12 research outputs found

    Academic Philistinism? The Challenges of Contemporary Artistic Research Inside Academia. Semi-structured Interviews with Visual Art Students in Brazil

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    The objectives of this research are twofold, firstly, to analyse how departments of art and art practitioners are integrated within academia, and to scrutinise this coexistence, by focusing on emerging issues due to the nature of Art as “specific knowledge” thus, an assessment of its eventual mismatch within the generic framework of a traditional academic context. Consequently, this article exposes both frictions and dilemmas witnessed, as well as elaborates on the specificities of the Art knowledge and associated visual creativity and thinking. The study used qualitative analysis to explore the topic of the integration of art departments within academic settings. In this article, ten Visual Art students from three Brazilian universities are interviewed between May and August of 2022 about their perspectives on their studies and whether they advocate artistic research. The results shed light on how artistic practice is viewed as research and demonstrate how the traditional research outcome affects art students in their art production, academic and artistic identities, and perceptions and expectations

    L'Excellence dans la Revitalisation Urbaine. Une Mise en Valeur Architectonique des Marchés de plein air à Busan

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    Busan est l'une des villes urbaines les plus densément peuplées en Corée du Sud. La pression démesurée que cette mégapole exige sur l'architecture en termes de revitalisation urbaine favorise l'innovation. Le but de cet article est d'explorer le renouvellement urbain dans un aspect particulier : le marché de plein air à Busan. Le développement de la Corée porté par une politique forte et soutenu par les Chaebols a eu pour conséquences pour l'heure un héritage en béton disgracieux. Quand l'heure de la révision a sonné, les pouvoirs publics ont mis en place une nouvelle politique en Corée plus agressive visant le dynamisme économique et préservant la culture coréenne. Les décideurs n'ont pas manqué cette fois-ci de bondir dans le train de l'actualité et d'opter pour une architecture durable. Busan est une ville fantastique et représente un laboratoire parfaitement adapté à cette nouvelle politique. Les critères de conception durable stricte y sont parfaitement respectés afin de préserver l'héritage culturel de la communauté de Busan. Deux exemples internationaux, au Mexique et à Rouen, ont servi d'inspiration pour les projets de Busan où les marchés de plein air représentent des noyaux de productivité économique et des catalyseurs de la vie sociale. Le marché de Jagalchi avait grand besoin d'idées nouvelles et un projet de revitalisation a été entrepris que nous étudierons en détails


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    International audienceThe year 2017 has been dominated by a series of events and challenges, which among them the oil market is still challenged by high stocks and slow prices development. The overall events can be resumed to: a) OPEC and allied nations are trying to make gains in curbing oil output, not only they extend their cuts, but they also adhere to them, b) US oil production will keep growing and keep costs down, and c) oil demand growth is recently strengthening. This paper intends to answer the question: what is the current state of the oil and gas industry and where is it heading? Since July 2014, the oil market is in a contango situation, i.e., a situation where the future price is above the expected future spot price. The market structure has been benefiting American manufacturers for almost 3 years, and this is the order that OPEC is currently trying to subvert. Much of the oil and gas industry has survived tough years with weak demand and low prices. This article describes first the evolution of the price of gas and oil in the main oil markets and second the rebalancing of the market that can push the price level upwards affecting positively the future equilibrium of many countries

    Prospects and challenges in the Korean construction industry: An economic overview

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    International audienceThe Korean construction industry has long provided a stable and strong power to the growth of the country's economy since the 1970's. The Korean construction activity continues to prosper nowadays as it is expected to rebound by 2.5% between 2015 and 2019. The government also continues to have high economic interest in all industry sector projects related to property investments in residential, commercial and infrastructure projects. However, analysts consider that the Korean economy is increasingly being over dependent on its construction industry. Many residential properties were designed, and for the most part still are, for single or young families. This may result in an unwelcome oversupply in the future especially with the ageing population. South Korea, with already 13.80% of eldery citizens, is expecting an eldery population rise up to 24.50% in 2030. This means that soon there will be a great demand on architects with design skills for senior citizens. This paper calls for addressing this critical demographic problem via the process of architectural constructions. The paper also suggests to work on a wide range of new and creative architectural models and gives a few recommendation to face all the contemporary and near future problems

    Concrete as a Sustainable Construction Material

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    International audienceSustainable concrete is nowadays one of the biggest challenges in the construction industry. Performance-based specifications for concrete can materially help meet this new challenge while supporting the concept of “sustainable construction”. Concrete can be found in almost every building structure, be it a pavement, a bridge, a house, a tunnel or a dam. Scholars nowadays are researching the best balanced mix in concrete in order to diminish its environmental impact, especially the cement component which is known for its high carbon emissions. This paper describes concrete durability and outlines what project specifications will significantly influence concrete performance, including its environmental impacts. The paper argues that, despite the sustainability of concrete, concerted efforts on the part of scientists and engineers are still necessary to improve the design of concrete in order to ensure their expected sustainable quality and reliability

    The Urban Identity Recovery in Seoul: The Case of the Outdoor Markets

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    International audienceSeoul has lived up to its reputation as a truly urbanized cosmopolitan Asian city and despite rapid industrialization; the authentic identity of market architecture is still maintained in many regions. However, the form and character of many markets is intrinsically connected with the evolution of trading. With the rapid economic development of Seoul since the 1990s, modern markets were created, the seller-customer relationship changed, and many other factors led to a tangible decline in the consumer use of outdoor markets in Seoul. That is why it is important to revitalize these markets and make them into pedestrianized and inviting neighborhoods where locals can have a shopping experience that is informed by a " non-McDonaldized " architecture. This paper will examine the space vitality and urban identity in Seoul market areas. More specifically this paper will explore the importance of rejuvenation of self-contained developments through the revival of distinctive outdoor markets that have historic significance as a focus for social and communal activities. The paper suggests that a new and improved version of Seoul outdoor markets can be developed combining their rough and unplanned character with architectural adjustments to make them more attractive, beneficial, and resilient, especially in tourism spots. Thereby the focus is to revive the market as a space, improve its physical image, develop the domestic economy, and increase regional revenue

    Slate rock mines: From formation to extraction

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    International audienceSlate rock has been analyzed for more than 170 years and was among the first geological features to be used in a number of countries such as Spain, France, Wales, North America and Brazil. Early observations recognized the importance of slate into the construction of roofs, cladding, pavements, or roads. Natural slate has many features that make it one of the most valuable, versatile and sustainable construction materials e.g. slate waste is particularly used as an alternative to conventional aggregates. In this paper, I will review the slate rock, geological formation, mining, production and uses in construction. This paper gives the reader a comprehensive overview of slate geology, formation, extraction as seen in the light of all the vast body of work made there up to the present time

    La créativité dans la réhabilitation urbaine: Le Viaduc des Arts à Paris

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    International audienceIn this article, the example of urban transformations around a section of the Vincennes line has a very revealing and unique character. Our choice was based on the study of just one case of the Viaduc des Arts in France because of its richness in data related to the development of urban rehabilitation approaches. In this context, this paper first briefly reviews a theoretical framework allowing a descriptive reading of the modes of action in terms of urban production, tourism, image of the city. The article then draws on an analysis of the creative rehabilitating the abandoned Viaduct on Avenue Daumesnil in the 12th arrondissement. This will highlight the creative solutions that have been applied to convert it into a green space of relaxation and culture but also its contribution to the "City branding" of Paris. An essential argument of the article is that the impact of the Viaduc des Arts project is: social, economic, urban, cultural and ecological faith that actively contributes to the image of the city of Paris. This encourages the constant renewal of the objectives, methods and means of action in the territories to be renewed.Dans cet article, l'exemple des transformations urbaines autour de la ligne de Vincennes a un caractère très révélateur et unique. Notre choix a été basé sur l'étude d'un seul cas qui est le Viaduc des Arts en France, en raison de sa richesse en données liées au développement d'approches de réhabilitation urbaine. Dans cette optique, ce document revient d’abord brièvement sur un cadre théorique permettant une lecture analytique des modes d’action en matière de production de l’urbain, du tourisme, de l’image et de l’imagibilité de la ville. L’article prend ensuite appui sur une analyse de la problématique de réhabilitation du Viaduc abandonné de l’avenue Daumesnil au 12e arrondissement, et vise à mettre en évidence les solutions qui ont été appliquées pour le reconvertir en un espace vert de détente et de culture mais aussi son apport à l’imagibilité de la ville de Paris. Un argument essentiel constitue le fil rouge de l’article, soit: l’impact du projet du Viaduc des Arts est à la fois social, économique, urbain, culturel et écologique qui contribue activement au ‘City branding’ de la ville de Paris. Ceci incite à toujours renouveler les objectifs, les méthodes et les moyens d'action sur les territoires à renouveler

    Qualità ambientale e tecnologie innovative e tradizionali per il risparmio energetico nell’edilizia residenziale privata e pubblica dei paesi del sud mediterraneo, dagli anni ’80 fino ad oggi.

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    La ricerca inizia con una domanda: perché, alla luce di tutto quello previsto dalla teoria, i principi bio-climatici sono stati visti, messi in atto, solo raramente nella regione mediterranea del sud? Il mio lavoro ha cominciato con una riflessione sul divario che esiste fra quello che è ritenuto un ideale clima-sensible e che cosa realmente è costruito e funzionante. L’obiettivo chiave della ricerca è stato di sviluppare una nuova generazione di costruzioni a basso costo per la popolazione a basso reddito e informarla di tale possibilità, sia direttamente attraverso la valutazione dei confort, che indirettamente mediante progetti basati sulle necessità. Una comprensione più profonda della comodità e della sostenibilità, specificamente le aspettative di comodità, può farci comprendere come le costruzioni di alloggiamento future potrebbero essere indirizzate verso la funzionalità a costi energetici più bassi, rimanendo sempre all'interno dei parametri di accettabilità creando una simbiosi fra le tecnologie innovatrici della costruzione ed i concetti vernacolari