20 research outputs found

    Extensive Air Showers with Unusual Structure

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    The total of 23500 Extensive Air Showers (EAS) with the energy above 1016 eV have been detected during the 3500 hours of Horizon-T (HT) detectors system operations before Aug 2016. Among these EAS, more than a thousand had an unusual spatial and temporary structure that showed the pulses with several maxima (modals or modes) from several detection points of the HT at the same time. These modes are separated in time from each other starting from tens to thousands of ns. These EAS have been called multi-modal. Analysis shows that the multi-modal EAS that have been detected by Horizon-T have the following properties: 1. Multi-modal EAS have energy above 1017 eV. 2. Pulses with several modes are located at large distances from EAS axis. The overview of the collected data will be provided. General comments about the unusualities of the structure of the multi-modal EAS will be presented

    Extensive Air Showers with Unusual Structure

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    The total of 23500 Extensive Air Showers (EAS) with the energy above 1016 eV have been detected during the 3500 hours of Horizon-T (HT) detectors system operations before Aug 2016. Among these EAS, more than a thousand had an unusual spatial and temporary structure that showed the pulses with several maxima (modals or modes) from several detection points of the HT at the same time. These modes are separated in time from each other starting from tens to thousands of ns. These EAS have been called multi-modal. Analysis shows that the multi-modal EAS that have been detected by Horizon-T have the following properties: 1. Multi-modal EAS have energy above 1017 eV. 2. Pulses with several modes are located at large distances from EAS axis. The overview of the collected data will be provided. General comments about the unusualities of the structure of the multi-modal EAS will be presented

    Horizon-T Experiment Status

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    Horizon-T is an innovative detector system constructed to study Extensive Air Showers (EAS) in the energy range above 1016 eV coming from a wide range of zenith angles (0o - 85o). The system is located at the Tien Shan High-altitude Science Station of the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences at 3340 meters above sea level. It consists of eight charged particle detection points separated by distances up to one kilometer as well as an optical detector subsystem to measure the Vavilov-Cherenkov light from the EAS. The time resolution of charged particles and Vavilov-Cherenkov light photons passage of the detector system is a few ns. This level of resolution allows conducting a research of the atmospheric development of individual EAS. This report focuses on a general description of the detector system and the individual sub-systems providing an overview of the operations and latest results

    Techno-economic modelling to strategize energy exports in the Central Asian Caspian region

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    Abstract This paper studies the concept of energy security from export-oriented countries’ point of view. It aims to test the effects of long-term energy export strategies in the Central Asian Caspian (CAC) region, by exploring the trade-offs between a “risk” indicator and some key variables of the energy system such as the total cost, the quantities exported, and the corresponding revenues. Risk reduction goals are combined with securing a minimum level of revenues from the hydrocarbon exports goals. It is also attempted to provide a definition and a quantification of a risk indicator on the basis of four components.The analysis makes use of a techno-economic energy system model to quantitatively evaluate the response of the energy sector to energy security risks, and its sensitivity to different export strategies


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    In December 2020 President of Kazakhstan Mr. Tokayev announced that Kazakhstan would become carbon neutral country by 2060. This work aims to investigate how to reach carbon neutrality in Kazakhstan and it is a continuation of the “Kazakhstan’s Road to Net Zero GHG Emission Vision” project that was initiated when President had declared carbon neutrality aim. This is a very ambitious aim given that con- siderable amount of energy in Kazakhstan is generated using coal power plants. The main challenges that are faced by Kazakhstan are high dependence on coal for electricity and heat generation, lack of funds to invest in renewable energy resources, transport, inef- ficiency of the government spending on miti- gation activities, high emissions in cropland. Kazakhstan will have to find money to cut off coal use and transit to carbon neutral technologies to produce energy in an efficient way with minimal damage to economy. This project investigates how to reach carbon neutrality in the most efficient and cost-effective way. The project develops Kazakhstan’s carbon neutrality path using both short and long term vision. In the context of the COP event held in Glasgow in November 2021, Kazakhstan’s approach to carbon neutrality might be interesting to other countries. The results of this work were presented COP 26 in Glasgow, UK. The report is divided into chapters. First several chapters investigate solutions in Energy, Transport, Agriculture and Waste sectors. Further general issues such as carbon trading system, technology transfer and financial topics are analyzed. And finally regional cooperation options are discussed

    Cooperation benefits of Caspian countries in their energy sector development

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    This paper studies the development possibilities of the energy systems of four Central Asia and Caspian countries. It explores options that improve their domestic energy efficiencies and increase their export of fossil energy commodities. Using the MARKAL-TIMES modelling tool, it represents their energy system with a bottom-up partial economic equilibrium growth model. With the help of scenario analyses, it evaluates the direct economic advantage of improving the domestic energy efficiencies. Furthermore it calculates the direct economic advantage of cooperation. It finds out that a new/different geo-economic attitude brings USD billions of annual economic benefits, particularly if the countries aim to differentiate their export routes, increase the amount of export and contribute to climate change mitigation. Keywords: Caspian oil and gas, Export-oriented scenarios, Cross-country infrastructures, Energy systems analysis, Technical economic growth models, Energy balances and statistic


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    We evaluate bioclimatic changes in Kazakhstan from the end of the 20th century until the middle of the 21st century to offer natural resource managers a tool that facilitates their decision-making on measures to adapt agriculture and environmental care to foreseeable climate change. We use climatic data from the “Providing REgional Climates for Impact Studies” (PRECIS) prediction and study them following the Worldwide Bioclimatic Classification System (WBCS) of Rivas-Martínez. For three 25-year intervals (1980–2004, 2010–2034 and 2035–2059), we identify the continentality, macrobioclimates, bioclimates, bioclimatic variants, thermotypes, ombrotypes and isobioclimates of the study area. The results of the work allow us to: locate the territories where bioclimatic conditions will change, quantify the magnitude of the predicted climate changes, and determine the trends of predictable climate change. We present the results in maps, tables and graphs. For the 80-year interval, we identify 3 macroclimates, 3 bioclimatic variants, 10 bioclimates, 11 thermotypes, 10 ombrotypes and 43 isobioclimates. Some of those found bioclimates, thermotypes, ombrotypes and isobioclimates are only located in the E, SE and S mountains, where they occupy very small areas, that decrease in a generalized way as the 20th century progresses. Comparing the three successive periods, the following trends are observed: 36.2% of the territory increases in thermicity; 7.3% of the territory increases in continentality; 9.7% of the territory increases in annual aridity; 9.5% of the territory increases in summer aridity or mediterraneity; and generalized losses occur in the areas of all mountain isobioclimates. The climate change foreseen by the PRECIS model for the middle of the 21st century leads to bioclimatic homogenization, with 20.8% losses in bioclimatic diversity. We indicate on maps the locations of all the predicted bioclimatic changes; these maps may provide decision makers with a scientific basis to take necessary adaptation measures

    Assessment of bioclimatic change in Kazakhstan, end 20th—middle 21st centuries, according to the PRECIS prediction

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    We evaluate bioclimatic changes in Kazakhstan from the end of the 20th century until the middle of the 21st century to offer natural resource managers a tool that facilitates their decision-making on measures to adapt agriculture and environmental care to foreseeable climate change. We use climatic data from the “Providing REgional Climates for Impact Studies” (PRECIS) prediction and study them following the Worldwide Bioclimatic Classification System (WBCS) of Rivas-Martı´nez. For three 25-year intervals (1980–2004, 2010–2034 and 2035–2059), we identify the continentality, acrobioclimates, bioclimates, bioclimatic variants, thermotypes, ombrotypes and isobioclimates of the study area. The results of the work allow us to: locate the territories where bioclimatic conditions will change, quantify the magnitude of the predicted climate changes, and determine the trends of predictable climate change. We present the results in maps, tables and graphs. For the 80-year interval, we identify 3 macroclimates, 3 bioclimatic variants, 10 bioclimates, 11 thermotypes, 10 ombrotypes and 43 isobioclimates. Some of those found bioclimates, thermotypes, ombrotypes and isobioclimates are only located in the E, SE and S mountains, where they occupy very small areas, that decrease in a generalized way as the 20th century progresses. Comparing the three successive periods, the following trends are observed: 36.2% of the territory increases in thermicity; 7.3% of the territory increases in continentality; 9.7% of the territory increases in annual aridity; 9.5% of the territory increases in summer aridity or mediterraneity; and generalized losses occur in the areas of all mountain sobioclimates. The climate change foreseen by the PRECIS model for the middle of the 21st century leads to bioclimatic homogenization, with 20.8% losses in bioclimatic diversity. We indicate on maps the locations of all the predicted bioclimatic changes; these maps may provide decision makers with a scientific basis to take necessary adaptation measures