38 research outputs found

    Sustainable development of a GCP-compliant clinical trials platform in Africa: the Malaria Clinical Trials Alliance perspective

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    BACKGROUND: The Malaria Clinical Trials Alliance (MCTA), a programme of INDEPTH network of demographic surveillance centres, was launched in 2006 with two broad objectives: to facilitate the timely development of a network of centres in Africa with the capacity to conduct clinical trials of malaria vaccines and drugs under conditions of good clinical practice (GCP); and to support, strengthen and mentor the centres in the network to facilitate their progression towards self-sustaining clinical research centres. CASE DESCRIPTION: Sixteen research centres in 10 African malaria-endemic countries were selected that were already working with the Malaria Vaccine Initiative (MVI) or the Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV). All centres were visited to assess their requirements for research capacity development through infrastructure strengthening and training. Support provided by MCTA included: laboratory and facility refurbishment; workshops on GCP, malaria diagnosis, strategic management and media training; and training to support staff to undertake accreditation examinations of the Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP). Short attachments to other network centres were also supported to facilitate sharing practices within the Alliance. MCTA also played a key role in the creation of the African Media & Malaria Research Network (AMMREN), which aims to promote interaction between researchers and the media for appropriate publicity and media reporting of research and developments on malaria, including drug and vaccine trials. CONCLUSION: In three years, MCTA strengthened 13 centres to perform GCP-compliant drug and vaccine trials, including 11 centres that form the backbone of a large phase III malaria vaccine trial. MCTA activities have demonstrated that centres can be brought up to GCP compliance on this time scale, but the costs are substantial and there is a need for further support of other centres to meet the growing demand for clinical trial capacity. The MCTA experience also indicates that capacity development in clinical trials is best carried out in the context of preparation for specific trials. In this regard MCTA centres involved in the phase III malaria vaccine trial were, on average, more successful at consolidating the training and infrastructure support than those centres focussing only on drug trials

    Factors affecting the electrocardiographic QT interval in malaria: A systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data.

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    BACKGROUND: Electrocardiographic QT interval prolongation is the most widely used risk marker for ventricular arrhythmia potential and thus an important component of drug cardiotoxicity assessments. Several antimalarial medicines are associated with QT interval prolongation. However, interpretation of electrocardiographic changes is confounded by the coincidence of peak antimalarial drug concentrations with recovery from malaria. We therefore reviewed all available data to characterise the effects of malaria disease and demographic factors on the QT interval in order to improve assessment of electrocardiographic changes in the treatment and prevention of malaria. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data. We searched clinical bibliographic databases (last on August 21, 2017) for studies of the quinoline and structurally related antimalarials for malaria-related indications in human participants in which electrocardiograms were systematically recorded. Unpublished studies were identified by the World Health Organization (WHO) Evidence Review Group (ERG) on the Cardiotoxicity of Antimalarials. Risk of bias was assessed using the Pharmacoepidemiological Research on Outcomes of Therapeutics by a European Consortium (PROTECT) checklist for adverse drug events. Bayesian hierarchical multivariable regression with generalised additive models was used to investigate the effects of malaria and demographic factors on the pretreatment QT interval. The meta-analysis included 10,452 individuals (9,778 malaria patients, including 343 with severe disease, and 674 healthy participants) from 43 studies. 7,170 (68.6%) had fever (body temperature ≥ 37.5°C), and none developed ventricular arrhythmia after antimalarial treatment. Compared to healthy participants, patients with uncomplicated falciparum malaria had shorter QT intervals (-61.77 milliseconds; 95% credible interval [CI]: -80.71 to -42.83) and increased sensitivity of the QT interval to heart rate changes. These effects were greater in severe malaria (-110.89 milliseconds; 95% CI: -140.38 to -81.25). Body temperature was associated independently with clinically significant QT shortening of 2.80 milliseconds (95% CI: -3.17 to -2.42) per 1°C increase. Study limitations include that it was not possible to assess the effect of other factors that may affect the QT interval but are not consistently collected in malaria clinical trials. CONCLUSIONS: Adjustment for malaria and fever-recovery-related QT lengthening is necessary to avoid misattributing malaria-disease-related QT changes to antimalarial drug effects. This would improve risk assessments of antimalarial-related cardiotoxicity in clinical research and practice. Similar adjustments may be indicated for other febrile illnesses for which QT-interval-prolonging medications are important therapeutic options

    Pooled Multicenter Analysis of Cardiovascular Safety and Population Pharmacokinetic Properties of Piperaquine in African Patients with Uncomplicated Falciparum Malaria.

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    Dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine has shown excellent efficacy and tolerability in malaria treatment. However, concerns have been raised of potentially harmful cardiotoxic effects associated with piperaquine. The population pharmacokinetics and cardiac effects of piperaquine were evaluated in 1,000 patients, mostly children enrolled in a multicenter trial from 10 sites in Africa. A linear relationship described the QTc-prolonging effect of piperaquine, estimating a 5.90-ms mean QTc prolongation per 100-ng/ml increase in piperaquine concentration. The effect of piperaquine on absolute QTc interval estimated a mean maximum QTc interval of 456?ms (50% effective concentration of 209 ng/ml). Simulations from the pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic models predicted 1.98 to 2.46% risk of having QTc prolongation?of >60 ms in all treatment settings. Although piperaquine administration resulted in QTc prolongation, no cardiovascular adverse events were found in these patients. Thus, the use of dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine should not be limited by this concern. (This study has been registered at ClinicalTrials.gov under identifier NCT02199951.)

    Multi-Country Evaluation of Safety of Dihydroartemisinin/Piperaquine Post-Licensure in African Public Hospitals with Electrocardiograms.

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    The antimalarial drug piperaquine is associated with delayed ventricular depolarization, causing prolonged QT interval (time taken for ventricular de-polarisation and re-polarisation). There is a lack of safety data regarding dihydroartemisinin/piperaquine (DHA/PPQ) for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria, which has limited its use. We created a platform where electrocardiograms (ECG) were performed in public hospitals for the safety assessment of DHA/PPQ, at baseline before the use of dihydroartemisinin/piperaquine (Eurartesim®), and on day 3 (before and after administration of the final dose) and day 7 post-administration. Laboratory analyses included haematology and clinical chemistry. The main objective of the ECG assessment in this study was to evaluate the effect of administration of DHA/PPQ on QTc intervals and the association of QTc intervals with changes in blood biochemistry, full and differential blood count over time after the DHA/PPQ administration. A total of 1315 patients gave consent and were enrolled of which 1147 (87%) had complete information for analyses. Of the enrolled patients 488 (42%), 323 (28%), 213 (19%) and 123 (11%) were from Ghana, Burkina Faso, Tanzania and Mozambique, respectively. Median (lower-upper quartile) age was 8 (5-14) years and a quarter of the patients were children under five years of age (n = 287). Changes in blood biochemistry, full and differential blood count were temporal which remained within clinical thresholds and did not require any intervention. The mean QTcF values were significantly higher than on day 1 when measured on day 3 before and after administration of the treatment as well as on day 7, four days after completion of treatment (12, 22 and 4 higher, p < 0.001). In all age groups the values of QT, QTcF and QTcB were highest on day 3 after drug intake. The mean extreme QTcF prolongation from baseline was lowest on day 3 before drug intake (33 ms, SD = 19) and highest on day 3 after the last dose (60 ms, SD = 31). There were 79 (7%) events of extreme mean QTcF prolongation which were not clinically significant. Nearly a half of them (n = 37) were grade 3 and mainly among males (33/37). Patients in Burkina Faso, Mozambique and Tanzania had significantly lower mean QTcF than patients in Ghana by an average of 3, 4 and 11 ms, respectively. We found no evidence that Eurartesim® administered in therapeutic doses in patients with uncomplicated malaria and no predisposing cardiac conditions in Africa was associated with adverse clinically significant QTc prolongation

    Impact of a package of diagnostic tools, clinical algorithm, and training and communication on outpatient acute fever case management in low- and middle-income countries: protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: The management of acute febrile illnesses places a heavy burden on clinical services in many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Bacterial and viral aetiologies of acute fevers are often clinically indistinguishable and, in the absence of diagnostic tests, the 'just-in-case' use of antibiotics by many health workers has become common practice, which has an impact on drug-resistant infections. Our study aims to answer the following question: in patients with undifferentiated febrile illness presenting to outpatient clinics/peripheral health centres in LMICs, can we demonstrate an improvement in clinical outcomes and reduce unnecessary antibiotic prescription over current practice by using a combination of simple, accurate diagnostic tests, clinical algorithms, and training and communication (intervention package)? METHODS: We designed a randomized, controlled clinical trial to evaluate the impact of our intervention package on clinical outcomes and antibiotic prescription rates in acute febrile illnesses. Available, point-of-care, pathogen-specific and non-pathogen specific (host markers), rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) included in the intervention package were selected based on pre-defined criteria. Nine clinical study sites in six countries (Burkina Faso, Ghana, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Uganda), which represent heterogeneous outpatient care settings, were selected. We considered the expected seasonal variations in the incidence of acute febrile illnesses across all the sites by ensuring a recruitment period of 12 months. A master protocol was developed and adapted for country-specific ethical submissions. Diagnostic algorithms and choice of RDTs acknowledged current data on aetiologies of acute febrile illnesses in each country. We included a qualitative evaluation of drivers and/or deterrents of uptake of new diagnostics and antibiotic use for acute febrile illnesses. Sample size estimations were based on historical site data of antibiotic prescription practices for malarial and non-malarial acute fevers. Overall, 9 semi-independent studies will enrol a minimum of 21,876 patients and an aggregate data meta-analysis will be conducted on completion. DISCUSSION: This study is expected to generate vital evidence needed to inform policy decisions on the role of rapid diagnostic tests in the clinical management of acute febrile illnesses, with a view to controlling the rise of antimicrobial resistance in LMICs. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT04081051 . Registered on 6 September 2019. Protocol version 1.4 dated 20 December 2019

    Pulmonary tuberculosis treatment outcome in a rural setting in Northern Ghana

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    Student Number : 0413807K - MSc research report - School of Public Health - Faculty of Health SciencesTuberculosis ranks among the top ten causes of global mortality. Globally it kills nearly 2 million people each year and is the second leading cause of death after Human Immune Deficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS).Tuberculosis (TB) is primarily an illness of the respiratory system, and is spread by coughing and sneezing from an infectious person. Nearly a third of the world’s population is infected with the bacilli that causes TB and are at risk of developing tuberculosis (TB).1, 2 Left untreated, each person with active TB disease will infect on average between 10 and 15 people every year. In 2004, estimated per capita TB incidence was stable or falling in five out of six World Health Organization (WHO regions, but growing at 0.6% per year globally. The exception is the African region, where TB incidence was still rising.3, 4 HIV increases the risk of developing TB and accounts for much of the increase in countries where prevalence is high. 4 Co-infection is common and could be as high as 70% in high-burdened countries. Gains made in global TB control in the 1970 and 80s are being dramatically reversed by the effect of HIV/AIDS. HIV is the main reason for failure to meet Tuberculosis (TB) control targets in high HIV settings.3 Drug-resistant TB is a major problem. Resistance to single anti-tuberculosis drugs have been reported in almost every country surveyed. To make the situation worse, drugs resistant to all the major anti-TB drugs have emerged. 4 Drug-resistant TB is caused by inconsistent or partial treatment, when patients do not take all their medicines regularly for the required period because they start to feel better, because doctors and health workers prescribe the wrong treatment regimens, or because the drug supply is unreliable. A particularly dangerous form of drug-resistant TB is multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB), which is defined as the disease caused by TB bacilli resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampicin, the two most powerful anti-TB drugs.4,

    An evaluation of the immunogenicity and safety of a new trivalent meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine.

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    The immunogenicity and safety of a meningococcal trivalent A/C/W135 polysaccharide vaccine was compared with that of a tetravalent A/C/Y/W135 polysaccharide vaccine in a randomised, double blind trial. The study included 360 adults, who received either a trivalent or tetravalent polysaccharide meningococcal vaccine. Antibody responses were determined by serum bactericidal antibody (rSBA) assays prior to vaccination and on day 28 and month 11 after vaccination. The percentage of participants in the trivalent vaccine group who had rSBA titres >or=8 on day 28 post-vaccination against serogroups A, C and W135 meningococci were 99, 98 and 91%, respectively. The corresponding figures in the tetravalent vaccine group were 99, 99 and 90%. The percentage of participants with various cut off levels of rSBA against serogroups A, W135 and C meningococci on day 28 and 11-month post-vaccination and the incidence of adverse events did not differ significantly between the two groups

    Review of Antenatal-Linked Voluntary Counseling and HIV Testing in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons and Options for Ghana

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    Voluntary counselling and HIV testing has become an integral part of HIV prevention and care programs in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa. A number of interventions offer potential to reduce mother-to-child HIV transmission. These interventions, including antenatal and or intrapartum administration of antiretroviral drugs require the integration of voluntary counselling and HIV testing for pregnant women into antenatal care. Ghana's strategic framework for HIV control calls for the integration of voluntary counselling and HIV testing to antenatal care nationwide. It sets as target, the year 2005 when VCT would be widely available and accessible in the country. This paper reviews medline-indexed publications on antenatal-linked VCT programs of sub-Saharan Africa. Four critical themes were used in the medline search. These are acceptability, rates of return for test, disclosure of results vis-à-vis confidentiality and cost effectiveness. The growing consensuses on these issues are discussed in relations to the findings of a recent study conducted among 270 pregnant women in Navrongo in the Kassena-Nankana district of northern Ghana. Suggestions are made to guide the on-going pilot VCT and prevention of mother-to-child programs in Ghana. It is also suggested on the basis of the review and the findings of the Navrongo study that Ghana should explore options likely to promote universal access and overall acceptability. These include couple counselling, guarantee of confidentiality, free testing and continuum of care for mothers who are test positive

    Prospective observational study to evaluate the clinical safety of the fixed-dose artemisinin-based combination Eurartesim® (dihydroartemisinin/piperaquine), in public health facilities in Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Ghana, and Tanzania.

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    BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization recommends artemisinin-based combination (ACT) for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria. Post-licensure safety data on newly registered ACT is critical for evaluating their risk/benefit profile in malaria endemic countries. The clinical safety of the newly registered combination, Eurartesim®, following its introduction into the public health system in four African countries was assessed. METHODS: This was a prospective, observational, open-label, non-comparative, longitudinal, multi-centre study using cohort event monitoring. Patients with confirmed malaria had their first dose observed and instructed on how to take the second and the third doses at home. Patients were contacted on day 5 ± 2 to assess adherence and adverse events (AEs). Spontaneous reporting of AEs was continued till day 28. A nested cohort who completed full treatment course had repeated electrocardiogram (ECG) measurements to assess effect on QTc interval. RESULTS: A total of 10,925 uncomplicated malaria patients were treated with Eurartesim®. Most patients,95% (10,359/10,925), did not report any adverse event following at least one dose of Eurartesim®. A total of 797 adverse events were reported. The most frequently reported, by system organ classification, were infections and infestations (3. 24%) and gastrointestinal disorders (1. 37%). In the nested cohort, no patient had QTcF > 500 ms prior to day 3 pre-dose 3. Three patients had QTcF > 500 ms (509 ms, 501 ms, 538 ms) three to four hours after intake of the last dose. All the QTcF values in the three patients had returned to <500 ms at the next scheduled ECG on day 7 (470 ms, 442 ms, 411 ms). On day 3 pre- and post-dose 3, 70 and 89 patients, respectively, had a QTcF increase of ≥ 60 ms compared to their baseline, but returned to nearly baseline values on day 7. CONCLUSION: Eurartesim® single course treatment for uncomplicated falciparum malaria is well-tolerated. QT interval prolongation above 500 ms may occur at a rate of three per 1,002 patients after the third dose with no association of any clinical symptoms. QT interval prolongation above 60 ms was detected in less than 10% of the patients without any clinical abnormalities