264 research outputs found

    Pemetaan Medan Elektromagnetik pada Pemukiman Penduduk di Bawah Jaringan Sutt 150 Kv Pln Wilayah Kalimantan Barat

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    Semakin tinggi tegangan transmisi semakin besar medan electromagnet yang ditimbulkan. Mengingat pentingnya hal ini, maka dilakukan pengukuran kuat medan elektromagnet dibawah saluran transmisi 150 kV dengan menggunakan EMF Survey Meter HI-3604. Harga ini menunjukkan bahwa kuat medan elektrik masih dibawah ambang batas yang distandarkan oleh WHO yaitu untuk medan listrik 5 kV/m dan untuk nilai medan magnet melebihi ambang batas yang di tetapkan oleh WHO yaitu 100 mT (80 mA/m)

    Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Melalui Penggunaan Media Peta Di Kelas V Sdn 011 Teluk Pulai

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    This study aims to describe learning outcomes by using the map media. The subjects of the study were students of grade V SDN 011 Teluk Pulai consisting of two cycles. Improvement of learning outcomes in this study in terms of four categories, namely the ability to absorb, the effectiveness of learning, mastery of student learning both mastery of individual and classical completeness, and mastery of learning outcomes. Instruments used for data collection are oral tests and written tests in the form of LKS conducted after the learning process. The results showed that the average learning achievement 83% is categorized very well, the effectiveness of learning is categorized very effective with an average of 8.5, while the students' learning result completeness is 100% complete. Based on the results above research can be concluded that through the media map can improve learning outcomes IPS SDN 011 Teluk Pulai

    Mengenal Dunia Ktsp (Optimalisasi Peran Ktsp Di Lembaga Pendidikan)

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    Indonesia is a country that never consistent to deal with its educational system (i.e. curriculum). This phenomenon can be seen through the changing of curriculum during 1968, 1975, 1984, 2004, and 2006. The last curriculum development (i.e. in 2006) is called as KTSP (kurikulum tingkat satuan pelajaran). The purpose of KTSP is to design curriculum which based on educational autonomy. This curriculum development indicates that the curriculum will train Indonesian human resources to adapt the challenges of social changes

    Social Assimilation of Tionghua Muallaf (Converted Muslim) Residing in West Pontianak County

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    This research aims at describing a social assimilation of Tionghua muallaf (converted Muslim) residing in West Pontianak County, Pontianak City of West Kalimantan. There are several important findings of this work with regards to the Tionghua muallaf including; Social Condition Group of Tionghoa Muallaf In West Pontianak District, Assimilate Process of Tionghoa Muallaf After Entering Islam, and Resistances Group of Tionghoa Muallaf. The social condition of the muallaf suggests that they convert to Islam due to several reasons including their new marital life, receiving hidayah (guidance) from Allah, having knowledge about Islam before converting to Islam, having seen the benefits and chances in their life such as satisfaction, peace, prosperity, patient, high respect to gifts from Allah and wanting to have a better life and clean heart in life.The convert process includes through religious clerics, the local offices of religious affair (Kantor Urusan Agama), extended parents and respected public figures; the assimilation process of the Tionghua muallaf shows that the Tionghua muallaf have not had better social relation with their Muslim neighbors, not been courageous enough to practice their Islam in public sphere, not done better assimilation within their new communities and not decided their direction of their new life with Islam; the discussion of constrain issues of the Tionghua muallaf indicate that they practice close relation within them, do not have jobs, do not have good motivations of life due to their lacks of hard work courage, they are low respect to their opportunities and self capabilities, selfish and less public care, good communication, less understanding of their new life, do not have enough time to study Islam due to the limitation of available teachers, practice Islam with instant hopes, think about economic benefits in all activities and are less involved in both formal and informal religious support institutions. Based on the above findings the work proposes some important recommendations including (1) it is important to encourage/develop a better relationship model; (2) it is also important to encourage/develop an Islamic and based-on-Qur'an-and-Hadist environment for the Tionghua muallaf; (3) if there is any problems and issues related to practicing Islam the muallaf should soon ask Islamic clerics and teachers; (4) it is important to give guidance and care to the muallaf having low courage to maximally practice their new religion; and (5) there should be a call to practice harmonic life within the Tionghua muallaf with better daily interaction, care and hospitality. Key words: assimilation, muallaf and Tionghu

    Menggagas Pendidikan Berbasis Nilai-Nilai Civil Society Di Madrasah

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    In an effort to realize the civil society (civil society) need for serious efforts to build and develop civic cultur (cultural refiement). Compressive point, the social aspect and the social networks that are considered a weak point for the creation of a strong horizontal social entities. With an emphasis on that aspect, is expected madrasa can lead to cooperation among citizens in resolving public issues around it. The existence of social change in valuesbased education civil society produces promising practices, but not a fewsocial changes it gave birth to the contrary, become more childbirth social practices that “do not educate”. Where the importance we look back at how the process of social change in education based on the values of civil society could bring about a change in the desired direction

    Konstelasi Konflik dalam Lembaga Pendidikan: sebuah Telaah Kritis

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    The reality of the conflict in educational institutions is a necessity. Critical policy management institution established in the handling of the conflict affected the development of insight and thought construction personnel organization. Carefully in view of the conflict to the attention of the fundamental management of educational institutions. Simultaneous development of thought in the handling of the conflict must be continuously updated. The fundamental reason of that is the conflict evolved into a symbol of the rich meanings and diverse interpretations. Democracy, growth, and self-actualization is a factor inherent in the interpretation of the conflict in the world of education. Therefore, this paper offers a critical examination of conflict in the world of education as a part in building a solid educational institutions

    Perbandingan Kinerja Citra Watermarking Dengan Menggunakan Metode Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) Dan Discrete Cosinus Transform (DCT)

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    The Research we propose is to compare watermarking method using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) with Discrete Cosinus Transform (DCT). From these two methods, we will see the comparison of image has been given watermarking. By looking at the results of these two methods, the owner of digital image can select the best method to protect his data based to his need. The watermarked image will be analyzed objectively by means square error (MSE) and peak-to-peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR). Then we will look at its influences after given noise degradation. The simulation results showed the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) methods is the best if it is compare to Discrete Cosinus Transform (DCT)