12 research outputs found

    Compared analysis of lspm sm and squirrel-cage motor exploitation with variable rotational speed

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    In this paper, the steady-states operation of a line start permanent magnet synchronous motor (LSPMSM) and a squirrel-cage motor have been compared. The stator of a Sg 100L-4B type, 3 kW induction motor, was used in both structures. The squirrel cage in the rotor of the LSPMSM is made from copper. The influence of the frequency change of the supply voltage on the motor’s efficiency and current as well as the power factor has been examined

    Translation of the Selected Works by Ausonius and an Commentary on their Mythological References

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    Ausonius (Decimus Magnus Ausonius), born circa 310 in a Gallic town, Burdigala (now Bordeaux, France), was a famous grammarian, rhetorician and writer as well as a tutor of Emperor Valentinian’s son, Gratian. A master of short literary forms and a representative of the postneoteric period, Ausonius is an author of a number of both showpiece and occasional works as well as historical and didactical minor works. Most of them was dedicated to his family or friends with the orators Symmachus and Paulinus (later bishop of Nola) being the most important ones. After Gratian’s murder, Ausonius gave up his political career and returned to teaching and writing. He died in his native town circa 393.This thesis includes a translation of four works by Ausonius as well as a commentary explaining the mythological references which appeared in the works selected. All the works presented are either based on mythological motifs or, to a large extent, include some of them. Although Ausonius is considered to be Christian, in his work he would rather refer to the pagan tradition than to the newly established religion. Ausonius is one of the last stars of traditional literature in the Western Roman Empire.The selected works include: Cupido cruciatur (“Cupid Crucified”), Cento nuptialis (“Nuptial Cento”), a collection of epitaphs entitled Epitaphia heroum, qui bello Troico interfuerunt (“Epitaphs on the Heroes who Took Part in the Trojan War”), and Griphus ternarii numeri (“A Riddle of the Number Three”).The first of the works mentioned is a short poem inspired by a painting illustrating the heroines of former times punishing Cupid as being the author of their misery. Another work is a cento – very popular in Ausonius’s times – a literary work pieced together from several works. The cento, written at the request of Emperor Valentinian, in a funny way describes a fictional wedding ceremony and a wedding night of a young couple. A collection of 26 epitaphs by the heroes fighting the Trojan war is a free translation and a study of Greek inscriptions which Ausonius found in Porphyrion’s works. The last work includes an explanation of the meaning of the number 3 as well as its multiples in various areas of life e.g. mathematics, medicine, philosophy and religion.Translating the selected works by Ausonius, I was making effort to produce a translation as equivalent as possible so that they do not lose their originality. The commentary includes an explanation of the mythological characters and motifs presented in the text analysed. Nevertheless, in order to learn the real beauty of Ausonius’s work, one needs to read his works in Latin, the language they were created in.Auzoniusz (Decimus Magnus Ausonius) urodził się około roku 310 po Chrystusie w galijskim mieście Burdigali (dzisiejsze Bordeaux). Był sławnym wykładowcą gramatyki i retoryki oraz literatem, a także wychowawcą syna cesarza Walentyniana – Gracjana. Mistrz krótkiej formy literackiej, przedstawiciel postneoteryckiego nurtu, pisał bardzo wiele utworów popisowych i okolicznościowych, dziełek historyczno-dydaktycznych. Większość dedykował rodzinie lub przyjaciołom, z których najważniejszymi byli mówcy Symmachos i Paulinus – późniejszy biskup miasta Nola. Po tragicznej śmierci Gracjana, z którym był mocno związany, Auzoniusz porzucił karierę polityczną i powrócił do wykładania i pisarstwa. Zmarł w rodzinnym mieście ok 393 roku. W niniejszej pracy dokonałem tłumaczenia czterech utworów z bardzo bogatej twórczości tego mało znanego autora późnego cesarstwa oraz opatrzyłem je komentarzem. Wszystkie te utwory są albo zbudowane na motywach mitologicznych, albo zawierają dużą ich ilość. Chociaż bowiem uważamy Auzoniusza za chrześcijanina, to jednak w swej twórczości częściej nawiązywał on do dawnych wierzeń przodków niż do nowo panującej religii. Jest on jedną z ostatnich gwiazd literatury tradycyjnej w Zachodnim Cesarstwie. Wybrane utwory to: Kupidyn cierpiący (Cupido cruciatur), Centon ślubny (Cento nuptialis), zbiorek Epitafia herosów, którzy zginęli w wojnie trojańskiej (Epitaphia heroum, qui bello Troico interfuerunt) oraz Zagadka liczby trzy (Griphus ternarii numeri). Pierwszy jest krótkim poematem inspirowanym malowidłem, na którym duchy antycznych bohaterek zadają Kupidynowi cierpienia w odwecie za to, jakie męki sprowadził na nie swymi działaniami. Kolejny, to bardzo w tamtych czasach popularny centon – utwór zbudowany z wersów różnych innych utworów. Napisany na prośbę cesarza Walentyniana, opisuje w zabawny sposób fikcyjną uroczystość zaślubin oraz noc poślubną młodej pary. Zbiorek 26 epitafiów bohaterów, którzy walczyli w wojnie trojańskiej jest swobodnym tłumaczeniem i opracowaniem greckich napisów, które Auzoniusz znalazł u filologa Porfyriusza. W ostatnim, popisowym utworze autor wyjaśnia znaczenie cyfry 3 oraz jej wielokrotności w różnych aspektach życia takich, jak matematyka, medycyna, filozofia czy religia. Dokonując przekładu tychże utworów, starałem się dochować wierności oryginałowi i dodawać od siebie jak najmniej, aby nie zatracić oryginalności samego tekstu. Komentarz zaś zawiera wyjaśnienia postaci i motywów mitologicznych zawartych w tekstach. Aby jednak poznać piękno Auzoniusza należy sięgnąć do łacińskiego oryginału

    Experimental research of two stroke aircraft diesel engine

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    This paper presents the results of experimental studies of the opposed-piston diesel engine. This engine was designed during one of the stages of the research on a new-type drive unit for gyrocopter applications. In order to conduct research, a special test stand as well as control and measurement systems were developed. As part of the work on the engine, the fuel injection system, engine temperature control system and measurement systems were designed. In addition, a computer program has been developed for the fuel injection system control (injectors, valves fuel pressure regulators). The paper presents the results of the preliminary tests for a single value of engine speed (1500 rpm) and three values of load defined by torque. The measured value of the indicated pressure made it possible to calculate the maximum pressure. The results obtained from the bench tests were analyzed

    Toxic Emission During Road Tests of Urban Bus

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    The article presents the results of toxic emissions in road tests of an urban bus. The object of the study was the Mercedes Connecto city bus. The results of toxic emissions were recorded in real time while bus drives with the use of the Semtech Ecostar exhaust gas analysis system. The study involved a planned bus SORT 2 test cycle. During the tests, the fuel consumption and exhaust gases such as CO2, CO, NOx, HC, NMHC, and O2 were recorded. The driving conditions in the study were constant (test cycles took place at the airport), exhaust gas temperature (hot engine) was also constant, etc. The results were based on average values from 5 test cycles for each test. The influence of electric load in the bus grid on the level of toxic emissions was measured. It has been proven that fuel consumption and CO2 emissions increased, which means a change in the value of components of toxic emissions. This fact evident from the increased CO emissions and decreased O2 emissions. Logically, the air-fuel mixture may have been enriched due to the increased demand for effective power generated by the engine crankshaft

    Anomaly Detection in Railway Sensor Data Environments: State-of-the-Art Methods and Empirical Performance Evaluation

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    To date, significant progress has been made in the field of railway anomaly detection using technologies such as real-time data analytics, the Internet of Things, and machine learning. As technology continues to evolve, the ability to detect and respond to anomalies in railway systems is once again in the spotlight. However, railway anomaly detection faces challenges related to the vast infrastructure, dynamic conditions, aging infrastructure, and adverse environmental conditions on the one hand, and the scale, complexity, and critical safety implications of railway systems on the other. Our study is underpinned by the three objectives. Specifically, we aim to identify time series anomaly detection methods applied to railway sensor device data, recognize the advantages and disadvantages of these methods, and evaluate their effectiveness. To address the research objectives, the first part of the study involved a systematic literature review and a series of controlled experiments. In the case of the former, we adopted well-established guidelines to structure and visualize the review. In the second part, we investigated the effectiveness of selected machine learning methods. To evaluate the predictive performance of each method, a five-fold cross-validation approach was applied to ensure the highest accuracy and generality. Based on the calculated accuracy, the results show that the top three methods are CatBoost (96%), Random Forest (91%), and XGBoost (90%), whereas the lowest accuracy is observed for One-Class Support Vector Machines (48%), Local Outlier Factor (53%), and Isolation Forest (55%). As the industry moves toward a zero-defect paradigm on a global scale, ongoing research efforts are focused on improving existing methods and developing new ones that contribute to the safety and quality of rail transportation. In this sense, there are at least four avenues for future research worth considering: testing richer data sets, hyperparameter optimization, and implementing other methods not included in the current study

    Ocena tolerancji i wpływu zastosowania drobnocząsteczkowego kwasu hialuronowego na jakość preparatyki podczas zabiegów pochwowych oraz przebieg pooperacyjny u pacjentek operowanych drogą pochwową z powodu zaburzeń statyki narządu płciowego

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    Zmiany zachodzące w narządzie płciowym kobiet po menopauzie prowadzą do występowania wielu dolegliwości,uciążliwych objawów i znacznego dyskomfortu. Problem zaburzeń statyki narządu płciowego dotyczy około50% kobiet po menopauzie. Skuteczne leczenie operacyjne zależy między innymi od warunków operacyjnych,a w przypadku zabiegów pochwowych od jakości błony śluzowej pochwy. Wśród medykamentów poprawiającychjakość śluzówki wymienia się preparaty kwasu hialuronowego. W niniejszej pracy oceniano wpływ zastosowaniadrobnocząsteczkowego kwasu hialuronowego na przebieg operacji oraz pooperacyjny u pacjentek z obniżeniemścian pochwy, poddawanych zabiegom ich plastyki. Obserwacja dotyczyła 40 operowanych kobiet, z którychu 20 zastosowano dopochwowo drobnocząsteczkowy kwas hialuronowy porównując następnie przebieg operacjii pooperacyjny. Uzyskane dane wskazują, iż zastosowanie drobnocząsteczkowego kwasu hialuronowego przedplanowanymi zabiegami pochwowymi może pozytywnie wpłynąć na jakość preparatyki i przebieg pooperacyjny

    Seroprevalence of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in a Random Sample of Inhabitants of the Katowice Region, Poland

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    Lack of knowledge around seroprevalence levels of COVID-19 in Poland was the reason for the implementation of a seroepidemiological study in the Katowice Region (2,100,000 inhabitants). In October–November 2020, a questionnaire examination and measurement of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG and IgM antibodies were performed in a random sample of the general population (n = 1167). The objectives of the study were to estimate the prevalence of IgG and IgM antibodies and to assess their host-related correlates. The prevalence of IgG seropositivity was 11.4% (95% CI: 9.5–13.2%) and IgM seropositivity was 4.6% (95% CI: 3.5–5.8%). Diagnosis of COVID-19 was found in 4.8% of subjects. A positive IgG test was statistically significantly associated with age (inverse relationship), a person’s contact with a COVID-19 patient, quarantine, and two symptoms in the past: fever and loss of smell/taste. Positive IgG tests were less prevalent in subjects who had diagnoses of arterial hypertension, diabetes, or rheumatologic disorders. IgM test positivity was associated with quarantine and loss of smell/taste only with no effect of chronic diseases found. In Poland, in the period October–November 2020, the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection was larger than earlier estimates obtained in other European countries, probably reflecting the measurements obtained during the “second wave” of the epidemic