13 research outputs found

    FARE: Provably Fair Representation Learning with Practical Certificates

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    Fair representation learning (FRL) is a popular class of methods aiming to produce fair classifiers via data preprocessing. Recent regulatory directives stress the need for FRL methods that provide practical certificates, i.e., provable upper bounds on the unfairness of any downstream classifier trained on preprocessed data, which directly provides assurance in a practical scenario. Creating such FRL methods is an important challenge that remains unsolved. In this work, we address that challenge and introduce FARE (Fairness with Restricted Encoders), the first FRL method with practical fairness certificates. FARE is based on our key insight that restricting the representation space of the encoder enables the derivation of practical guarantees, while still permitting favorable accuracy-fairness tradeoffs for suitable instantiations, such as one we propose based on fair trees. To produce a practical certificate, we develop and apply a statistical procedure that computes a finite sample high-confidence upper bound on the unfairness of any downstream classifier trained on FARE embeddings. In our comprehensive experimental evaluation, we demonstrate that FARE produces practical certificates that are tight and often even comparable with purely empirical results obtained by prior methods, which establishes the practical value of our approach.Comment: ICML 202

    Certified Defenses: Why Tighter Relaxations May Hurt Training

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    Certified defenses based on convex relaxations are an established technique for training provably robust models. The key component is the choice of relaxation, varying from simple intervals to tight polyhedra. Paradoxically, however, training with tighter relaxations can often lead to worse certified robustness. The poor understanding of this paradox has forced recent state-of-the-art certified defenses to focus on designing various heuristics in order to mitigate its effects. In contrast, in this paper we study the underlying causes and show that tightness alone may not be the determining factor. Concretely, we identify two key properties of relaxations that impact training dynamics: continuity and sensitivity. Our extensive experimental evaluation demonstrates that these two factors, observed alongside tightness, explain the drop in certified robustness for popular relaxations. Further, we investigate the possibility of designing and training with relaxations that are tight, continuous and not sensitive. We believe the insights of this work can help drive the principled discovery of new and effective certified defense mechanisms

    Data Leakage in Tabular Federated Learning

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    While federated learning (FL) promises to preserve privacy in distributed training of deep learning models, recent work in the image and NLP domains showed that training updates leak private data of participating clients. At the same time, most high-stakes applications of FL (e.g., legal and financial) use tabular data. Compared to the NLP and image domains, reconstruction of tabular data poses several unique challenges: (i) categorical features introduce a significantly more difficult mixed discrete-continuous optimization problem, (ii) the mix of categorical and continuous features causes high variance in the final reconstructions, and (iii) structured data makes it difficult for the adversary to judge reconstruction quality. In this work, we tackle these challenges and propose the first comprehensive reconstruction attack on tabular data, called TabLeak. TabLeak is based on three key ingredients: (i) a softmax structural prior, implicitly converting the mixed discrete-continuous optimization problem into an easier fully continuous one, (ii) a way to reduce the variance of our reconstructions through a pooled ensembling scheme exploiting the structure of tabular data, and (iii) an entropy measure which can successfully assess reconstruction quality. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of TabLeak, reaching a state-of-the-art on four popular tabular datasets. For instance, on the Adult dataset, we improve attack accuracy by 10% compared to the baseline on the practically relevant batch size of 32 and further obtain non-trivial reconstructions for batch sizes as large as 128. Our findings are important as they show that performing FL on tabular data, which often poses high privacy risks, is highly vulnerable

    Data Leakage in Federated Averaging

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    Recent attacks have shown that user data can be recovered from FedSGD updates, thus breaking privacy. However, these attacks are of limited practical relevance as federated learning typically uses the FedAvg algorithm. Compared to FedSGD, recovering data from FedAvg updates is much harder as: (i) the updates are computed at unobserved intermediate network weights, (ii) a large number of batches are used, and (iii) labels and network weights vary simultaneously across client steps. In this work, we propose a new optimization-based attack which successfully attacks FedAvg by addressing the above challenges. First, we solve the optimization problem using automatic differentiation that forces a simulation of the client's update that generates the unobserved parameters for the recovered labels and inputs to match the received client update. Second, we address the large number of batches by relating images from different epochs with a permutation invariant prior. Third, we recover the labels by estimating the parameters of existing FedSGD attacks at every FedAvg step. On the popular FEMNIST dataset, we demonstrate that on average we successfully recover >45% of the client's images from realistic FedAvg updates computed on 10 local epochs of 10 batches each with 5 images, compared to only <10% using the baseline. Our findings show many real-world federated learning implementations based on FedAvg are vulnerable

    Efficient Certification of Spatial Robustness

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    Recent work has exposed the vulnerability of computer vision models to vector field attacks. Due to the widespread usage of such models in safety-critical applications, it is crucial to quantify their robustness against such spatial transformations. However, existing work only provides empirical robustness quantification against vector field deformations via adversarial attacks, which lack provable guarantees. In this work, we propose novel convex relaxations, enabling us, for the first time, to provide a certificate of robustness against vector field transformations. Our relaxations are model-agnostic and can be leveraged by a wide range of neural network verifiers. Experiments on various network architectures and different datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and scalability of our method.Comment: Conference Paper at AAAI 202

    Robustness Certification for Point Cloud Models

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    The use of deep 3D point cloud models in safety-critical applications, such as autonomous driving, dictates the need to certify the robustness of these models to real-world transformations. This is technically challenging, as it requires a scalable verifier tailored to point cloud models that handles a wide range of semantic 3D transformations. In this work, we address this challenge and introduce 3DCertify, the first verifier able to certify the robustness of point cloud models. 3DCertify is based on two key insights: (i) a generic relaxation based on first-order Taylor approximations, applicable to any differentiable transformation, and (ii) a precise relaxation for global feature pooling, which is more complex than pointwise activations (e.g., ReLU or sigmoid) but commonly employed in point cloud models. We demonstrate the effectiveness of 3DCertify by performing an extensive evaluation on a wide range of 3D transformations (e.g., rotation, twisting) for both classification and part segmentation tasks. For example, we can certify robustness against rotations by ±\pm60{\deg} for 95.7% of point clouds, and our max pool relaxation increases certification by up to 15.6%.Comment: International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 202

    Adversarial Training and Provable Defenses: Bridging the Gap

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    We present COLT, a new method to train neural networks based on a novel combination of adversarial training and provable defenses. The key idea is to model neural network training as a procedure which includes both, the verifier and the adversary. In every iteration, the verifier aims to certify the network using convex relaxation while the adversary tries to find inputs inside that convex relaxation which cause verification to fail. We experimentally show that this training method, named convex layerwise adversarial training (COLT), is promising and achieves the best of both worlds -- it produces a state-of-the-art neural network with certified robustness of 60.5% and accuracy of 78.4% on the challenging CIFAR-10 dataset with a 2/255 L-infinity perturbation. This significantly improves over the best concurrent results of 54.0% certified robustness and 71.5% accuracy

    On the Paradox of Certified Training

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    Certified defenses based on convex relaxations are an established technique for training provably robust models. The key component is the choice of relaxation, varying from simple intervals to tight polyhedra. Counterintuitively, loose interval-based training often leads to higher certified robustness than what can be achieved with tighter relaxations, which is a well-known but poorly understood paradox. While recent works introduced various improvements aiming to circumvent this issue in practice, the fundamental problem of training models with high certified robustness remains unsolved. In this work, we investigate the underlying reasons behind the paradox and identify two key properties of relaxations, beyond tightness, that impact certified training dynamics: continuity and sensitivity. Our extensive experimental evaluation with a number of popular convex relaxations provides strong evidence that these factors can explain the drop in certified robustness observed for tighter relaxations. We also systematically explore modifications of existing relaxations and discover that improving unfavorable properties is challenging, as such attempts often harm other properties, revealing a complex tradeoff. Our findings represent an important first step towards understanding the intricate optimization challenges involved in certified training