43 research outputs found

    Homology analysis of the assembled unigenes against different databases.

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    <p>(A), the number distribution of unigenes using different annotation with a cut-off <i>E</i>-value of 1 e<sup>-5</sup>; (B), <i>E</i>-value distribution of top hits for each unigene.</p

    Hierarchical cluster and analysis for putative DEGs between both of node regions.

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    <p>(A), a heat-map profile of various families with different expression characteristics; (B), FDR analysis between both of node regions; (C), high transcripts of DEGs involved into top-10 hits of different metabolism pathways.</p

    Relative GFP fluorescence assay for GFP fused TEVp<sup>5M</sup> and fifteen codon variants expressed in <i>E. coli</i> BL21(DE3).

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    <p>(A) Relative fluorescence intensities of cells expressing the codon variant fused with GFP. (B) Relative fluorescence intensities of soluble fractions and pellets.</p

    Soluble expression levels of S-tagged TEVp<sup>5M</sup> and some codon variants at early induction stage.

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    <p>(A) Relative fluorescence of proteins expressed in <i>E. coli</i> BL21(DE3). (B) Relative fluorescence of proteins expressed in Rosseta (DE3).</p

    Substrate specificity of the purified TEVp<sup>5M</sup> and selected codon variants.

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    <p>Activity of the TEVp<sup>5M</sup> and selected three variants expressed in <i>E. coli</i> BL21(DE3) or Rosseta (DE3) using protein substrates GST-tevS1-DAL (A) and GST-tevS2-DAL (B).</p

    The synonymous codon substitution in the TEVp<sup>5M</sup> coding sequence.

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    <p>The synonymous codon substitution in the TEVp<sup>5M</sup> coding sequence.</p

    Comparative transcription analysis of different Antirrhinum phyllotaxy nodes identifies major signal networks involved in vegetative-reproductive transition

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    <div><p>Vegetative-reproductive phase change is an indispensable event which guarantees several aspects of successful meristem behaviour and organ development. <i>Antirrhinum majus</i> undergoes drastic changes of shoot architecture during the phase change, including phyllotactic change and leaf type alteration from opposite decussate to spiral. However, the regulation mechanism in both of phyllotactic morphology changes is still unclear. Here, the Solexa/Illumina RNA-seq high-throughput sequencing was used to evaluate the global changes of transcriptome levels among four node regions during phyllotactic development. More than 86,315,782 high quality reads were sequenced and assembled into 58,509 unigenes. These differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were classified into 118 pathways described in the KEGG database. Based on the heat-map analysis, a large number of DEGs were overwhelmingly distributed in the hormone signal pathway as well as the carbohydrate biosynthesis and metabolism. The quantitative real time (qRT)-PCR results indicated that most of DEGs were highly up-regulated in the swapping regions of phyllotactic morphology. Moreover, transcriptions factors (TFs) with high transcripts were also identified, controlling the phyllotactic morphology by the regulation of hormone and sugar-metabolism signal pathways. A number of DEGs did not align with any databases and might be novel genes involved in the phyllotactic development. These genes will serve as an invaluable genetic resource for understanding the molecular mechanism of the phyllotactic development.</p></div

    Heat maps showing absolute expression values for plant-hormone genes.

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    <p>S1-S4 indicates different stages of phyllotactic patterns, respectively. UniProt IDs were shown in the last lane of tables.</p

    Expression profiles of carbohydrate metabolism-related transcripts in the simplified starch and sucrose metabolism pathways.

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    <p>A, The transcript of each gene was calculated and normalized based on RPM value. The red and blue boxes indicated the up-regulated and down-regulated enzymes, respectively. The gray boxes meant no significant transcription difference (<i>p</i> < 0.05, n = 3) and the white boxes represented these enzymes not detected in this study. The digitals in the upper or lower half of boxes were the EC numbers and the expression levels of unigenes from S1 to S4, respectively. B, The transcript levels of the selected unigenes related to the carbohydrate metabolism using qRT-PCR. SPS, Sucrose Phosphate Synthase; SS-S, Sucrose Synthase-Synthesis; SS-C, Sucrose Synthase-Cleavage; HEX, hexokinase.</p

    Activity of soluble TEVp<sup>5M</sup> and fifteen codon variants.

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    <p>Cleavage activity of the constructed TEVp<sup>5M</sup> and variants expressed in <i>E. coli</i> strains BL21(DE3) (A) and Rosseta (DE3) (B) respectively. The fusion protein GST-tevS1-DAL was used as the substrate. After cleavage, the released DAL activity was measured, as described in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0112254#s2" target="_blank">Materials and Methods</a>.</p