11 research outputs found

    Mathematical analysis of apple juice filtration and apple juice concentrate production by freeze concentration

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    Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra


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    The purpose of this work was to derive multiparameter models for predicting density and viscosity of grape juice as a function of concentration and temperature

    Türkiye İçin Önem Ve Öncelik Arz Eden Dört Farklı Mısır Çeşidinde Gdo Tespiti İçin Taq Man Probları Kullanılarak Rt-Pcr İle Metot Geliştirilmesi

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    I- Referans materyallerin temini: MON863, NK603, GA21 ve T25 GD mısır çeşitleri referans materyalleri IRMM'den (Institute for Reference Material and Measurement) sağlanacaktır. Hem içeriğinde hiçbir genetik değişiklik içermediği bilinen negatif kontroller, hem de 5 ayrı seviyede tüm yüzdeleri için temini gerçekleştirilecektir. Ek olarak, çalışmaları Türkiyede bulunmuş bir örnekle teyit etmek amacı ile pozitif örnek Tarım Bakanlığı Ulusal Gıda Referans Laboratuvarı GDO biriminden otoritelerin izni dahilinde alınacaktır. Gerekli görülmesi durumunda üretici firmalardan ya da marketlerden içeriği belirsiz numuneler test örnekleri olarak temin edilecektir. II- DNA İzolasyonu: DNA izolasyonu; Dr. Candan Gürakan'ın laboratuvarında optmizasyonu tamamlanmış ve geçerliliği özellikle mısır için kanıtlanmış CTAB yöntemi ile gerçekleştirilecektir. Bu aşamanın sonunda elde edilen DNA'nın konsantrasyon ve kalitesini ölçmek için DNA örnekleri agaroz jel elektroforezde yürütülecek ve ayrıca küçük ölçekli DNA/RNA spektroskopisiyle ölçümleri yapılacaktır. Her örnekte DNA konsantrasyon miktarı baz alınarak DNA örnekler steril distile suda sulandırılacaktır. Sulandırılan örneklerin bir miktarı sonraki aşamalarda kullanılmak üzere 10ng/mikroL'ye ayarlanacak ve -20°C'de saklanacak, geri kalanı stok olarak -80°C'de tutulacaktır. DNA konsantrasyonları istenen düzeye ayarlanacaktır. GDO gıda tespitinde bu aşama fazlasıyla önem taşımaktadır. III- Klasik PZR (Conventional PCR): İlk etapta DNA ekstraksiyonu sonrası elde edilen DNA'nın mısıra ait olduğunun doğrulanabilmesi amacıyla ve DNA'da PZR'yi engelleyen faktörlerin varlığını kontrol etmek için ZEIN3 ve ZEIN4 primerleri sentezlenip; zein geni PZR yöntemi ile tespit edilecektir. Eğer hedef DNA örnekte mevcut ve amplifiye edilebiliyorsa, 277 bazlık bölgenin amplifiye edilmesi beklenmektedir. PZR'nin sonucunu öğrenmek için PZR ürünü agaroz jel elektroforezde yürütülüp, etidium bromid'de boyandıktan sonra jel görunüleme cihazında fotoğrafı çekilecektir. Bu basamaktan sonra tarama metodu ile CaMV 35S promotör ve NOS terminatör bölgelerinin tespiti yine benzer şekilde klasik PZR ile yapılacaktır. CaMV 35S promotör ve NOS terminatör gen bölgeleri Avrupa Birliği tarafından onaylanmış olan Bt11 ve NK 603 GD mısırlarda bulunmaktadır. Kovansiyonel PZR çalışmalarının devamında mısır CP4 EPSPS ve Bar genlerini çoğaltmaya yönelik o gen bölgelerine özel primerler tasarlanacaktır


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    The effect of temperature and concentration on some of the thermophysical properties of apple juice was studied. Density and viscosity of apple juice at different sugar concentrations and temperature were utilized to derive a multiparameter model. The derived model satisfactorily represented the variation of density and viscosity of apple juice in the concentration and temperature ranges 14-39-degrees-Brix, 20-80 C, respectively

    Soy protein isolate production.

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    Effects of an edible coating, fungicide and cold storage on microbial spoilage of cherries

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    The effects of an edible coating, i.e., Semperfresh (TM), fungicide, i.e., Imazalil, and cold storage on microbial spoilage of cherries were studied. Two group of cherries (Prunus avium) were coated just after harvest with 1% and 2% Semperfresh (TM) fruit coating. Two other group of cherries were treated with 75 ppm and 150 ppm concentrations of Imazalil and then coated with a 1% concentration of Semperfresh (TM) fruit coating. Half of the cherries from each of the above groups was stored at ambient temperature (similar to 30 +/-3 degreesC) and at 40-50% relative humidity, the other half of the cherries was stored at cold storage (0 degreesC) and at 95-98% relative humidity. Each group was analyzed for the mold and yeast count. The Semperfresh (TM) edible coating resulted in a slightly increased fungal spoilage of fruits. Imazalil fungicide treatment clearly decreased and retarded the microbial spoilage of fruits. As a result, low, temperature storage was the most effective solution for both microbial spoilage and delay in the ripenin

    Lye peeling of 'Tombul' hazelnuts and effect of peeling on quality

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    Hazelnuts were lye peeled and the peeling time (2-12 min), temperature (63-97degreesC) and NaOH concentration (40-140 g NaOH kg(-1) peeling solution) effects on peeling and quality were investigated. Increases in both temperature and concentration of lye solution led to a decrease in peeling time. Moisture content of samples were changed significantly (P98%, 0.45 mm penetration depth, 7.1 g titratable NaOH kg(-1) and a Hunter-L value of 52.93. The quality parameters of peeled hazelnuts at this given combination, such as protein, oil, free fatty acid, ash contents, peroxide number and L values showed no significant change if compared with untreated control samples

    Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Milled Grape Canes (Vitis vinifera) Using a Pressurized Low-Polarity Water Extractor

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    Trans-resveratrol and trans-epsilon-viniferin were extracted from milled grape canes using pressurized low-polarity water. The effects of temperature were significant for both compounds (p a parts per thousand currency signaEuro parts per thousand 0.05): extraction at 160 A degrees C resulted in a 40% loss of trans-resveratrol compared to 95 A degrees C while reduction of trans-epsilon-viniferin at both temperatures remained at 30%. Increasing ethanol concentration from 0% to 25% increased the extraction of total phenolics and trans-epsilon-viniferin by 44% and 489%, respectively. Solvent flow rate also influenced trans-epsilon-viniferin extraction. Antioxidant activity showed a strong correlation with total phenolic content of the extracts, and the two target phenolic compounds. Except for the modifier concentration, the extraction parameters studied were not statistically significant with respect to the antioxidant activity of extracts (p > 0.05). Effective diffusivities of trans-resveratrol multiplied from 3.3 x 10(-11) to 10.4 x 10(-11) m(2)/s by three times with increasing temperature. The modified Gompertz equation satisfactorily explained the extraction of the stilbenes investigated


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    Solidliquid extraction of resveratrol and viniferin from grape cane samples was described by using first-order kinetic model, Peleg's model, two-site kinetic model and modified Gompertz equation. Goodness of fits of the models were evaluated by comparing the adjusted determination coefficient and root mean square error and mean percentage error values. Although the two-site kinetic model with four parameters described the data better, Peleg's model, with only two parameters, could explain the data with a slight loss of goodness of fit. The modified Gompertz equation showed the worst performance for describing the solidliquid extraction of stilbenes. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS The present study introduces the comparison of well-known models applied to explain extraction kinetic of stilbene compounds of grape cane and to determine the best model with its justifications. Mathematical models provide information about the system and/or process to which they are applied. In design and/or process application stages, any information about that process and/or system has crucial importance because in the decision stages, this know-how helps the designers and researchers find the best design parameters and the most effective process conditions to optimize purposes. Mathematical models are accepted as the most economical ways for these purposes