242 research outputs found

    Design-time Models for Resiliency

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    Resiliency in process-aware information systems is based on the availability of recovery flows and alternative data for coping with missing data. In this paper, we discuss an approach to process and information modeling to support the specification of recovery flows and alternative data. In particular, we focus on processes using sensor data from different sources. The proposed model can be adopted to specify resiliency levels of information systems, based on event-based and temporal constraints

    Data quality management and evolution of information systems

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    Information systems have been rapidly evolving from monolithic/ transactional to network/service based systems. The issue of data quality is becoming increasingly important, since information in new information systems is ubiquitous, diverse, uncontrolled. In the paper we examine data quality from the point of view of dimensions and methodologies proposed for data quality measurement and improvement. Dimensions and methodologies are examined in their relationship with the different types of data, from structured to unstructured, the evolution of information systems, and the diverse application areas.The past and the future of information systems: 1976-2006 and beyondRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Design Requirements of Office Systems

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    Automation of office work constitutes a new growing appl ication of information systems. The original characteri stics of an Office Information System (OIS) in comparison with a conventional information system imply the need for devel opi ng new design methodol ogies and model s, which are cl assified and discussed in this paper. OIS are not just document management systems (or word processing systems), 1.e., they do not consider only, or mainly, static aspects of data: they are in fact more general information systems where documents are only one of the many elements of the system. In addition, while conventional IS are often applied to support operational activities, office work shows many different facets, and therefore it is not reduci bl e to a set of operatl onal activities. Correspondi ngly, whil e the main phases that are commonly recognized in the design of a conventional IS (such as requi rements analysis, requi rements specification, logical design, optimization and implementation, system eval uatl on and . modification) can be transferred al so to OIS design, the , conceptual models for requirements specifications, on which the early design phases are based, should instead be changed in order to allow the specification of particular aspects of an OIS. Such aspects include new functionalities, such as filtering of data, reminding of activities to be performed, scheduling of manual and automatic activities, and communication; some specific types of data are also needed in an OIS: groups of data (documents and dossiers), unstructured and incomplete data, sophisticated handling of time, and of compl ex situations, distributed data, office workers roles. Other particular aspects are related to the fact that an office system is intrisically evol uti onary, and with the usage of the system: highly interactive, integrating different functions, requiring great flexibility with possible interruptions of tasks and with a high number of exceptions arising during the work

    Learning a goal-oriented model for energy efficient adaptive applications in data centers

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    This work has been motivated by the growing demand of energy coming from the IT sector. We propose a goal-oriented approach where the state of the system is assessed using a set of indicators. These indicators are evaluated against thresholds that are used as goals of our system. We propose a self-adaptive context-aware framework, where we learn both the relations existing between the indicators and the effect of the available actions over the indicators state. The system is also able to respond to changes in the environment, keeping these relations updated to the current situation. Results have shown that the proposed methodology is able to create a network of relations between indicators and to propose an effective set of repair actions to contrast suboptimal states of the data center. The proposed framework is an important tool for assisting the system administrator in the management of a data center oriented towards Energy Efficiency (EE), showing him the connections occurring between the sometimes contrasting goals of the system and suggesting the most likely successful repair action(s) to improve the system state, both in terms of EE and QoS

    Learning Early Detection of Emergencies from Word Usage Patterns on Social Media

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    In the early stages of an emergency, information extracted from social media can support crisis response with evidence-based content. In order to capture this evidence, the events of interest must be first promptly detected. An automated detection system is able to activate other tasks, such as preemptive data processing for extracting eventrelated information. In this paper, we extend the human-in-the-loop approach in our previous work, TriggerCit, with a machine-learning-based event detection system trained on word count time series and coupled with an automated lexicon building algorithm.We design this framework in a language-agnostic fashion. In this way, the system can be deployed to any language without substantial effort. We evaluate the capacity of the proposed work against authoritative flood data for Nepal recorded over two years
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