605 research outputs found

    Geographical species distribution in the Barents Sea under climate change - results from the BarEcoRe project

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    This report presents a study of possible changes in species’ spatial distribution in the Barents Sea as a result of possible future changes in the ocean climate. Species Distribution Models (SDMs) are constructed to describe and quantify the relationship between past distribution of species and environmental conditions. On the basis of simple environmental scenarios, the same models are used to project possible changes in individual species’ spatial distributions. The work was conducted under the NFR funded project BarEcoRe: Barents Sea Ecosystem Resilience under global environmental change

    Proving uniformity and independence by self-composition and coupling

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    Proof by coupling is a classical proof technique for establishing probabilistic properties of two probabilistic processes, like stochastic dominance and rapid mixing of Markov chains. More recently, couplings have been investigated as a useful abstraction for formal reasoning about relational properties of probabilistic programs, in particular for modeling reduction-based cryptographic proofs and for verifying differential privacy. In this paper, we demonstrate that probabilistic couplings can be used for verifying non-relational probabilistic properties. Specifically, we show that the program logic pRHL---whose proofs are formal versions of proofs by coupling---can be used for formalizing uniformity and probabilistic independence. We formally verify our main examples using the EasyCrypt proof assistant

    Advanced Probabilistic Couplings for Differential Privacy

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    Differential privacy is a promising formal approach to data privacy, which provides a quantitative bound on the privacy cost of an algorithm that operates on sensitive information. Several tools have been developed for the formal verification of differentially private algorithms, including program logics and type systems. However, these tools do not capture fundamental techniques that have emerged in recent years, and cannot be used for reasoning about cutting-edge differentially private algorithms. Existing techniques fail to handle three broad classes of algorithms: 1) algorithms where privacy depends accuracy guarantees, 2) algorithms that are analyzed with the advanced composition theorem, which shows slower growth in the privacy cost, 3) algorithms that interactively accept adaptive inputs. We address these limitations with a new formalism extending apRHL, a relational program logic that has been used for proving differential privacy of non-interactive algorithms, and incorporating aHL, a (non-relational) program logic for accuracy properties. We illustrate our approach through a single running example, which exemplifies the three classes of algorithms and explores new variants of the Sparse Vector technique, a well-studied algorithm from the privacy literature. We implement our logic in EasyCrypt, and formally verify privacy. We also introduce a novel coupling technique called \emph{optimal subset coupling} that may be of independent interest

    Extending Coq with Imperative Features and its Application to SAT Verification

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    This work was supported in part by the french ANR DECERT initiativeInternational audienceCoq has within its logic a programming language that can be used to replace many deduction steps into a single computation, this is the so-called reflection. In this paper, we present two extensions of the evaluation mechanism that preserve its correctness and make it possible to deal with cpu-intensive tasks such as proof checking of SAT traces

    A Modular Integration of SAT/SMT Solvers to Coq through Proof Witnesses

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    International audienceWe present a way to enjoy the power of SAT and SMT provers in Coq without compromising soundness. This requires these provers to return not only a yes/no answer, but also a proof witness that can be independently rechecked. We present such a checker, written and fully certified in Coq. It is conceived in a modular way, in order to tame the proofs' complexity and to be extendable. It can currently check witnesses from the SAT solver ZChaff and from the SMT solver veriT. Experiments highlight the efficiency of this checker. On top of it, new reflexive Coq tactics have been built that can decide a subset of Coq's logic by calling external provers and carefully checking their answers

    On Strong Normalization of the Calculus of Constructions with Type-Based Termination

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    The original publication is available at www.springerlink.comInternational audienceTermination of recursive functions is an important property in proof assistants based on dependent type theories; it implies consistency and decidability of type checking. Type-based termination is a mechanism for ensuring termination that uses types annotated with size information to check that recursive calls are performed on smaller arguments. Our long-term goal is to extend the Calculus of Inductive Constructions with a type-based termination mechanism and prove its logical consistency. In this paper, we present an extension of the Calculus of Constructions (including universes and impredicativity) with sized natural numbers, and prove strong normalization and logical consistency. Moreover, the proof can be easily adapted to include other inductive types

    High Temperature Oxidation of Slurry Aluminized Deformable Austempered Ductile Iron (DADI)

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