44 research outputs found

    The 1999 ESPAD report: alcohol and other drug use among students in 30 European countries.

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    The purpose of the ESPAD project is to collect comparable data on alcohol, tobacco and durg use among 15-16 year old students in as many European countries as possible. The longterm aim is toto study trends in alcohol and drug habits among students in Europe and to compare trends between countries. Every four years repeat studies are conducted. The report details study design and procedures, methodological considerations, and changes in the use of alcohol and other drugs from 1995 to 1999. The report then presents results relating to: tobacco use, alcohol use, illicit drugs, lifetime drug use and abstinence, attitudes, perceived cigarettes, and alcohol and drug use among friends. Key results are given for each country: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Ukraine and United Kingdom. Appendices include an overview of the sampling and data collection in participating countries, tables of available data, and the student questionnaire used

    Street-based adolescents at high risk of HIV in Ukraine

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    BACKGROUND: Ukraine has the highest HIV prevalence in Europe, with young people disproportionately represented among populations at high risk. One particularly vulnerable group comprises adolescents who live or work on the streets. This study aimed to measure the extent and distribution of HIV risk behaviours among street-based adolescents in four Ukrainian cities as part of a regional UNICEF HIV prevention programme for most-at-risk adolescents. METHODS: A cross-sectional behavioural survey was conducted of 805 adolescents (aged 10-19 years) in the cities of Kiev, Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk and Nikolaev. Using location-based network and convenience sampling, 200 adolescents were reached in each site and were administered a standardised questionnaire on drug use, sexual behaviour, condom use, HIV knowledge, access to prevention services, experience of violence and contact with state institutions and police. RESULTS: Considerable levels of HIV risk behaviour were found, including injecting drug use among 15.5% of the sample. Almost three-quarters of adolescents had experienced sexual debut, most before the age of 15 years. Male-to-male sexual behaviour was reported by just under 10% of boys. Condom use was low although varied by partner type. There were high rates of forced sex, and 75.5% of respondents reported police harassment. CONCLUSIONS: Street-based adolescents in Ukraine are at significant risk of contracting HIV due to involvement in injecting drug use and unprotected sex in personal and commercial exchanges, including male-to-male sex. This group initiates risk behaviours at early ages, and does not appear to have good access to prevention and other health services

    The Importance of Clinical and Biochemical Markers in the Diagnosis of Disorders of the Psychomotor and Physical Development of Children who Underwent Perinatal CNS Lesions

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the blood level of neurotrophic factors (S100 protein, nerve growth factor, L- homocysteine and angiotensin II) in the diagnosis of disorders of the psychomotor and physical development of children who underwent perinatal CNS lesions. A comprehensive approach to assessing the blood levels of neurotrophic factors, along with methods of neuroimaging in children in the first 6 months of the postnatal period, allows identification of the total result of multidirectional degenerative-reparative processes in the neurovascular components of CNS and construction of the diagnostically significant criteria of the severity of neuropathology, which determines the physical development of children in the first year of life

    Exploring the impact of military conflict on sex work in Ukraine: Women's experiences of economic burden

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    Little is known about the impact of military conflict on sex work from the perspective of sex workers. We attempt to explore the meaning of conflict on sex work by asking women about the changes that they have experienced in their lives and work since the beginning of the 2014 military conflict in eastern Ukraine. The findings in this article are based on qualitative interviews with 43 cisgender women living and practicing sex work in Dnipro, eastern Ukraine. Our analysis highlights the meanings that sex workers have linked to the conflict, with financial concerns emerging as a dominant theme. The conflict therefore functions as a way of understanding changing economic circumstances with both individual and broader impacts. By better understanding the meaning of conflict as expressed by sex workers, we can begin to adapt our response to address emerging, and unmet, needs of the community

    ESPAD Report 2019: Results From European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs

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    The main purpose of the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) is to collect comparable data on substance use and other forms of risk behaviour among 15- to 16-year-old students in order to monitor trends within, as well as between, countries. Between 1995 and 2019, seven waves of data collection were conducted across 49 European countries. This report presents selected key results. The full set of data on which the current report is based, including all of the standard tables, is available online (http://www.espad.org). All tables can be downloaded in Excel format and used for further analysi

    European Values Study 2017: Ukraine (EVS 2017)

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    The European Values Study is a large-scale, cross-national and longitudinal survey research program on how Europeans think about family, work, religion, politics, and society. Repeated every nine years in an increasing number of countries, the survey provides insights into the ideas, beliefs, preferences, attitudes, values, and opinions of citizens all over Europe. As previous waves conducted in 1981, 1990, 1999, 2008, the fifth EVS wave maintains a persistent focus on a broad range of values. Questions are highly comparable across waves and regions, making EVS suitable for research aimed at studying trends over time. The EVS 2017 Ukrainian dataset follows all EVS standards regarding methodological and data quality. It is already integrated into the EVS Trend File 1981-2017; and will be integrated into the EVS 2017 Integrated Dataset in a future update. In the meantime, it can be easily merged with the EVS 2017 Integrated Dataset (ZA7500).1. Perceptions of life: importance of work, family, friends and acquaintances, leisure time, politics and religion; happiness; self-assessment of own health; memberships in voluntary organisations (religious or church organisations, cultural activities, trade unions, political parties or groups, environment, ecology, animal rights, professional associations, sports, recreation, or other groups, none); active or inactive membership of humanitarian or charitable organisation, consumer organisation, self-help group or mutual aid; voluntary work in the last six months; tolerance towards minorities (people of a different race, heavy drinkers, immigrants, foreign workers, drug addicts, homosexuals, Christians, Muslims, Jews, and gypsies - social distance); trust in people; estimation of people´s fair and helpful behavior; internal or external control; satisfaction with life; importance of educational goals: desirable qualities of children. 2. Work: attitude towards work (job needed to develop talents, receiving money without working is humiliating, people turn lazy not working, work is a duty towards society, work always comes first); importance of selected aspects of occupational work; give priority to nationals over foreigners as well as men over women in jobs. 3. Religion and morale: religious denomination; current and former religious denomination; current frequency of church attendance and at the age of 12; self-assessment of religiousness; belief in God, life after death, hell, heaven, and re-incarnation; personal god vs. spirit or life force; importance of God in one´s life (10-point-scale); frequency of prayers; morale attitudes (scale: claiming state benefits without entitlement, cheating on taxes, taking soft drugs, accepting a bribe, homosexuality, abortion, divorce, euthanasia, suicide, paying cash to avoid taxes, casual sex, avoiding fare on public transport, prostitution, in-vitro fertilization, political violence, death penalty). 4. Family: trust in family; most important criteria for a successful marriage or partnership (faithfulness, adequate income, good housing, sharing household chores, children, time for friends and personal hobbies); marriage is an outdated institution; attitude towards traditional understanding of one´s role of man and woman in occupation and family (gender roles); homosexual couples are as good parents as other couples; duty towards society to have children; responsibility of adult children for their parents when they are in need of long-term care; to make own parents proud is a main goal in life. 5. Politics and society: political interest; political participation; preference for individual freedom or social equality; self-assessment on a left-right continuum (10-point-scale) (left-right self-placement); individual vs. state responsibility for providing; take any job vs. right to refuse job when unemployed; competition good vs. harmful for people; equal incomes vs. incentives for individual effort; private vs. government ownership of business and industry; postmaterialism (scale); most important aims of the country for the next ten years; willingness to fight for the country; expectation of future development (less importance placed on work and greater respect for authority); trust in institutions; essential characteristics of democracy; importance of democracy for the respondent; rating democracy in own country; satisfaction with the political system in the country; preferred type of political system (strong leader, expert decisions, army should rule the country, or democracy); vote in elections on local level, national level and European level; political party with the most appeal; another political party that most appeals; assessment of country´s elections (votes are counted fairly, opposition candidates are prevented from running, TV news favors the governing party, voters are bribed, journalists provide fair coverage of elections, election officials are fair, rich people buy elections, voters are threatened with violence at the polls); opinion on the government´s right to keep people under video surveillance in public areas, monitor all e-mails and any other information exchanged on the Internet, collect information about anyone living in the country without their knowledge; interest in politics in the media; concerned about the living conditions of people in the neighborhood, the people in the region, fellow countrymen, Europeans, all humans all over the world, elderly people, unemployed people, immigrants, sick and disabled people; societal aims (eliminating income inequalities, basic needs for all, recognizing people on merits, protecting against terrorism). 6. National Identity: trust in people from various groups (neighborhood, personally known people, people meet for the first time, people of another religion, and people of another nationality); geographical group the respondent feels belonging to (town, region of country, country, Europe, the world); citizenship; national pride; evaluation of the impact of immigrants on the country´s development; attitude towards immigrants and their customs and traditions (take away jobs, increase crime problems, strain on country´s welfare system, should maintain their distinct customs and traditions or take over customs); important aspects of national identity (to have been born in the country, to respect country´s political institutions and laws, to have country´s ancestry, to speak the national language, to share national culture); important aspects of being European (to have been born in Europe, to have European ancestry, to be a Christian, to share European culture); attitude towards the enlargement of the European Union. 7. Environment: attitude towards the environment (scale: willingness to give part of own income for the environment, too difficult to do much about the environment, more important things in life than environment protection, own activities are useless unless others do the same for the environment, claims about environmental threats are exaggerated); protecting the environment vs. economic growth. Demography: sex; age (year of birth); born in the country; country of birth; year of immigration into the country; current legal marital status; living together with the partner before marriage or before the registration of partnership; living together with a partner; steady relationship; living together with parents or parents in law; number of children in the household and outside the household; number of people in the household (household size); age of the youngest person in the household; age at completion of education; highest educational level (ISCED); employment status; employment or self-employment in the last job; name or title of main job or last main job; profession (ISCO-08, SIOPS-08, ISEI-08, ESEC-08, EGP-11); number of employees (company size); supervising function and number of supervised people; occupational sector (Government or public institution, private business or industry, or private non-profit organization); unemployment longer than three months; dependency on social security during the last five years; scale of household income (weekly, monthly, annual). Information on partner/spouse: born in the country; country of birth; highest educational level (ISCED); employment status; employment or self-employment in the last job; name or title of main job or last main job; profession (ISCO-08, SIOPS-08, ISEI-08, ESEC-08, EGP-11); number of employees (company size); supervising function and number of supervised people. Information on respondent’s parents: father and mother born in the country; country of birth of father and mother; scale of household income; highest educational level of father and mother (ISCED); employment status of father and mother when the respondent was 14 years old; occupational group of the main wage earner at respondent’s age of 14; characterization of the parents when respondent was 14 years old (scale: liked to read books, discussed politics at home with their child, liked to follow the news, had problems making ends meet, had problems replacing broken things). Interviewer rating: respondent´s interest during the interview. Additionally encoded: respondent-ID; casenumber-ID; survey year; start and end of fieldwork (year and month); country code (ISO 3166); country abbreviation (ISO 3166); country and year of fieldwork (ISO 3166); mode of data collection; region (NUTS); city size (NUTS); date of the interview; time of the interview (start hour and start minute, end hour and end minute); language of interview; interviewer number; Flag variable: inconsistencies; Flag variable: complete/incomplete case; household monthly net income (x1000), corrected for ppp in euros; weighting factors.Die European Values Study ist ein groß angelegtes, länderübergreifendes und längsschnittliches Umfrage-Forschungsprogramm zu der Frage, wie Europäer über Familie, Arbeit, Religion, Politik und Gesellschaft denken. Die Umfrage wird alle neun Jahre in einer wachsenden Zahl von Ländern wiederholt und bietet Einblicke in die Ideen, Überzeugungen, Präferenzen, Einstellungen, Werte und Meinungen der Bürger in ganz Europa. Wie die vorhergehenden Erhebungen in den Jahren 1981, 1990, 1999 und 2008 konzentriert sich auch die fünfte EVS-Welle weiterhin auf ein breites Spektrum von Werten. Die Fragen sind zwischen den Wellen und Regionen in hohem Maße vergleichbar, so dass sich der EVS für Forschungsarbeiten zur Untersuchung von Trends im Zeitverlauf eignet. Der ukrainische EVS 2017-Datensatz folgt allen EVS-Standards hinsichtlich Methodik und Datenqualität. Er ist bereits in das EVS Trend File 1981-2017 integriert; und wird in einem zukünftigen Update in den EVS 2017 Integrated Dataset integriert werden. In der Zwischenzeit kann er einfach mit dem EVS 2017 Integrated Dataset (EVS 2017) zusammengeführt werden.1. Wahrnehmungen des Lebens: Bedeutung von Arbeit, Familie, Freunden und Bekannten, Freizeit, Politik und Religion; Glück; Selbsteinschätzung der eigenen Gesundheit; Mitgliedschaften in Freiwilligenorganisationen (religiöse oder kirchliche Organisationen, kulturelle Aktivitäten, Gewerkschaften, politische Parteien oder Gruppen, Umwelt, Ökologie, Tierrechte, Berufsverbände, Sport, Freizeit oder andere Gruppen, keine); aktive oder inaktive Mitgliedschaft in humanitären oder karitativen Organisationen, Verbraucherorganisationen, Selbsthilfegruppen oder gegenseitige Unterstützung; Freiwilligenarbeit in den letzten sechs Monaten; Toleranz gegenüber Minderheiten (Menschen anderer Rassen, starke Trinker, Einwanderer, Ausländer, Drogenabhängige, Homosexuelle, Christen, Muslime, Juden und Zigeuner - soziale Distanz); Vertrauen in Menschen; Einschätzung von fairem und hilfsbereitem Verhalten; interne oder externe Kontrolle; Lebenszufriedenheit; Bedeutung von Bildungszielen: wünschenswerte Eigenschaften von Kindern. 2. Arbeit: Einstellung zur Arbeit (Arbeit wird zur Entwicklung von Talenten benötigt, Geld ohne Arbeit zu erhalten, ist demütigend, Menschen werden faul, wenn sie nicht arbeiten, Arbeit ist eine Pflicht gegenüber der Gesellschaft, Arbeit steht immer an erster Stelle); Bedeutung ausgewählter Aspekte der beruflichen Arbeit; Vorrang von Einheimischen vor Ausländern sowie Männern vor Frauen im Job. 3. Religion und Moral: Religionsgemeinschaft; aktuelle und ehemalige Religionsgemeinschaft; Kirchgangshäufigkeit derzeit und im Alter von 12 Jahren; Selbsteinschätzung der Religiosität; Glaube an Gott, Leben nach dem Tod, Hölle, Himmel und Wiedergeburt; persönlicher Gott vs. Geist oder Lebenskraft; Bedeutung Gottes im eigenen Leben (10-Punkte-Skala); Häufigkeit von Gebeten; Moralvorstellungen (Skala: Inanspruchnahme von staatlichen Leistungen ohne Anspruch, Steuerbetrug, Einnahme von weichen Drogen, Annehmen von Bestechungsgeldern, Homosexualität, Abtreibung, Scheidung, Sterbehilfe, Selbstmord, Barzahlung zur Vermeidung von Steuern, Gelegenheitssex, Schwarzfahren im öffentlichen Verkehr, Prostitution, In-vitro-Fertilisation, politische Gewalt, Todesstrafe). 4. Familie: Vertrauen in die Familie; wichtigste Kriterien für eine erfolgreiche Ehe oder Partnerschaft (Treue, angemessenes Einkommen, gutes Wohnen, Aufteilung der Haushaltsarbeit, Kinder, Zeit für Freunde und persönliche Hobbys); Ehe ist eine veraltete Institution; Einstellung zum traditionellen Verständnis der Rolle von Mann und Frau in Beruf und Familie (Geschlechterrollen); homosexuelle Paare sind ebenso gute Eltern wie andere Paare; Verpflichtung gegenüber der Gesellschaft, Kinder zu bekommen; Verantwortung von erwachsenen Kindern für ihre Eltern, wenn sie langfristig betreut werden müssen; Hauptziel im Leben die eigenen Eltern stolz zu machen. 5. Politik und Gesellschaft: Politikinteresse; politische Partizipation; Präferenz für individuelle Freiheit oder soziale Gleichheit; Selbsteinschätzung auf einem Links-rechts Kontinuum (10-Punkte-Skala); individuelle vs. staatliche Verantwortung für die Bereitstellung; Übernahme jedes Jobs vs. Recht auf Ablehnung eines Jobs durch Arbeitslose; Wettbewerb gut vs. schädlich für Menschen; gleiche Einkommen vs. Anreize für individuelle Anstrengungen; privates vs. Staatseigentum von Wirtschaft und Industrie; Postmaterialismus (Skala); wichtigste Ziele des Landes für die nächsten zehn Jahre; Bereitschaft, für das Land zu kämpfen; Erwartung der zukünftigen Entwicklung (weniger Bedeutung der Arbeit und größere Achtung der Autorität); Institutionenvertrauen; wesentliche Merkmale der Demokratie; Bedeutung der Demokratie für den Befragten; Bewertung der Demokratie im eigenen Land; Zufriedenheit mit dem politischen System im Land; bevorzugte Art des politischen Systems (starker Führer, Expertenentscheidungen, Armee sollte das Land regieren, oder Demokratie); Wahlbeteiligung bei Wahlen auf lokaler, nationaler und europäischer Ebene; politische Partei mit der größten Anziehungskraft; andere politische Partei, die am besten gefällt; Bewertung der Wahlen des Landes (Stimmen werden fair ausgezählt, Oppositionskandidaten werden am Arbeiten gehindert, Fernsehnachrichten begünstigen die Regierungspartei, Wählerbestechung, faire Berichterstattung über Wahlen, faire Wahlbeamte, reiche Menschen kaufen Wahlen, Wähler werden von Gewalt bei den Wahlen bedroht); Meinung zum Recht auf Videoüberwachung in öffentlichen Bereichen, Überwachung aller E-Mails und aller anderen im Internet ausgetauschten Informationen, Sammeln von Informationen über jeden im Land ohne dessen Wissen; Interesse an Politik in den Medien; Besorgnis über die Lebensbedingungen der Menschen in der Nachbarschaft, der Menschen in der Region, der Landsleute, der Europäer, aller Menschen weltweit, älterer Menschen, Arbeitsloser, Einwanderer, kranker und behinderter Menschen; gesellschaftliche Ziele (Beseitigung von Einkommensungleichheiten, Grundsicherung für alle, Anerkennung von Menschen nach Verdiensten, Schutz vor Terrorismus). 6. Nationale Identität: Vertrauen in Menschen aus verschiedenen Gruppen (Nachbarschaft, persönlich bekannte Personen, Menschen, die man zum ersten Mal trifft, Menschen einer anderen Religion und Menschen einer anderen Nationalität); geografische Gruppe, der sich der Befragte zugehörig fühlt (Stadt, Region, Land, Europa, Welt); Staatsbürgerschaft; Nationalstolz; Bewertung des Einflusses von Einwanderern auf die Entwicklung des Landes; Einstellung gegenüber Einwanderern und ihren Bräuchen und Traditionen (Arbeitsplatzabbau, zunehmende Kriminalitätsprobleme, Belastung des Sozialsystems des Landes, ihre unterschiedlichen Bräuche und Traditionen erhalten vs. Bräuche übernehmen); wichtige Aspekte der nationalen Identität (im Land geboren worden zu sein, die politischen Institutionen und Gesetze des Landes zu respektieren, Abstammung des Landes, Landessprache sprechen, nationale Kultur teilen); wichtige Aspekte der europäischen Identität (in Europa geboren worden zu sein, europäische Abstammung, Christ sein, europäische Kultur teilen); Einstellung gegenüber der Erweiterung der Europäischen Union. 7. Umwelt: Einstellung zur Umwelt (Skala: Bereitschaft, einen Teil des eigenen Einkommens für die Umwelt zu geben, zu schwierig, viel für die Umwelt zu tun, wichtigere Dinge im Leben als der Umweltschutz, eigene Aktivitäten sind nutzlos, solange andere nicht das Gleiche für die Umwelt tun, Behauptungen über Umweltgefahren sind übertrieben); Schutz der Umwelt vs. Wirtschaftswachstum. Demographie: Geschlecht; Alter (Geburtsjahr); im Land geboren; Geburtsland; Einwanderungsjahr; aktueller rechtlicher Familienstand; Zusammenleben mit dem Partner vor der Heirat oder vor der Eintragung der Partnerschaft; Zusammenleben mit einem Partner; feste Beziehung; Zusammenleben mit Eltern oder Schwiegereltern; Anzahl der Kinder im Haushalt und außerhalb des Haushalts; Anzahl der Personen im Haushalt (Haushaltsgröße); Alter der jüngsten Person im Haushalt; Alter bei Abschluss der Ausbildung; höchster Bildungsgrad (ISCED); Beschäftigungsstatus; Beschäftigung oder Selbständigkeit in der letzten Beschäftigung; derzeitige oder letzte Haupttätigkeit; Beruf (ISCO-08, SIOPS-08, ISEI-08, ESEC-08, EGP-11); Anzahl der Mitarbeiter (Unternehmensgröße); Vorgesetztenfunktion und Anzahl der beaufsichtigten Personen; Berufssektor (Regierung oder öffentliche Einrichtung, Privatwirtschaft oder Industrie oder private gemeinnützige Einrichtung); Arbeitslosigkeit länger als drei Monate; Abhängigkeit von der sozialen Sicherung in den letzten fünf Jahren; Höhe des Haushaltseinkommens (wöchentlich, monatlich, jährlich). Angaben zum Partner/Ehepartner: im Land geboren; Geburtsland; höchster Bildungsstand (ISCED); Beschäftigungsstatus; Beschäftigung oder Selbständigkeit in der letzten Stelle; derzeitige oder letzte Haupttätigkeit; Beruf (ISCO-08, SIOPS-08, ISEI-08, ESEC-08, EGP-11); Anzahl der Mitarbeiter (Unternehmensgröße); Vorgesetztenfunktion und Anzahl der beaufsichtigten Personen. Informationen über die Eltern des Befragten: Vater und Mutter im Land geboren; Geburtsland von Vater und Mutter; Höhe des Haushaltseinkommens; höchster Bildungsstand von Vater und Mutter (ISCED); Beschäftigungsstatus von Vater und Mutter, als der Befragten 14 Jahre alt war; Berufsgruppe des Hauptverdieners im Alter von 14 Jahren; ; Charakterisierung der Eltern, als der Befragte 14 Jahre alt war (Skala: las gerne Bücher, diskutierte mit seinem Kind zu Hause über Politik, verfolgte gerne die Nachrichten, hatte Probleme, über die Runden zu kommen, hatte Probleme, kaputte Dinge zu ersetzen). Interviewer-Rating: Interesse des Befragten während des Interviews. Zusätzlich verkodet wurde: Befragten-ID; Fallnummer-ID; Erhebungsjahr; Beginn und Ende der Feldarbeit (Jahr und Monat); Ländercode (ISO 3166); Länderkürzel (ISO 3166); Land und Jahr der Feldarbeit (ISO 3166); Art der Datenerhebung; Region (NUTS); Ortsgröße (NUTS); Interviewdatum; Uhrzeit des Interviews (Stunde und Minute des Beginns und des Endes); Sprache des Interviews; Interviewer-Nummer; Flag-Variable: Inkonsistenzen; Flag-Variable: vollständiger/unvollständiger Fall; monatliches Haushaltsnettoeinkommen (x1000), korrigiert um ppp in Euro; Gewichtungsfaktoren

    ESPAD report 2003: alcohol and other drug use among students in 35 European countries.

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    A main purpose of the ESPAD project is to collect comparable data on alcohol, tobacco and drug use among 15–16 year old students in European countries. The studies are conducted as school surveys by researchers in each participating country, during the same period of time and with a common methodology. By adopting this ESPAD format, comprehensive and comparable data on alcohol, tobacco and drug use among European students are produced

    The 2007 ESPAD report. Substance use among students in 35 countries.

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    Use of illicit drugs among 15–16-year-old school students, appears to have stabilised or slightly fallen, according to the latest European study of this group published today by ESPAD. The report, which follows a 2007 survey conducted in 35 European countries, also reveals a decrease in last-month rates of cigarette smoking among school students. However, it sounds the alarm over clear rises in the group’s ‘heavy episodic drinking’, and the narrowing gender gap in this behaviour

    The 2011 ESPAD report: substance use among students in 36 European countries.

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    The overall aim of ESPAD is to collect comparable data on substance use among 15–16 year old students in as many European countries as possible. The most important objectives in the long run are to monitor trends, and to compare trends between countries and groups of countries. In order to do so, the surveys are repeated every four years, with 1995 as the starting point. Results from the fifth data collection wave is presented in The 2011 ESPAD Report and the next data collection is planned to be carried out in 2015

    Summary 2011 ESPAD report. Substance use among students in 36 European countries

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    The main purpose of the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) is to collect comparable data on substance use among 15- to 16-year-old European students in order to monitor trends within as well as between countries. So far, five data-collection waves have been conducted in the framework of the project. The first study was carried out in 26 countries in 1995, while data collection in 2011 was performed in 37 countries. However, results for 2011 are available only for 36 countries, since the Isle of Man collected data but unfortunately did not have the possibility to deliver any results. This summary presents key results from the 2011 survey in the ESPAD countries as well as findings regarding the long-term trends. An initial section gives a short overview of the methodology