132 research outputs found

    Thermal Properties of Organic Foods

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    Thermal properties of selected organic products were investigated using novel DSC technique and methods of determination. The report includes determination of freezing temperatures, glass transition temperatures, amount of ice, and end of freezing point, heat capacity and thermal conductivity for selected cases. One part of the experimental work was devoted to investigate the difference between oils extracted from organic and conventional salmon. The main aim of the investigation was to understand if the organic food requires any special treatment during processing, when compared with industrially produced foods. For the investigated organic products (carrots, apples, salmon fillets and pork chops) no significant difference was found compared to conventional products. Organic salmon oil showed a different melting and freezing behaviour, which can be explained by the different fatty acid composition of the feed. The performed investigation indicate that organic products can be preserved by the same technologies of the food chain than conventional products. The determined data from the DSC analysis are available for download on http://www.orgprints.org/31539

    Superchilling of organic food

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    The present report is a part of the ERA-NET project SusOrganic: Development of quality standards and optimised processing methods for organic produce. The superchilling concept and the state-of-art of the technology are summarized with focus on potential implementation for small scale organic production. Production of processed organic food is mostly carried out by small and medium enterprises in demanding, competitive market conditions due to competition from highly cost-efficient large scale producers of conventional products and producers of locally grown food without certification requirements. The superchilling concept can be applied for organic meat and fish products, hereby helping the producer to supply the market with high-quality organic products. The extended shelf life of superchilled products will be beneficial during storage with respect to production and seasonal variations and transportation in order to reach new and far-distant markets. Strict control of the chilling process as well as storage temperature and time, is necessary in order to apply the concept. For these reasons, it might be difficult to apply superchilling towards the end of the cold chain at the retailer or consumer without significant alterations to the cold chain

    Industrial high temperature heat pump for simultaneous production of ice-water and process-heat

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    Industrial processes like dairy production, brewing etc. often require simultaneous cooling and heating. High temperature heat pumps (HTHP) with natural working fluids offer a cost-, energy efficient and sustainable solution. However, availability and performance data and components for HTHP are rare, which is addressed in this work. Here, the performance of a newly developed industrial scale propane-butane cascade HTHP is presented. It has a new developed semi-hermetic compressor, able to operate at high temperatures. The HTHP is installed in a Norwegian dairy and can lift from typical ice-water temperatures at 0.5°C to process hot-water at 112°C. Temperature glides are 4 K and 15 K at source and sink, respectively. Combined heating and cooling COP is 3.0 to 4.0 with a mean at 3.4 were measured. For this condition a temperature lift between heat sink and source was 88 K to 108 K. The highest temperature lift recorded between evaporation and condensation was 125 K. Condenser and evaporator capacities are within a range of 80 kW to 282 kW and 35 kW bis 134 kW, respectively. The cascade HTHP enables to utilizes waste heat form e.g. chilled/ice-water or dry-coolers effectively to supply process heat at 112°C. The HTHP is suited for a both retrofit and new installations reducing energy consumption by up to 64% and CO2-emissions by up to 94%.Industrial high temperature heat pump for simultaneous production of ice-water and process-heatacceptedVersio

    Rasjonell klippfisk produksjon: Kvalitetsforskjell med ulike råvarer

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    -Ulike tørkeforsøk for klippfisk ble gjennomført, og påvirkningen råmaterialet brukt for saltfiskproduksjon (fryst/tint i forhold til fersk) har på tørkehastigheten ble vurdert. Ved å bruke fryst og tint råmateriale ble tørkeraten redusert sammenlignet med bruk av ferske råmaterialer. Tørketiden ved bruk av fryst og tint råmateriale økte med omtrent 30 % sammenlignet med ferske råmaterialer. Innholdet av vannløselig protein var stabil (≈ 2 %) for alle råmaterialene og lagene som ble undersøkt, og det kunne ikke trekkes noen konklusjon mellom tørkerate og mengden vannløselig protein. Saltkonsentrasjonen i overflatelaget av den fryste og tinte klippfisken var 5 prosentpoeng høyere enn i klippfisken produsert fra ferske råvarer. Denne saltkonsentrasjonen i overflatelaget er sannsynligvis årsaken til at tørketiden økte, og bør inkluderes i framtidige undersøkelser

    Module 4.4 Smart Drying/Möglichkeiten zur Überwachung der Produktqualität und Anpassung der Trocknungsbedingungen /Monitorare la qualità di un prodotto durante la disidratazione

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    Smart Drying solutions in terms of product controlled drying strategies can improve sustainability of drying processes and increse the quality of the final product

    Monitorare la qualità di un prodotto durante la disidratazione (Module 4.4)

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    Situazione iniziale Possibili impostazioni - Impostazione temperatura - Impostazione velocità dell’aria - Impostazione della temperatura del glicole - Registrazione della temperatura - Registrazione dell’umidità relativa - Registrazione della velocità dell’ari

    Superchilling: Aspetti generali e potenziale della tecnologia

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    1. Antefatti 2. Super-Chilling 3. Metodo per il Super-Chilling 4. Tecnologie per il Super-Chilling 5. Vantaggi per l‘industria 6. Vantaggi per l‘ambiente 7. Vantaggi per i consumatori 8. Le sfide 9, Potenzialità future 10. Conclusion

    Module 7.1 Superchilling- General aspects/Superchilling-Verfahren - Generelle Aspekte und Potential der Technologie/Superchilling: Aspetti generali e potenziale della tecnologia

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    When freezing food, quality is often impaired, whereas normal cold storage is only suitable for short periods of time. The superchilling technique requires new possibilities in terms of cold storage

    Superchilling: risultati della sperimentazione

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    1. Indagine sperimentale: super-chilling dei filetti di salmone 2. Indaggine sperimentale: super-chilling di 7 lombi di maiale conservati sette giorni 3. Conclusion

    Optimalisering av slakteprosess for laksefisk : ny teknologi for trenging i ventermerd, bløgging og kjøling

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    -Prosjektet ble gjennomført som felles arbeid mellom SINTEF Fiskeri- og Havbruk, SINTEF Energi AS og NOFIMA i tett samarbeid med FHF og styringsgruppen. Optimalisering av slakteprosessen i lakseindustrien er en sammensatt operasjon av trenging, pumping og avliving uten at fisken er utsatt for høy aktivitet- eller stressbelastning og en rask nedkjøling. Anbefalinger for en mer automatisert slakteprosess med kontrollert stressbelastning er utarbeidet med hensyn på forbedret produktkvalitet. Forbedringspotensial av dagens operasjoner, trenging, kjøling og utblødning er evaluert. Det er utarbeidet forslag til videre oppfølging av prosjektet