214 research outputs found

    Multiplicative inverses in short intervals

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    We give an alternative proof of a recent result by T.D. Browning and A. Haynes (arXiv:1204.6374v1) on multiplicative inverses in sequences of intervals and improve this result under additional conditions on the spacing of these intervals.Comment: 7 page

    The large sieve with sparse sets of moduli

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    Extending a method of D. Wolke, we establish a general result on the large sieve with sparse sets S of moduli which are in a sense well-distributed in arithmetic progressions. We then apply our result to the case when S consists of sqares. In this case we obtain an estimate which improves a recent result by L. Zhao

    The Lang-Trotter Conjecture on Average

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    For an elliptic curve EE over \ratq and an integer rr let πEr(x)\pi_E^r(x) be the number of primes pxp\le x of good reduction such that the trace of the Frobenius morphism of E/\fie_p equals rr. We consider the quantity πEr(x)\pi_E^r(x) on average over certain sets of elliptic curves. More in particular, we establish the following: If A,B>x1/2+ϵA,B>x^{1/2+\epsilon} and AB>x3/2+ϵAB>x^{3/2+\epsilon}, then the arithmetic mean of πEr(x)\pi_E^r(x) over all elliptic curves EE : y2=x3+ax+by^2=x^3+ax+b with a,b\in \intz, aA|a|\le A and bB|b|\le B is Crx/logx\sim C_r\sqrt{x}/\log x, where CrC_r is some constant depending on rr. This improves a result of C. David and F. Pappalardi. Moreover, we establish an ``almost-all'' result on πEr(x)\pi_E^r(x).Comment: 18 page

    Addendum to "On the pλp^{\lambda} problem"

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    We prove that the conditions λ<5/19\lambda<5/19 and LT1/2L\le T^{1/2} in Theorems 3 and 4 of our recent paper "On the pλp^{\lambda} problem" can be omitted.Comment: 7 page