1,312 research outputs found

    Other Exotic Scenarios at the LHC

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    The considerable center-of-mass energy and luminosity provided by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will ensure a discovery reach for new particles which extends well into the multi-TeV region. ATLAS and CMS have carried out many studies of the implications of this capability for Beyond the Standard Model physics. In this paper, we summarize some key results of studies involving non-susy models, such as extra-dimensions, little higgs, compositeness, and left-right symmetric models.Comment: 7 pages, conferenc

    Prospects for the Search for a Doubly-Charged Higgs in the Left-Right Symmetric Model with ATLAS

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    We estimate the potential for observation at the LHC of a doubly charged Higgs boson, as predicted in Left-Right symmetric models. Single production by vector boson fusion, W+W+→ΔL,R++W^+W^+ \to \Delta_{L,R}^{++} and pair production by the Drell-Yan process qqˉ→ΔL,R++ΔL,R−−q \bar q \to \Delta_{L,R}^{++}\Delta_{L,R}^{--} are considered. Various decay channels are investigated: dileptons, including pairs of τ\tau's, as well as $WW

    Off-Diagonal Fermion-Higgs Couplings

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    The flavour changing neutral current (FCNC) decay induced by a Higgs boson in the standard model with three and four generations has been studied. This process occurs first at one-loop order, where it has been calculated neglecting the mass of the outgoing quark. The possibility of producing the as yet undiscovered Higgs boson H by this decay has been considered. In particular we consider the decay of a fourth generation b' quark; the FCNC decay b'→ bH may dominate the charged current (CC) decay modes if the b' mass is less than the top quark mass, for Higgs mass up to 60 Gev. The decay of the top quark, in the presence of a fourth generation, is also discussed

    Electron/Photon Reconstruction Performance with the ATLAS Detector

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    The calibration of electromagnetic clusters is one of the key issues of ATLAS (and the LHC) in 2007. The cluster algorithm starting from electronically calibrated calorimeter cells will be described. Local position and local energy variations are corrected for. As a last step, longitudinal weights are applied to correct for energy loss upstream of the calorimeter. Strongly influenced by testbeam studies, the new longitudinal weighting optimizes simultaneously energy resolution and linearity. Methods to derive the final calibration parameters from the physics events have been developed. The electron and photon identification methods and their performance will then be discussed

    Epistemic Violence and Colonial Legacies in the Representation of Refugee Women:Contesting Narratives of Vulnerability and Victimhood

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    The traditional drafting and subsequent implementation of international refugee law have been criticised for relying on a male-centric understanding of persecution. Whilst this framework has recently shifted to include a more gender-sensitive interpretation, I argue that this introduction of gender within refugee status determination has traditionally relied on narratives infused with gendered and racialised stereotypes. In particular, it relies on a ‘white saviour’ colonial narrative that perceives refugee women as vulnerable victims in need of saving. Drawing on a decolonial and critical epistemological analysis that includes both a race and gender dimension, I unpack the epistemic violence and hidden colonial legacies in the representation of refugee women in case-law. Ultimately, this article concludes with a call for reframing the legal narrative around refugee women by approaching them as political actors rather than oppressed and vulnerable subjects

    Colonial Legacies in Syrian Nationality Law and the Risk of Statelessness

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