6,098 research outputs found

    Strategy, innovation and internationalization processes: in search of useful synergies

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    Globalization of the economy has revived the interest on the theme of internationalization of companies. There may be several motives for a company to expand its markets, but whatever they are, the success of the process depends on specific and characteristic assets that the company possesses and on their capacity to provide competitive muscle. Among other strategic choices, the development of innovation capabilities is a possible path to provide the firm with knowledge and organizational assets that confer it a competitive edge. Knowledge assets are increasingly important in an interconnected and open world market, where traditional localized competitive factors, such as low labour costs, are rapidly losing appeal as drivers of sustainable and continued value creation. In a highly competitive international market, innovation and internationalization seem to be themes that are intrinsically related to each other, in the sense that knowledge and innovation capabilities seem to be a necessary prerequisite to an internationalization process. However, per se, innovation capabilities, and the assets behind it, may not be enough to a successful endeavour. In the absence of privileged, localized knowledge of the national market, strategic considerations are of paramount importance to the internationalization process. Strategic actions are important, not only at the planning stage but also at the implementation stage. It is argued in this paper that these aspects, knowledge, innovation and strategy, are crucial to understand actual internationalization processes and dynamics. This paper intends to examine the above concepts and the links between these factors and their effects on business performance and competitiveness and comprehend internationalization processes. It provides a comprehensive review on the literature regarding the possible connections between the three concepts and it identifies the main ideas and variables that have been suggested and are being regarded. It provides a useful synthesis and it suggests finfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Business strategies in contexts of high uncertainty : a case study on the innovation and internationalization processes of a technological Portuguese SME

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    Innovation and internationalization of small and medium enterprises are widely cited as decisive factors, for the sustainable growth of European economies, which are facing a deep crisis. The European Union launched in March 2010 a European strategy, called Europe 2020, to prepare the EU economy for the future, where growth is based in three dimensions: smart, sustainable and inclusive. In the Portuguese case, these factors become even more relevant, since the country is facing an unprecedented crisis that brought to the surface the vulnerabilities of its economic and financial system. This article is a case study of a small Portuguese technology based firm, where we will examine, in the light of the literature on strategic management, and the evaluation and selection of technologies, its innovation and internationalization processes, which are critical to its survival in a hypercompetitive global industry. The evaluation of new ideas and business concepts is a challenge for companies, especially in its early stages of development where there is not a tangible commercial product. This organization is launching a worldwide pioneering product, as a result of its research and development and innovation activities, and will have, if things go right, a huge successful impact on their competitiveness. The identification of the organizational characteristics that enabled the company to enhance its innovative stance, and to embrace the challenge to internationalize its activities, may help similar organizations improve their innovation and internationalization processes, which are critical to increase their competitiveness.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Key factors affecting strategy-minded decision makers in their innovations choices

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    The rapid and continuous pace of technological change is a major challenge for all managers, who are often faced with innovations’ adoption decisions affecting the future of their companies. This is a fundamental issue on strategy, if we see strategy as a set of actions to make critical choices between two or more alternatives, in order to achieve competitive advantages or to respond to competitors. Strategy‐minded leaders try to predict the value that they will create with their choices in the organization. However, formulating strategy is a difficult task, due to the high level of uncertainty hampering the anticipation of future trends. An even harder work is the implementation of strategy, due to its interdependent relationship with strategy formulation, which is materialized in the organizational structure dedicated to fulfil the organization goals. In this work we propose to look at the factors that strategy‐minded leaders perceive that influence the adoption of innovations and we explore their relationships within several academic fields, of study, namely strategic management, organization theory, organization behaviour and organization development, adopting an holistic perspective that will allow for a better understanding of strategic adoption decisions. This analysis is grounded on field work that involved the collection of primary data from different enterprises. The research was based on a quantitative approach and on an intentional non‐probabilistic sampling strategy. The sample includes thirty four Portuguese firms, from different sectors. The selection criteria was based on the innovative performance of the firm, and on the concomitant presumption that innovative activities are well structured inside the firm. The sample includes micro, small, medium and large firms. A proportion of the sample includes conglomerates, and in fact, the sample represents approximately one hundred and twenty two firms, and a significant proportion of Portuguese gross expenditure on business R&D. A quantitative structured questionnaire was the main instrument of data collection, but some interviews with selected firms were also realized, in order to substantiate or consolidate some of the data that was obtained through the questionnaire. In this paper we present the preliminary results of the analysis of that data. Investment scheduling and costs appraisal, quantitative and qualitative advantages of the technology and strategic implications of its adoption are the factors that most often influence the decision of innovation adoption and the less common factors include the degree of formalization of decision procedures and the level/extent of the hierarchical chain.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    The Links Between Innovation, Strategy and Internationalization Processes: A Comprehensive Literature Review

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    Globalization of the economy has revived the interest on the theme of internationalization of companies. There may be several motives for a company to expand its markets, but whatever they are, the success of the process depends on specific and characteristic assets that the company possesses and on their capacity to provide competitive muscle. Among other strategic choices, the development of innovation capabilities is a possible path to provide the firm with knowledge and organizational assets that confer it a competitive edge. Knowledge assets are increasingly important in an interconnected and open world market, where traditional localized competitive factors, such as low labour costs, are rapidly losing appeal as drivers of sustainable and continued value creation. In a highly competitive international market, innovation and internationalization seem to be themes that are intrinsically related to each other, in the sense that knowledge and innovation capabilities seem to be a necessary prerequisite to an internationalization process. However, per se, innovation capabilities, and the assets behind it, may not be enough to a successful endeavour. In the absence of privileged, localized knowledge of the national market, strategic considerations are of paramount importance to the internationalization process. Strategic actions are important, not only at the planning stage but also at the implementation stage. It is argued in this paper that these aspects, knowledge, innovation and strategy, are crucial to understand actual internationalization processes and dynamics. This paper intends to examine the above concepts and the links between these factors and their effects on business performance and competitiveness and comprehend internationalization processes. It provides a comprehensive review on the literature regarding the possible connections between the three concepts and it identifies the main ideas and variables that have been suggested and are being regarded. It provides a useful synthesis and it suggests finfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Heisei: el puente flotante de los sueños

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    The reign of Emperor Akihito, known as the Heisei era, will end on April 30, 2019 when his abdication becomes effective. It has been a period of difficulties for Japan in political, economic and social matters. The most outstanding topics that can help build a basic overview of what happened in these last three decades are presented here.El reinado del emperador Akihito, conocido como la era Heisei, terminará el 30 de abril de 2019 cuando se haga efectiva su abdicación. Ha sido un período de dificultades para Japón en lo político, lo económico y lo social. Se presentan aquí los temas más destacados que pueden ayudar a construir un panorama básico sobre lo transcurrido en estas tres últimas décadas