46 research outputs found

    Effect of the height of konfuzor area on efficiency diffuser inertial vacuum ash collector

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    В данной статье рассказывается о принципиально новом виде золоуловителя. Изменение его конструкции приводит к значительным ухудшениям показателя эффективности газоочистного оборудования. Автором исследуется влияние высоты конфузорного участка входного патрубка установки на эффективность инерционно-вакуумного золоуловителя. Результаты и выводы численного эксперимента содержатся в конце статьи. Работа ведется по заданию и при поддержке фонда «Энергия без границ».This article describes a fundamentally new type of ash collector. Changes its parameters lead to a significant deterioration in the efficiency of gas-cleaning equipment. The author investigates the influence of the height of the konfuzor section inlet on the effectiveness of the inertial-vacuum ash collector. The results of numerical experiments and conclusions are contained in the end of article. The work is conducted on the instructions and with the support of «Energiya bez granits»


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    Purpose: To research of certain peculiarities of the virus-microbial assotiations of middle ear in chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM).Materials and Methods: Microflora in the middle ear of 102 patients aged from 20 to 70 years with chronic suppurative otitis media were studied by microbiological and genetic (PCR) methods.Results: Microbiotic mixed infection was detected in 62,5% patients and microbiotic monoinfection–in 37,5% patients. In microbiotic monoinfection the frequency of occurance of herpes and papilloma viruses was 19,4% and in microbiotic mixed infection - 32,2%.Chlamydiae were detected only in mixed infection (16,7%). Presence of mycoplasms in middle ear in microbiotic monoinfection was 13,7 times less (p<0,01) than in mixed infection.Summary: The obtained results are allowed to recommend broadened microbiological analysis with application PCR to put into practice to increase the level of diagnostics and to make choice of an adequate treatment of CSOM


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    Purpose: To research of spectrum of agents and their biological characteristics in chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM).Materials and Methods: Вacterial and fungous flora in the middle ear of 102 patients aged from 20 to 70 years with CSOM were studied by microbiological and genetic (PCR) methods. To determine adhesive activity of agents was used rapid method Brilis V.М. and antilysozyme activity – method Bukharin O.V.Results: The majority of cases of CSOM were caused by different species of staphylococci with prevalence S.aureus, S.epidermidis. Mycoplasms, mould and yeast-like fungi took up the second position among the pathogens. Non-clostridial anaerobes and chlamidiae were occurred less frequently. In most cases (>90%) agents of CSOM were possessed of adhesive and antilysozyme activities. Among them more 70% strains had the high and middle level of expression of these signs.Summary: Traditional microbiological method of diagnostics is not an informative, because it leave out of account the role mycoplasms, chlamidiae and non-clostridial anaerobes in forming of disease. Main strains of agents of CSOM are possessed of significant adhesive and antilysozyme activities. These signs influence on gravity and duration of course of disease

    Биологические свойства грамнегативных бактерий, верифицированных в моче пациенток с рецидивирующей неосложненной инфекцией нижних мочевых путей

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    Uncomplicated infections of the lower urinary tract are more often recorded in women and are characterized by recurrent severe course. The lack of effective approaches to the management of this cohort of patients and the insufficient knowledge of the qualitative characteristics of uropathogens hinder the successful treatment of these infections. The purpose of this project is to study the biological properties of representatives of Gram-negative bacteria isolated from the urine of patients with recurrent uncomplicated lower urinary tract infection at various levels of bacteriuria.We present here the results of the one-stage cohort study of 62 patients 20-50 years old with recurrent uncomplicated lower urinary tract infection. The level of bacteriuria, genes of virulence factors, hemolytic, adhesive and anti-lysozyme activities were determined for the Gram-negative bacteria isolated from the urine of patients.Representatives of Gram-negative microorganisms (62 strains) were isolated from the urine of all patients. Their bacteriuria levels ranged from 102 to 108 CFU/ml. A wide range of the virulence factor genes with the prevalence of papGII, feoB, fyuA, were found in all strains regardless of the degree of bacteriuria. Twenty significant (p<0.05) coefficients of mutual contingency between different pairs of genes were found. We found that the hemolytic activity of Enterobacteriaceae is statistically significantly associated with papA, feoB, fyuA, kpsMII, and usp, while the anti-lysozyme activity is associated with papA, afa, and usp.The detection of genotypic and some phenotypic traits expressed in various variations in all Gram-negative bacteria regardless of their bacteriuria levels creates a potential risk for recurrent of the lower urinary tract infection. Consequently, even the minimal levels of bacteriuria become clinically significant. Therefore, in bacteriological diagnostics it is necessary to determine all levels of bacteriuria, including the minimum level (102 CFU/ml), since isolated microorganisms at this level have not only adhesive and anti-lysozyme activities, but also contain genes encoding the virulence factors. Неосложненные инфекции нижних мочевых путей чаще регистрируются у женщин и характеризуются рецидивирующим тяжелым течением. Отсутствие эффективных подходов по ведению данной когорты пациенток и недостаточная изученность качественных характеристик уропатогенов препятствуют успешному лечению этих инфекций. Цель настоящего исследования — изучить биологические свойства представителей грамнегативной микробиоты, выделенной из мочи паци­енток с рецидивирующей неосложненной инфекцией нижних мочевых путей, при различных уровнях бактериурии.Проведено когортное одномоментное исследование 62 пациенток в возрасте 20–50 лет с рецидивирующей неосложнен­ной инфекцией нижних мочевых путей. У грамнегативных бактерий, выделенных из мочи пациенток, определяли уровень бактериурии, гены факторов вирулентности, гемолитическую, адгезивную и антилизоцимную активности.У всех пациенток из мочи выделены представители грамнегативных микроорганизмов (62 штамма). Уровни бактери­урии колебались от 102 до 108 КОЕ/мл. У всех штаммов обнаружены гены факторов вирулентности в широком диапазоне с превалированием papGII, feoB, fyuA независимо от степени бактериурии. Обнаружено 20 достоверных (p<0.05) коэффи­циентов взаимной сопряженности между различными парами генов. Гемолитическая активность энтеробактерий значимо связана с papA, feoB, fyuA, kpsMII и usp, антилизоцимная – с papA, afa и usp.Таким образом, наличие генотипических и некоторых фенотипических признаков в различных вариациях экспрессии у всех представителей грамнегативных бактерий при всех уровнях бактериурии создает потенциальный риск развития очередного рецидива инфекции нижних мочевых путей. Поэтому даже минимальные уровни бактериурии являются кли­нически значимыми. Таким образом, при бактериологической диагностике необходимо определять все уровни бактери­урии, включая минимальный (102 КОЕ/мл), так как выделенные микроорганизмы при данном уровне обладают не только адгезивной и антилизоцимной активностями, но и имеют гены факторов вирулентности

    Sarilumab in patients admitted to hospital with severe or critical COVID-19: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial

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    Background: Elevated proinflammatory cytokines are associated with greater COVID-19 severity. We aimed to assess safety and efficacy of sarilumab, an interleukin-6 receptor inhibitor, in patients with severe (requiring supplemental oxygen by nasal cannula or face mask) or critical (requiring greater supplemental oxygen, mechanical ventilation, or extracorporeal support) COVID-19. Methods: We did a 60-day, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multinational phase 3 trial at 45 hospitals in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Russia, and Spain. We included adults (≥18 years) admitted to hospital with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection and pneumonia, who required oxygen supplementation or intensive care. Patients were randomly assigned (2:2:1 with permuted blocks of five) to receive intravenous sarilumab 400 mg, sarilumab 200 mg, or placebo. Patients, care providers, outcome assessors, and investigators remained masked to assigned intervention throughout the course of the study. The primary endpoint was time to clinical improvement of two or more points (seven point scale ranging from 1 [death] to 7 [discharged from hospital]) in the modified intention-to-treat population. The key secondary endpoint was proportion of patients alive at day 29. Safety outcomes included adverse events and laboratory assessments. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04327388; EudraCT, 2020-001162-12; and WHO, U1111-1249-6021. Findings: Between March 28 and July 3, 2020, of 431 patients who were screened, 420 patients were randomly assigned and 416 received placebo (n=84 [20%]), sarilumab 200 mg (n=159 [38%]), or sarilumab 400 mg (n=173 [42%]). At day 29, no significant differences were seen in median time to an improvement of two or more points between placebo (12·0 days [95% CI 9·0 to 15·0]) and sarilumab 200 mg (10·0 days [9·0 to 12·0]; hazard ratio [HR] 1·03 [95% CI 0·75 to 1·40]; log-rank p=0·96) or sarilumab 400 mg (10·0 days [9·0 to 13·0]; HR 1·14 [95% CI 0·84 to 1·54]; log-rank p=0·34), or in proportions of patients alive (77 [92%] of 84 patients in the placebo group; 143 [90%] of 159 patients in the sarilumab 200 mg group; difference −1·7 [−9·3 to 5·8]; p=0·63 vs placebo; and 159 [92%] of 173 patients in the sarilumab 400 mg group; difference 0·2 [−6·9 to 7·4]; p=0·85 vs placebo). At day 29, there were numerical, non-significant survival differences between sarilumab 400 mg (88%) and placebo (79%; difference +8·9% [95% CI −7·7 to 25·5]; p=0·25) for patients who had critical disease. No unexpected safety signals were seen. The rates of treatment-emergent adverse events were 65% (55 of 84) in the placebo group, 65% (103 of 159) in the sarilumab 200 mg group, and 70% (121 of 173) in the sarilumab 400 mg group, and of those leading to death 11% (nine of 84) were in the placebo group, 11% (17 of 159) were in the sarilumab 200 mg group, and 10% (18 of 173) were in the sarilumab 400 mg group. Interpretation: This trial did not show efficacy of sarilumab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 and receiving supplemental oxygen. Adequately powered trials of targeted immunomodulatory therapies assessing survival as a primary endpoint are suggested in patients with critical COVID-19. Funding: Sanofi and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals


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    In article approaches to training of students of higher education institutions in Russian as foreign are discussed. The attention that effective carrying out educational process in distance learning can be realized only at the complex accounting of all components of system of training one of which - approach to training is focused. Conceptual provisions of such training are stated

    Electronic means of teaching as the basis of educational process at the modern higher school

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    The article begins with a description of the communication sphere of the information society and its importance in education. The author then describes the e-learning tools and identifies their types. The author then proceeds to the characterization of multimedia technology based on the use of e-learning. The author also draws attention to the distance learning technologies and concludes the feasibility of its development in the educational process of modern higher education