1,139 research outputs found

    The Bombay-Duck

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    The Bombay-duck, popularly known as "Bombil" is of great economic importance to the fishermen of the west coast of India, north of Ratnagiri. It is supported by a single species Harpodon neherpua (Hamilton). It has a wide and discontinuous distribution along to the coasts of East Africa, Indian subcontinent, Malaya, Indonesia and China. In India it is taken in large quantities on the south and south east coasts of Saurashtra on the Gujarat coast and the Konkan coast of Maharashtra. It is also taken in appreciable quantities on the Andhra-Orissa coast and from the estuaries of Bengal. With the introduction of a programme of mechanisation of the fishing craft under the Five Year Plans, the fishing activity and the area of exploitation along the Maharashtra and Gujarat coasts have considerably increased, resulting in larger landings of Bombay-duck. The fishery today has attained the status of one of the major fisheries of India

    Role of brackishwater prawn culture in the fisheries development of India

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    The seventh plan envisages an export target of Rs. 1000 crores from the fisheries sector. For Attaining this target the emphasis appears to be on exploitation from fishing grounds away from the Conventional/traditional grounds beyond the 30 fm line. These fishing ground can be fished only by Bigger trawlers, purse seiners and shrimpers which have the facility to remain at sea for a fortnight or More. Our experience has shown that the shrimp component from offshore grounds is negligible, less Than &%. Shrimp is the major component of our marine exports and if we have to achieve the targets Laid down the shrimp catch has to be enhanced in a big way

    A preliminary study of the pelagic fish eggs and larvae of the Gulf of Mannar and the Palk Bay

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    A study of the occurrence, distribution and development of fish eggs and larvae as an integral part of a fishery research programme serves as a valuable aid in the proper management of fisheries. Although there are several practical difficulties in studies of this nature, some progress has been made in this direction during the last few years in India. Devanesan and John (1940, 1941) have reported the occurrence of the eggs of Rastrelliger kanagurta and Kowala thoracata oflf the West Hill coast. Devanesan and Chidambaram (1941) gave a brief account of the eggs and newly hatched larvae of Anodontostoma chacunda and Caranx crUmenophthalmus. A few eel eggs from the Madras coast have been recorded by Aiyar et td. (1944тАФabstract). In a tabular statement Chacko (1950) gave the salient feature of the eggs and larvae of 16 species of fishes collected from the waters around the Krusadai Island, based on the observations of Delsman (1925-38). It has been, however, noticed that there are some variations in the descriptions given by Chacko and by Delsman. Nair and Bhimachar (1950) described three forms of eel eggs from the Gulf of Mannar. An account of the eggs and larvae of Sardinella sirm, Anchoviella tri, Thrissocles sp. and Solea ovata was given by John (1951). Descriptions of the eggs and larvae of the genera Thrissocles, Anchoviella, Cynoglossus, Caranx, Saurida and a pelagic egg mass from the Madras plankton were given by Nair (1952). The present paper deals with the pelagic fish eggs and larvae occurring in the Grulf of Mannar and the Palk Bay off Mandapam

    Human Skin Detection Using RGB, HSV and YCbCr Color Models

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    Human Skin detection deals with the recognition of skin-colored pixels and regions in a given image. Skin color is often used in human skin detection because it is invariant to orientation and size and is fast to process. A new human skin detection algorithm is proposed in this paper. The three main parameters for recognizing a skin pixel are RGB (Red, Green, Blue), HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) and YCbCr (Luminance, Chrominance) color models. The objective of proposed algorithm is to improve the recognition of skin pixels in given images. The algorithm not only considers individual ranges of the three color parameters but also takes into ac- count combinational ranges which provide greater accuracy in recognizing the skin area in a given image.Comment: ICCASP/ICMMD-2016. Published by Atlantic Press. Part of series: AISR ISBN: 978-94-6252-305-0 ISSN: 1951-685

    Inequalities in maternity care and newborn outcomes: one-year surveillance of births in vulnerable slum communities in Mumbai

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    Background: Aggregate urban health statistics mask inequalities. We described maternity care in vulnerable slum communities in Mumbai, and examined differences in care and outcomes between more and less deprived groups. Methods: We collected information through a birth surveillance system covering a population of over 280 000 in 48 vulnerable slum localities. Resident women identified births in their own localities and mothers and families were interviewed at 6 weeks after delivery. We analysed data on 5687 births over one year to September 2006. Socioeconomic status was classified using quartiles of standardized asset scores. Results: Women in higher socioeconomic quartile groups were less likely to have married and conceived in their teens (Odds ratio 0.74, 95% confidence interval 0.69тАУ0.79, and 0.82, 0.78тАУ0.87, respectively). There was a socioeconomic gradient away from public sector maternity care with increasing socioeconomic status (0.75, 0.70тАУ0.79 for antenatal care and 0.66, 0.61тАУ0.71 for institutional delivery). Women in the least poor group were five times less likely to deliver at home (0.17, 0.10тАУ0.27) as women in the poorest group and about four times less likely to deliver in the public sector (0.27, 0.21тАУ0.35). Rising socioeconomic status was associated with a lower prevalence of low birth weight (0.91, 0.85тАУ0.97). Stillbirth rates did not vary, but neonatal mortality rates fell non-significantly as socioeconomic status increased (0.88, 0.71тАУ1.08). Conclusion: Analyses of this type have usually been applied across the population spectrum from richest to poorest, and we were struck by the regularly stepped picture of inequalities within the urban poor, a group that might inadvertently be considered relatively homogeneous. The poorest slum residents are more dependent upon public sector health care, but the regular progression towards the private sector raises questions about its quality and regulation. It also underlines the need for healthcare provision strategies to take account of both sectors

    Synthesis of Nanocrystalline PZT by Hydrothermal Method

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    Synthesis of lead zirconium titanate by a simple, low-energy consumption hydrothermalmeans is being reported. The precursor materials have been chosen and the method is tailoredso that the process becomes economical and offers low lead loss. The synthesised powdershave been analysed by FTIR, XRD, SEM, TEM, and TGA. The results show the formation oftetragonal PZT nanoparticles with an average yield of ~75 per cent. On the basis of FTIR, theproduct formation is understood to proceed via the formation of a three metal cation hydroxidecomplex, that under hydrothermal treatment undergoes conversion directly to form the tetragonalphase of lead zirconium titanate

    Some developmental stages of Caranx kalla Cuv. & Val.

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    These fish, when disturbed, were found to take shelter under the bell of the medusae. Judging from their movements, however, it may be mentioned that they seem to be cautious while moving about inside the bell, probably to avoid the stinging cells of the medusae. It is weIl-known that several species of carangids gather around floating objects such as, pieces of wood, coconut shell, medusae, etc_ and the principle of lure-line fishing is basea on this peculiar habit of carangids

    Management of an unexpected laparoscopic complication in a low-resource setting

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    Objective of this study is to describe the management of a rare and unexpected complication due to the breakage of a surgical blade tip during vaginal coring in a case of total laparoscopic hysterectomy in a low-resource setting. In this case report we are describing an unexpected complication which arose when a No. 11 surgical blade tip broke and got displaced during vaginal coring in a case of total laparoscopic hysterectomy with bilateral salpingectomy. When it was not possible to locate the blade tip in the abdominopelvic cavity, its location was triangulated using thorough manual examination followed by live imaging, and the blade tip was retrieved without damage to surrounding structures. The details of the loss and retrieval of the blade tip emphasize the need for a systematic approach to instrument upkeep, personnel training, and judicious use of available imaging in low-resource settings to manage unexpected and rare complications quickly and effectively during laparoscopic surgeries

    Observations on the biology of Harpodon nehereus (Hamilton)

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    The total catch of Bombay duck in Inaia during 1949 was estimated as about- 7250 tons ie about 2% of the total yield of marine fishes of India. The fishing season commences, some time in Septembeer just after the South West monsoon and continues for a period of about 4 to 5 months. It is also available during the other months of the year in smaller numbers but is somewhat rare during May to August
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