13 research outputs found

    The Logical Structure of Intentional Anonymity

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    It has been noticed by several authors that the colloquial understanding of anonymity as mere unknown-ness is insufficient. This common-sense notion of anonymity does not recognize the role of the goal for which the anonymity is sought. Starting with the distinction between the intentional and unintentional anonymity (which are usually taken to be the same) and the general concept of the non-coordinatability of traits, we offer a logical analysis of anonymity and identification (understood as de-anonymization). In our enquiry, we focus on the intentional aspect of anonymity and develop a metaphor of “anonymity game” between “perpetrator” and “detective”. Beginning from common-sense intuitions, we provide a formalized, critical notion of anonymity

    The role of fluorine-containing ultra-thin layer in controlling boron thermal diffusion into silicon, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2007, nr 3

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    We have investigated the influence of silicon dioxide reactive ion etching (RIE) parameters on the composition of the polymer layer that is formed during this process on top of the etched layer, and finally, the role of this layer in high-temperature thermal diffusion of boron into silicon. The polymeric layer formed on the etched surface appeared to consist of fluorine and silicon fluoride (SiOF and SiF). Concentration of these components changes depending on the parameters of RIE process, i.e., rf power, gas pressure and etching time. The composition of this polymeric layer affects, in turn, boron thermal diffusion into silicon. With increasing rf power, the depth of boron junction is increased, while increasing time of etching process reduces boron diffusion into silicon

    Properties Of Si:Cr Annealed Under Enhanced Stress Conditions

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    The effect of hydrostatic argon pressure equal to 105 Pa and 1.1 GPa applied to processing at up to 1270 K (HT) of Si:Cr samples prepared by Cr+ implantation (dose 1×1015 cm-2, 200 keV) into (001) oriented Czochralski silicon, has been investigated by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, photoluminescence, X-ray and SQUID methods. Cr + implantation at this energy and dosage produces amorphous silicon (a-Si) near the implanted ions range. Solid phase epitaxial re-growth (SPER) of a-Si takes place at HT. The Cr profile does not depend markedly on HP applied during processing at 723 K. Si:Cr processed at up to 723 K indicates magnetic ordering. Annealing under 105 Pa at 873 K, 1070 K and 1270 K results in a marked diffusion of Cr toward the sample surface. In the case of processing under 1.1 GPa this diffusion is less pronounced, SPER of a-Si is retarded and the a-Si/Si interface becomes enriched with Cr. The Cr concentration in Si:Cr sample processed at 1270 K under 1.1 GPa forms two distinct maxima, the deeper one at 0.35 μm depth

    Od pamięci biodziedzicznej do postpamięci

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    Na tom niniejszy składają się teksty powstałe w oparciu o trojakie spotkania: pierwszy rodzaj stanowiły wykłady prowadzone przez zaproszonych gości, reprezentujących różne dziedziny czy pola badawcze, które w pewnym niezbędnym uproszczeniu podzielić można na historiografię (Ewa Domańska), filozofię (Agata Bielik-Robson), literaturoznawstwo i studia nad pamięcią (Michael Rothberg), filozofię literatury (Michał Paweł Markowski). Wykładom towarzyszyły warsztaty, których prowadzący przedstawiają swoje teksty w części drugiej, a na część trzecią składają się zapisy wystąpień panelowych. Tego typu sesje zajęciowe siłą rzeczy odznaczają się zarówno sporą intensywnością (różnego rodzaju spotkania od rana do wieczora), jak i nieuniknioną rozmaitością spojrzenia, co zresztą stanowi jeden z ogromnych plusów podobnych przedsięwzięć. Kolejnym jest nieco bardziej „personalistyczne” zetknięcie się nie tyle z tekstem, co z postacią autora, a zatem i z osobowością badacza. Klamrą spinającą wszystkie wydarzenia stała się pamięć, bardzo różnie pojmowana i traktowana, a owa różnorodność punktów wyjścia i spojrzeń na formy oraz miejsca funkcjonowania pamięci przerodziła się w bogactwo doświadczeń „nadawców” oraz obfitość doznań (także tych odciskających się w pamięci) „odbiorców”.This volume comprises texts created on the basis of three-fold meetings: the first kind were constituted by lectures led by invited guests, representing various fields and areas of research, which, in some necessary simplification, can be divided into historiography (Ewa Domańska), philosophy (Agata Bielik-Robson), literary and memory studies (Michael Rothberg), and philosophy of literature (Michał Paweł Markowski). The lectures were accompanied by workshops, whose leaders present their texts in the second part of the work, and the third part is made up of notes from panel talks. As per the nature of these types of sessions, they present themselves as highly intense (various meetings from morning until evening), as well as showing the unavoidable variety in outlooks, which is one of the major advantages of such events. Another advantage is a slightly more ‘personalist’ encounter, not so much with text, but with the figure of an author, and thus also with the personality of a researcher. What became the idea bringing all these activities together was memory, understood and treated in very different ways. The variety of starting points and views on the forms and places of the functioning of memory then transformed itself into an abundance of experiences of the ‘originators’ and the richness of feelings (also of those imprinting themselves in memory) of the ‘receivers’