1,913 research outputs found

    Sorbus udvardyana Somlyay & Sennikov a Balaton-felvidék keleti dolomitterületén

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    Prinosi i geografske crtice o flori Cresko-lošinjskog arhipelaga (Hrvatska)

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    This paper introduces some important results of botanical research from Cres, Lošinj and Ilovik islands, Croatia. Besides the first records of taxa that have biogeographical importance (Erythronium dens-canis, Crocus vittatus, Anemone ranunculoides, Corydalis cava), the distributions of several rare (e.g. Medicago marina, Potentilla micrantha, Scilla bifolia, Sedum litoreum) and some adventive (e.g. Oxalis pes-caprae, Symphyotrichum squamatum) plant species are also given. Presumably the survival of Central European forest elements (with montane characters) on Cres Island is related to the macroclimatic and orographic features, the special microclimate and the ability of karst dolines (in the areas of Prašče brdo and Tamniški dolac) to provide safe haven for relict populations.Rad donosi neke važne rezultate botaničkih istraživanja Cresa, Lošinja i Ilovika. Osim prvih nalaza svojti koji imaju biogeografsku važnost (Erythronium dens-canis, Crocus vittatus, Anemone ranunculoides, Corydalis cava), daje se i rasprostranjenost nekih rijetkih (npr. Medicago marina, Potentilla micrantha, Scilla bifolia, Sedum litoreum) i nekih novopridošlih biljnih vrsta (npr. Oxalis pes-caprae, Symphyotrichum squamatum). Opstanak srednjeeuropskih šumskih elemenata (montanog karaktera) na Cresu dovodi se u vezu s makroklimatskim i orogeografskim obilježjima, posebnom mikroklimom i sposobnošću krških ponikvi (na području Prašče brdo i Tamniški dolac) da pruže sigurno utočište reliktnim populacijama

    A Crepis mollis (Jacq.) Asch. subsp. hieracioides (Waldst. & Kit.) Domin újrafelfedezése Magyarországon

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    A Crepis hieracioides-t (= C. mollis subsp. hieracioides) Kitaibel Pál írta le a Bakonyból több mint 200 évvel ezelőtt. A mai napig ez a taxon egyetlen adata Magyarország jelenlegi területéről. A második világháború utáni flóraművek a magyar flórából kihaltként említik, illetve több összefoglaló műben már nem is szerepel. Jelen közlemény a növény magyarországi (Bakonyalja, Devecser: Széki-erdő) újrafelfedezéséről számol be, jellemzi a termőhelyét, és hangsúlyozza a taxon növényföldrajzi jelentőségét.</jats:p

    The accelerated spread of a neophyte introduced to Europe long ago – First occurrence of Sporobolus indicus (Poaceae) in Hungary

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    The first occurrence of Sporobolus indicus in Hungary is reported. The neotropical S. indicus is one of the oldest introduced neophytes to Europe. From the middle of the 19th century until the last decade of the 20th century, apart from a few occasional occurrences, it expanded only in the Mediterranean area. However, the number of observations has dramatically increased in the past two decades, even outside the Mediterranean region. Its recent rapid spreading is evident along roads, in lawns, trampled tourist places (e.g., campsites). Tourism certainly contributes to the very successful recent spreading of the species. Still, global warming, the increasingly mild winters in continental Europe, can certainly enhance the establishment and further dispersal of this cold sensitive species
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