8 research outputs found

    The influence of different organic mulches on soil biological properties in organic farming

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    Magistrantūros studijų baigiamajame darbe pateikiami dirvožemio fermentų, sliekų populiacijos ir žemės ūkio augalų tyrimo duomenys įvairiais organiniais mulčiais ir skirtingo storio sluoksniu mulčiuotuose laukeliuose. Darbo objektas – bulvių ir pupelių pasėliai, mulčiuoti įvairiais organiniais mulčiais skirtingo storio (5 cm ir 10 cm) sluoksniu. Darbo metodai: dirvos biologinis aktyvumas vertinamas pagal fermentų sacharazės ir ureazės aktyvumą (Čunderova, 1973). Sliekų tyrimai atliekami vasaros pabaigoje kiekviename bandymo laukelyje kasant 25 x 50 cm, 25 cm gylio 4 duobes. Sliekai surenkami, nuplaunami, nusausinami, suskaičiuojami, pasveriami (Atlavinytė, 1975). Darbo rezultatai. Organiniai mulčiai turėjo įtakos dirvožemio fermentų ureazės ir sacharazės aktyvumui. Visi tirti organiniai mulčiai turėjo tendenciją didinti sacharazės aktyvumą. Didžiausią teigiamą įtaką ureazės aktyvumui darė mulčiavimas pjuvenomis ir žole. Dirvos paviršiaus mulčiavimas smulkintais šiaudais ir vejų žole esmingai didino sliekų skaičių ir masę. Mažiausias sliekų skaičius ir masė buvo žemapelkių durpėmis mulčiuotuose laukeliuose. Didžiausią ir esminę įtaką bulvių ir pupelių derliui darė žolės ir pjuvenų mulčiai. Didžiausias derlius buvo gautas žole mulčiuotuose laukeliuose, o mažiausias – pjuvenomis mulčiuotuose laukeliuose. Šiaudų ir durpių mulčias esmingai mažino pupelių derlių, bet neturėjo neigiamos įtakos bulvių derliui. Sacharazės aktyvumas buvo statistiškai patikimai susijęs su sliekų skaičiumi dirvoje. Tarp sliekų skaičiaus ir judriojo kalio bei judriojo fosforo kiekio dirvoje yra teigiami, stiprūs ir statistiškai patikimi tiesiniai priklausomumai. Sacharazės aktyvumas buvo susijęs su judriojo kalio ir judriojo fosforo kiekiu dirvoje. Mulčio sluoksnio storis neturėjo esminės įtakos dirvožemio fermentų aktyvumui, sliekų populiacijai bei bulvių ir pupelių derliui.The master work presents the results of soil enzymes, earthworms and crop yield research in plots mulched with different organic mulches and different thickness of mulch layer. Object of the work – the crops of potato and been mulched with different organic mulches and different thickness of mulch layer. Method of the work – soil biological activity was evaluated as soil enzymes saccharase and urease activity (Čunderova, 1973). Earthworms were sampled at the end of summer. The soil inside the frame 25 × 50 cm (4 positions in each plot) was dug to a depth of 25 cm and hand–sorted (Atlavinytė, 1975). The results of work. Organic mulches positively affected the activity of soil enzymes saccharase and urease. All examined organic mulches increased saccharase activity. Mulching with sawdust and grass positively influenced urease activity. Mulching with straw and grass significantly increased number and mass of earthworms. The lowest number and mass of earthworms was estimated in plots mulched with peat. The strongest and significant effect of grass and peat mulches on potato and been yield was established. The highest crop yield was established in plots mulched with grass, and lowest – in plots mulched with sawdust. Straw and peat mulches significantly decreased been yield, but had no negative effect on potato yield. The activity of saccharase was significantly correlated with the amount of earthworms in the soil. The positive strong significant relationship was established between amount of earthworms and available potassium and available phosphorus. The positive strong significant relationship was established between amount of earthworms and available potassium and phosphorus. The thickness of mulch layer had no significant effect on the activity of soil enzymes saccharase and urease, earthworms population and crop yield.Žemės ūkio akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Fungal foliai diseases affecting sugar beets and their control

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    The occurrence of leaf spotting diseases in different sugar beet varieties

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    Cukrinių runkelių pasėlius labiausiai pažeidžia rudmargė (sukėlėjas – Cercospora beticola Sacc.), baltuliai (Ramularia beticola Fautrey & F. Lamb.) ir fomozė (Pleospora betae Björl.), kurios apibendrintai dažnai vadinamos lapų dėmėtligėmis. Kauno augalų veislių tyrimų stotyje 2011 ir 2012 m. augintuose 14 veislių cukrinių runkelių pasėliuose buvo įvertintas šių ligų paplitimas ir intensyvumas. Nustatyta, kad tyrimų metais skirtingose veislėse lapų dėmėtligės pažeidė 35,6–100 % lapų ir intensyvumas svyravo 2,16–19,63 %. Labiausiai runkelius pažeidė rudmargė, kurios intensyvumas – 1,73–16,71 %, mažiau baltuliai – intensyvumas 0,23–1,83 % ir mažiausiai – fomozė, jos intensyvumas tesiekė tik 0,07–0,84 %. Pagal pažeidimą lapų dėmėtligėmis veislės labai skyrėsi. Tyrimų duomenys atskleidė, kad visoms grybinėms lapų dėmėtligėms jautriausios buvo ‘Bartok’, ‘Frieda KWS’, ‘Jagusia’, ‘Jonas’, ‘Minta’, ‘Primadona KWS’, ‘Scorpion’ ir ‘Wapiti’, o atspariausios – ‘Charly’, ‘Gustav’, ‘Eldorado’, ‘Shannon’, ‘Wellington’ ir ‘Zoom’ veislėsThe most common diseases infesting sugar beet crops are Cercospora leaf spot (causal agent is Cercospora beticola Sacc.), Ramularia leaf spot (Ramularia beticola Fautrey & F. Lamb.) and Phoma leaf spot (Pleospora betae Björl.). In 2011 and 2012, fourteen sugar beet varieties were screened for the incidence of fungal diseases at the Kaunas Plant Variety Testing Station. The sugar beet varieties were assessed for the incidence and severity of Cercospora leaf spot, Ramularia leaf spot and Phoma leaf spot. The test results indicated that leaf spotting diseases affected from 35.6 to 100% of leaves in different varieties and the affected leaf area ranged from 2.16 to 19.63%. The highest incidence was recorded for Cercospora leaf spot, whose severity varied from 1.73 to 16.71%, Ramularia leaf spot occurred at lower incidence and its severity ranged from 0.23 to 1.83%, and the incidence of Phoma leaf spot was the lowest and the severity ranged from 0.07 to 0.84%. The tested varieties significantly differed in the incidence and severity of leaf spotting diseases – the most susceptible varieties to all leaf spotting diseases were found to be ‘Bartok’, ‘Frieda KWS’, ‘Jagusia’, ‘Jonas’, ‘Minta’, ‘Primadona KWS’, ‘Scorpion’ and ‘Wapiti’ , while the most resistant ones were ‘Charly’, ‘Gustav’, ‘Eldorado’, ‘Shannon’, ‘Wellington’ and ‘Zoom’. The aim of the research was to investigate the incidence of sugar beet fungal spot diseases (Cercospora, Ramularia and Phoma leaf spots) in different sugar beet varietiesVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    The spread of fungal leaf diseases in sugar beet crops

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    In 2002–2011 the spread dynamics of sugar beet fungal leaf spot diseases were investigated. Was found that the most widespread was Cercospora (Cercospora beticola Sacc.) and Ramularia (Ramularia beticola Fautrey & F. Lamb.) leaf spot diseases. Cercospora leaf spot spread was 46.7 to 100.0 %, the severity – from 1.12 to 56.00 %, Ramularia leaf spot – from 40.0 to 96.7 % and from 1.73 to 20.00 %. Phoma leaf spot (Pleospora betae Björl.) damage on sugar beet crop was less – before harvesting disease spread was 0 % to 84.3 %, and the severity was – 0 to 15.57%. Powdery mildew (Erysiphe betae Vaňha Weltzien) in sugar beet spreaded later than other fungal diseases, but in favourable time for spread of the disease up to 100 % of the plants were infected. Disease severity was also very high – up to 65.10 %. Beet rust has been found in small quantities and only in two years of investigation. Diseases spread and development depended from the weather conditions in July and AugustVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Rudmargės (Cercospora beticola Sacc.) ir baltulių (Ramularia beticola Fautrey & F.Lamb.) plitimo dinamika bei kontrolė cukrinių runkelių pasėliuose

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    Dynamics of spread of the most destructive sugar beet foliar diseases cercospora (Cercospora beticola Sacc.) and ramularia (Ramularia beticola Fautrey & F.Lamb.) leaf spot and efficacy of six fungicides used for their control were investigated at Rumokai Research Station of Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry during 2011–2012. The crop was sprayed with fungicides once after the first symptoms of foliar diseases had been spotted. In the experimental years, cercospora leaf spot started to spread in the sugar beet crops on the 31st of July – 3rd of August. During the 1st assessment the disease incidence was 4.3–19.2% and the disease severity was 0.01–0.08%. Further progress of cercospora leaf spot was influenced by the weather conditions: with the weather being wet and warm the disease development was rapid and 10–11 weeks after the 1st assessment the disease incidence reached 90.0–98.3%, and the disease severity was 10.98–11.91%. Ramularia leaf spot started to spread at the same time as cercospora leaf spot; however, its severity was lower. The progress of ramularia leaf spot was weaker than that of cercospora leaf spot and before harvesting ramularia leaf spot severity reached 1.75–1.79%. The highest efficacy against both diseases was exhibited by the fungicides containing epoxiconazole – Maredo, Opera N, Tango superVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij