20 research outputs found

    Highly-Correlated Electron Behavior in Niobium and Niobium Compound Thin Films

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    Electron correlations are the root of many interesting phenomena in materials, including phase transitions such as superconductivity and insulator-to-metal transitions, which are of great interest both for scientific understanding and for many applications. Such phase transitions can often be tailored in thin films, in which the geometry of the material is limited in one dimension. By studying how the physical structure of a thin film affects its correlated electron response, it is possible to obtain useful insight into both the nature of the electron correlations present in the material and how to control them for various applications. Niobium, an elemental superconductor, has the highest critical temperature and lower critical field of the naturally-occurring superconductors, making it attractive for many applications, particularly in the superconducting radio frequency (SRF) community. Several niobium-based compounds are also superconductors of interest; while the bulk materials are fairly well-understood, there is still a great deal to learn regarding the effects of the microstructure of thin films of these materials on their superconducting properties. Another niobium compound, niobium dioxide, exhibits a phase transition from a room-temperature insulating state to a high-temperature metallic state. Such insulator-to-metal transitions are not well-understood, even in bulk, and there is a great deal of debate over the mechanism that drives them. Experimental studies on niobium dioxide thin films are still somewhat rare and thus have the potential to contribute a great deal to the understanding of the mechanisms behind the transition. This dissertation presents structure-property correlation studies on niobium and niobium compound superconducting thin films such as those discussed above, and also reports on the first experimental studies of the light-induced insulator-to-metal transition in niobium dioxide

    Stoichiometry and thickness dependence of superconducting properties of niobium nitride thin films

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    The current technology used in linear particle accelerators is based on superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities fabricated from bulk niobium (Nb), which have smaller surface resistance and therefore dissipate less energy than traditional nonsuperconducting copper cavities. Using bulk Nb for the cavities has several advantages, which are discussed elsewhere; however, such SRF cavities have a material-dependent accelerating gradient limit. In order to overcome this fundamental limit, a multilayered coating has been proposed using layers of insulating and superconducting material applied to the interior surface of the cavity. The key to this multilayered model is to use superconducting thin films to exploit the potential field enhancement when these films are thinner than their London penetration depth. Such field enhancement has been demonstrated in MgB2 thin films; here, the authors consider films of another type-II superconductor, niobium nitride (NbN). The authors present their work correlating stoichiometry and superconducting properties in NbN thin films and discuss the thickness dependence of their superconducting properties, which is important for their potential use in the proposed multilayer structure. While there are some previous studies on the relationship between stoichiometry and critical temperature T-C, the authors are the first to report on the correlation between stoichiometry and the lower critical field H-C1. (C) 2016 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)