57 research outputs found

    Angiogenetic effects of physical exercise in menopausal women

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    Introduction: With menopause women face many changes that may lead to the loss of health related fitness, especially if sedentary. In particular, the estrogens deficiency affects the endothelial function thus increasing the incidence of the cardiovascular diseases. The cardio-protective effects of physical exercise is at least partially due to its ability to improve the health of arterial walls by influencing the endothelial function. Nonetheless, a direct angiogenetic of the physical exercise cannot be ruled out. VEGF is an important modulator of vascular growth but there are contrasting results about its response to physical exercise. Aim of our study was to compare the effects of two aerobic training on the VEGF levels and on the angiogenesis in postmenopausal women. Material and Methods. 34 Postmenopausal women underwent a 13 weeks training. In order to analyse the angiogentic effects, plasmatic VEGF levels were analysed before (T0) and after the training (T1). Moreover, the ability of the T0 and T1 serum to chemoattract endothelial cells and to induce them to form tubes was analyzed. Results: All post-menopausal women increase VEGF (P=0,014) after training. In vitro tests evidenced that when cultured in presence of T1 serum, HUVEC cells improved their ability to form tube (P<0,001) as well as their calibre (P<0,001). Moreover, migration assays evidenced that after training the serum chemoattractive capacity increased significantly (P<0,001) capacity. Conclusion: Our data evidence that aerobic training influence the arterial wall physiology also inducing a angiogenetic affect

    Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells cardiomyogenic potential: a preliminary study

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    The characterization of Amniotic Fluid-derived multipotent Stem Cells (AFSCs) open new paths in stem cell research. hAFSCs have characteristics intermediate between pluripotent embryonic- (ESCs) and lineage-restricted adult stem cells, and are non-tumorigenic and low immunogenic. Moreover, they are obtained without destroying human embryos, so that most of the ethical and social controversy could be prevented. We previously observed that human AFSCs express some genes specific of ESCs and primordial germ cells. We also shown hAFSCs ability to form in vitro three-dimensional aggregates of cells known as embryoid bodies (EBs), that express three germ layer markers. Recent studies reported the ability of hAFSCs to differentiate in vitro into adipocytes and osteocytes. Aim of our study was to analyse the cardiomyogenic potential of hAFSCs. EBs were obtained by modified hanging drops protocol from hAFSCs coltured in presence of ascorbic acid and 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine (differentiation medium: DM). RT-PCR and Western Blotting analysis conducted on AFSCs and EBs cells evidenced the gene and protein expression of the transcriptor factor Nkx2.5, the earliest marker of heart precursor cells. Immunofluorescence (IF) analysis performed on EBs after 10 days in DM evidenced the cytoplasmic presence of α-myosin heavy chain (α-MHC) organized in parallel, oriented filamets. Microscopical analysis evidenced beating cells mainly at the periphery of the EB. In conclusion, our results evidenced that hAFSCs cultured in permissive conditions give rise to EB able to terminally differentiate in cardiomyocytes

    Cauchy's infinitesimals, his sum theorem, and foundational paradigms

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    Cauchy's sum theorem is a prototype of what is today a basic result on the convergence of a series of functions in undergraduate analysis. We seek to interpret Cauchy's proof, and discuss the related epistemological questions involved in comparing distinct interpretive paradigms. Cauchy's proof is often interpreted in the modern framework of a Weierstrassian paradigm. We analyze Cauchy's proof closely and show that it finds closer proxies in a different modern framework. Keywords: Cauchy's infinitesimal; sum theorem; quantifier alternation; uniform convergence; foundational paradigms.Comment: 42 pages; to appear in Foundations of Scienc


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    Effetti elettrofisiologici (mediante EEG e LORETA) ed emodinamici di due diverse modalit\ue0 di induzione ipnotica, con e senza rilassamento


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    Effetti elettrofisiologici /EEG e LORETA) ed emdinamici di due diversi metodi di induzione inotica, con e senza rilassamento

    Effects of the C825T polymorphism of the GNB3 gene on body adiposity and blood pressure in fertile and menopausal women: a population-based study.

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    none10Objectives The 825T allele of the GNB3 gene is implicated in adipose distribution, predisposing to obesity and hypertension. Menopause is also considered a condition leading to excess adiposity and hypertension. The aim of the present study was to clarify whether the effects of menopause on body weight and blood pressure are influenced by the C825T polymorphism of the GNB3 gene. Methods The study involved 1339 subjects (43% men) aged 18–95 years, undergoing, in an epidemiological populationbased frame, questionnaire, anthropometrics, blood examinations, genotyped at the GNB3 825 locus. Results Mean skinfold thickness (MST), truncal obesity and excess subcutaneous adiposity (MST greater than median) were higher in women than in men. A significant interaction was detected between menopausal status and the C825T polymorphism (Pint>0.0001). MST, truncal obesity and excess subcutaneous adiposity were lower in CC fertile than menopausal women, but were comparable in TT fertile and menopausal women. In a multivariate logistic model for excess subcutaneous adiposity, the relative risk of menopause was 4.12 (95% confidence interval 2.35–7.22) in CC women but was insignificant in the other two genotypes. In fertile women only, higher systolic blood pressure (SBP) was detected in TT than in CC genotypes. Conclusion An interaction exists between the C825T polymorphism and menopause in controlling body adiposity and blood pressure in women. Adiposity and SBP are higher in menopausal than in fertile women, provided they have the CC genotype. TT fertile women show the same adiposity as those in menopause. Men have the same excess adiposity as menopausal women, independent of the GNB3 genotype.mixedCasiglia E;Tikhonoff V;Caffi S;Martini B;Guidotti F;Bolzon M;Bascelli A;D'Este D;Mazza A;Pessina ACCasiglia, Edoardo; Tikhonoff, Valerie; Caffi, S; Martini, B; Guidotti, F; Bolzon, M; Bascelli, A; D'Este, D; Mazza, Alberto; Pessina, ACHILLE CESAR

    Nuclear protein kinase C-delta: possible check-point of cell cycle progression

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    Protein kinase Cs (PKCs) belong to a serine/threonine kinase family, ubiquitously expressed and claimed to be involved in physiological processes including apoptosis, cell growth and differentiation. The question of the subcellular localization and activity of PKCs remains to be clarified. Here we report that nuclear PKC-delta cooperates to regulate the S-G2/M phase transition of cell cycle, apparently being associated to chromosome condensation and alignment on the metaphase plate
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