4 research outputs found

    Preparazione dei dati e generazione delle mappe di TC perfusionale nel cancro al polmone

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    L’introduzione della tomografia computerizzata nelle applicazioni oncologiche è stata rivoluzionaria per la diagnostica delle immagini di molti organi e apparati, superando i limiti della radiologia convenzionale. Questa tecnica rappresenta, infatti, un efficace strumento nella diagnosi e caratterizzazione di numerosi tumori, in quanto questo tipo di applicazione perfusionale amalgama informazioni di natura morfologica, tipiche della TC tradizionale, con studi funzionali sui tessuti in esame. Tuttavia, diversi problemi, tra cui la mancanza di un protocollo standard sia durante la fase di acquisizione dei dati, sia durante la fase di elaborazione dei dati, costituiscono un ostacolo per la trasposizione in clinica della TCp. In questo lavoro di Tesi si è trattato principalmente della modalità di analisi dei dati: ad oggi, infatti, non è ancora stato formulato un protocollo che stabilisca in modo univoco una tecnica di analisi delle mappe perfusionali risultanti dall’elaborazione delle immagini TCp. In particolare, si è tentato di affiancare ai classici metodi di analisi di immagini noti in letteratura un ulteriore tecnica che si basa sull’analisi voxel-by-voxel della regione d’interesse su più slice e non solo su quella di riferimento. Questo studio è stato fortemente motivato dall’elevato grado di eterogeneità che caratterizza molti tessuti neoplastici. A tal proposito, l’elaborato mira ad analizzare in modo qualitativo le mappe perfusionali di slice adiacenti a quella di riferimento e a verificare se queste possano restituire informazioni aggiuntive che risultino indispensabili ai fini della formulazione di una corretta diagnosi e scelta del piano terapeutico da applicare al paziente

    Exploiting the Value of Active and Multifunctional Façade Technology through the IoT and AI

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    In recent years, the interest in multifunctional façade (MF) technology has increased significantly. Recent advances in the integration of active and passive technologies have led to a new concept of building skins with highly flexible and decentralized control. Such an approach is considered capable of tackling environmental challenges and enhancing indoor environmental quality (IEQ). Integrated HVAC systems, dynamic blinds, and renewable energy systems can drastically increase façade responsiveness and efficiency. Although the technical feasibility of active and MF technology has already been demonstrated, market applications are still limited. The goal of this paper is to define the state of the art of MFs and clarify how the integration of IoT technologies, supported by AI, can increase market interest by fully exploiting the value of these systems. Indeed, recent advances in the IoT and data analysis tools are opening up attractive scenarios in optimization process. Starting with an overview of the most interesting EU-funded projects, this paper presents a MF case study in which IoT infrastructures are fully integrated. The prototype, realized within the MEZeroE Horizon project, stimulates a debate on future trajectories (and gaps) for the marketability of M

    Prefabricated Plug-and-Play Unitized Façade System for Deep Retrofitting: The RenoZEB Case Study

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    The retrofitting of the existing building stock is one of the most important goals to be pursued to meet European targets. In this context, the RenoZEB project has developed a modular methodology for the deep retrofitting of buildings, which is enabled by a prefabricated plug-and-play façade that integrates different on-market technologies to achieve nZEB standards. This article reports on the activities conducted in the study and design of the RenoZEB prefabricated envelope system, providing insights on the tests conducted and the results achieved for the façade system, with a specific focus on the use of technology laboratory facilities for real-environment validation, which revealed the system to be in line with the project objectives

    Prefabricated Plug-and-Play Unitized Façade System for Deep Retrofitting: The RenoZEB Case Study

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    The retrofitting of the existing building stock is one of the most important goals to be pursued to meet European targets. In this context, the RenoZEB project has developed a modular methodology for the deep retrofitting of buildings, which is enabled by a prefabricated plug-and-play façade that integrates different on-market technologies to achieve nZEB standards. This article reports on the activities conducted in the study and design of the RenoZEB prefabricated envelope system, providing insights on the tests conducted and the results achieved for the façade system, with a specific focus on the use of technology laboratory facilities for real-environment validation, which revealed the system to be in line with the project objectives