneration

    Interaction of misfolded proteins and mitochondria in neurodegenerative disorders

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    The number of the people affected by neurodegenerative disorders is growing dramatically due to the ageing of population. The major neurodegenerative diseases share some common pathological features including the involvement of mitochondria in the mechanism of pathology and misfolding and the accumulation of abnormally aggregated proteins. Neurotoxicity of aggregated β-amyloid, tau, α-synuclein and huntingtin is linked to the effects of these proteins on mitochondria. All these misfolded aggregates affect mitochondrial energy metabolism by inhibiting diverse mitochondrial complexes and limit ATP availability in neurones. β-Amyloid, tau, α-synuclein and huntingtin are shown to be involved in increased production of reactive oxygen species, which can be generated in mitochondria or can target this organelle. Most of these aggregated proteins are capable of deregulating mitochondrial calcium handling that, in combination with oxidative stress, lead to opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore. Despite some of the common features, aggregated β-amyloid, tau, α-synuclein and huntingtin have diverse targets in mitochondria that can partially explain neurotoxic effect of these proteins in different brain regions

    GPR119 agonist enhances gefitinib responsiveness through lactate-mediated inhibition of autophagy

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    Abstract Background Ligand-dependent activation of the G-protein coupled receptor 119 (GPR119) lowers blood glucose via glucose-dependent insulin secretion and intestinal glucagon-like peptide-1 production. However, the function of GPR119 in cancer cells has not been studied. Methods GPR119 expression was assessed by real-time qPCR and immunohistochemistry in human breast cancer cell lines and breast cancer tissues. Cell proliferation and cell cycle analyses were performed by Incucyte® live cell analysis system and flow cutometry, respectively. Autophagy activity was estimeated by western blottings and LC3-GFP transfection. Results mRNA or protein expression of GPR119 was detected in 9 cancer cell lines and 19 tissue samples. Cotreatment with GPR119 agonist (MBX-2982 or GSK1292263) significantly potentiated gefitinib-induced cell growth inhibition in gefitinib-insensitive MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. We observed that caspase-3/7 activity was enhanced with the downregulation of Bcl-2 in MCF-7 cells exposed to MBX-2982. Gefitinib-induced autophagy is related with cancer cell survival and chemoresistance. GPR119 agonists inhibit gefitinib-induced autophagosome formation in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. MBX-2982 also caused a metabolic shift to enhanced glycolysis accompanied by reduced mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. MBX-2982 increased intracellular (~ 2.5 mM) and extracellular lactate (~ 20 mM) content. Gefitinib-mediated autophagy was suppressed by 20 mM lactate in MCF-7 cells. Conclusions GPR119 agonists reduced mitochondrial OXPHOS and stimulated glycolysis in breast cancer cells, with consequent overproduction of lactate that inhibited autophagosome formation. Because autophagy is crucial for the survival of cancer cells exposed to TKIs, GPR119 agonists potentiated the anticancer effects of TKIs