125 research outputs found

    Submitted to Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

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    FTIR and EXAFS spectroscopic measurements were performed on Pb(II)EDTA adsorbed on goethite as functions of pH (4-6), Pb(II)EDTA concentration (0.11 µM- 72 µM), and ionic strength (16 µM- 0.5M). FTIR measurements show no evidence for carboxylate-Fe(III) bonding or protonation of EDTA at Pb:EDTA = 1:1. Both FTIR and EXAFS measurements suggest that EDTA acts as a hexadentate ligand, with all four of its carboxylate and both amine groups bonded to Pb(II). No evidence was observed for inner-sphere Pb(II)-goethite bonding at Pb:EDTA = 1:1. Hence, the adsorbed complexes should have composition Pb(II)EDTA 2-. Since substantial uptake of PbEDTA(II) 2- occurred in the samples, we infer that Pb(II)EDTA 2- adsorbed as outer-sphere complexes and/or as complexes that lose part of their solvation shells and hydrogen bond directly to goethite surface sites. We propose the term “hydration-sphere ” for the latter type of complexes because they should occupy space in the primary hydration spheres of goethite surface functional groups, and to distinguish this mode of sorption from common structural definitions of inner- and outer-sphere complexes. The similarity of Pb(II) uptake isotherms to those of other divalent metal ions complexed by EDTA suggests that they too adsorb by these mechanisms. The lack of evidence for inner-sphere EDTA-Fe(III) bonding suggests that previously proposed metal-ligand- promoted dissolution mechanisms should be modified, specifically to account for the presence of outer-sphere precursor species

    Characterizing Sediment from Riverton, WY

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    Riverton, Wyoming is home to the seventh-largest Native American Reservation by area and a former uranium processing facility. Milling activities at this site have left the sediments and groundwater with elevated concentrations of uranium that occasionally disrupt water quality to the 12,000 residents of the reservation. The floodplain becomes seasonally wet and sometimes flooded from snowmelt that can be amplified by El Niño events. As a result, the sediments of this area experience periodic droughts and floods. There is concern that a decreased water stage can have major impacts on the geochemical makeup of this ecosystem as 1) a decreased water volume may result in an increase of pollutant concentrations and 2) a decreased water stage can have a significant impact the redox cycling within the subsurface and affect major biogeochemical cycles. This study addresses the need to understand current subsurface elemental distributions in Riverton, Wyoming. Overall, the project explores the sediment characteristics of several Riverton cores in response to drought and flood conditions. Samples for this study were taken over the course of twelve months - at three different time points. This summer, 105 Riverton sediment samples from August 2016 (the final time point) were geochemically characterized and compared to samples from dry conditions (August 2015) prior to the second largest flood on record at this location. We expect the sediments collected prior to the flood to vary greatly from the sediments collected after the flood because the activity of microbial communities is affected by differences in the physical structure of the soil. This data, along with an analysis of the microbial communities present in these sediments, will help the Francis Lab understand what factors shape the distribution and diversity of microbial communities present in order to better understand the subsurface biogeochemistry at Riverton

    Characterizing Upper Colorado River Basin Sediments

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    More than 35 million people in the western United States depend on the Colorado River as a resource for drinking water, irrigation systems, and hydropower. Recent climate change reports predict average water levels within the Colorado River Basin will continue to decrease throughout the next century due to decreased precipitation, warming temperatures, and increased usage. Decreased river flow may have major impacts within the subsurface that are two-fold: 1) decreased water flowing may result in greater issues of water quality-due to accumulation and concentration of some elements within the subsurface, and 2) a decreased water stage may significantly alter the redox cycling within the subsurface and affect major biogeochemical elemental cycles. Therefore, a greater understanding of current subsurface elemental distributions throughout the Upper Colorado River Basin is needed. To examine the elemental distributions throughout the Upper Colorado River Basin, a total of 321 contaminated sediment samples were collected from five Department of Energy-Legacy Management (DOE-LM) sites: Riverton, WY, Shiprock, NM, Naturita, CO, Grand Junction, CO and Rifle, CO to a depth of 5-10m. Sediment samples were characterized for elemental composition by x-ray fluorescence (XRF) and elemental analysis (EA) for their carbon/nitrogen (C:N) content. Sediments were water extracted and measured by pH probe, refractometer, and by spectrophotometry for approximated, in situ values of pH, salinity, and nitrogen species (NO3-, NO2-, NH4+). Overall, this study enhances greater knowledge of elemental distributions throughout the Upper Colorado River Basin, and may help DOE-LM develop regional and site-specific management strategies for future climate scenarios

    Element release and reaction-induced porosity alteration during shale-hydraulic fracturing fluid interactions

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    The use of hydraulic fracturing techniques to extract oil and gas from low permeability shale reservoirs has increased significantly in recent years. During hydraulic fracturing, large volumes of water, often acidic and oxic, are injected into shale formations. This drives fluid-rock interaction that can release metal contaminants (e.g., U, Pb) and alter the permeability of the rock, impacting the transport and recovery of water, hydrocarbons, and contaminants. To identify the key geochemical processes that occur upon exposure of shales to hydraulic fracturing fluid, we investigated the chemical interaction of hydraulic fracturing fluids with a variety of shales of different mineralogical texture and composition. Batch reactor experiments revealed that the dissolution of both pyrite and carbonate minerals occurred rapidly, releasing metal contaminants and generating porosity. Oxidation of pyrite and aqueous Fe drove precipitation of Fe(III)-(oxy)hydroxides that attenuated the release of these contaminants via co-precipitation and/or adsorption. The precipitation of these (oxy)hydroxides appeared to limit the extent of pyrite reaction. Enhanced removal of metals and contaminants in reactors with higher fluid pH was inferred to reflect increased Fe-(oxy)hydroxide precipitation associated with more rapid aqueous Fe(II) oxidation. The precipitation of both Al- and Fe-bearing phases revealed the potential for the occlusion of pores and fracture apertures, whereas the selective dissolution of calcite generated porosity. These pore-scale alterations of shale texture and the cycling of contaminants indicate that chemical interactions between shales and hydraulic fracturing fluids may exert an important control on the efficiency of hydraulic fracturing operations and the quality of water recovered at the surface

    U(VI) reduction by spores of Clostridium acetobutylicum

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    Vegetative cells of Clostridium acetobutylicum are known to reduce hexavalent uranium (U(VI)). We investigated the ability of spores of this organism to drive the same reaction. We found that spores were able to remove U(VI) from solution when H, was provided as an electron donor and to form a U(IV) precipitate. We tested several environmental conditions and found that spent vegetative cell growth medium was required for the process. Electron microscopy showed the product of reduction to accumulate outside the exosporium. Our results point towards a novel U(VI) reduction mechanism, driven by spores, that is distinct from the thoroughly studied reactions in metal-reducing Proteobacteria. (C) 2010 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved

    Nitrate-Stimulated Release of Naturally Occurring Sedimentary Uranium

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    Groundwater uranium (U) concentrations have been measured above the U.S. EPA maximum contaminant level (30 ÎĽg/L) in many U.S. aquifers, including in areas not associated with anthropogenic contamination by milling or mining. In addition to carbonate, nitrate has been correlated to uranium groundwater concentrations in two major U.S. aquifers. However, to date, direct evidence that nitrate mobilizes naturally occurring U from aquifer sediments has not been presented. Here, we demonstrate that the influx of high-nitrate porewater through High Plains alluvial aquifer silt sediments bearing naturally occurring U(IV) can stimulate a nitrate-reducing microbial community capable of catalyzing the oxidation and mobilization of U into the porewater. Microbial reduction of nitrate yielded nitrite, a reactive intermediate, which was further demonstrated to abiotically mobilize U from the reduced alluvial aquifer sediments. These results indicate that microbial activity, specifically nitrate reduction to nitrite, is one mechanism driving U mobilization from aquife
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