14 research outputs found

    Structural Health Monitoring test data and procedures

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    Campbell Scientific, Inc. data acquisition system consisting of CR5000 data logger and Loggernet software was used to collect and process strain transducer data to monitor the structural health of girder G5 at Br 1-704. </p

    DSC test data and procedures

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    Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to measure the glass transition temperature of CFRP material samples. </p

    Visual Inspection test data and procedures

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    All inspections involved photographic evidence collection and conversations with Delaware DOT managers or engineers.</p

    Tensile test data and procedures

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    CFRP coupons were tested in tension on Instron Universal Testing Machine 5900R-4484. Samples were loaded to failure at a constant displacement rate of 0.08 in./min.  </p

    Three-point bending test data and procedures

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    The tests were conducted according to the procedures specified in ASTM D7264 (2015) to determine the flexural stiffness and strength properties by loading the sample to failure.  </p

    Pull-off tests data and procedures

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     Pull-off tests were conducted on the field to evaluate the pull-off strength of CFRP composite systems adhesively bonded to a steel/concrete substrate.  </p

    Raman Spectroscopy test data and procedures

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    All Raman experiments were carried out on CFRP composite field samples collected from the Foulk Road bridge using a Kaiser spectrometer equipped with a 785 nm laser.</p

    ATR-FTIR test data and procedures

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     FTIR spectroscopy was used for the chemical characterization of CFRP composites. </p

    Sample locations- Br 1-704

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    Sample locations for various laboratory and field tests at Br 1-704.</p

    SEM test data and procedures

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    A Hitachi TM-3000 scanning electron microscope was used to examine the microstructure of aged CFRP from the Foulk Road bridge.  </p