1 research outputs found

    Analysis of the effects of lack of use of visual aids on the English learning process with 9th grade students of Instituto Publico Miguel Bonilla, during the first semester of 2015

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    Visual aid is important resources in the methodological strategies in second language acquisition as is English language. These resources such as whiteboard, posters, images, drawings, photos, murals, handouts, text of books, overhead, projector and flash cards facilitate and make better the comprehension of the topic and lead to learners to build their own concepts. It is important to remember that the learners are exposed to experience outside of the classroom which is connected with sound, colours and images. Also it is the job of the teacher to facilitate the process of learning by mean of the use of visual material .the target of this research are young learners in secondary school at 9th grade of el instituto publico Miguel Bonilla and they were observed six time during the English class .the participant are 37 within the ages range of 14 and 15 males and females. They were chosen using non probabilistic sampling. The instrument included observation, survey, and interview. The purpose of this research is that visuals media are used more frequently for teaching English language since these resources provide more easily to new knowledge and catch the attention of learners promoting a meaningful learning