48 research outputs found

    Conception au niveau système de l'application de protocole sans fil WIMAX

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    RÉSUMÉ Communiquer est le principe même de l'homme. Au l des siècles les modes de communication ont beacoup évolué passant d'un simple échange vocal entre deux personnes à un échange via des appareils (téléphones, ordinateurs,..) d'où la naissance des systèmes de télécommunication. La technologie sous-jacente tient à l'implantation de réseaux de communication qui sont les noyaux de la communication. C'est ainsi que de nos jours on a des réseaux internet, de téléphonie, de télévision, etc. Avec l'évolution des civilisations et l'expansion démographique, on cherche désormais à minimiser la surface occupée par ces réseaux tout en maintenant la même qualité de service. On assiste ainsi à l'émergeance de nouveaux réseaux de communication sans aucune interconnexion laire. Le Wimax est l'une de ces technologies émergeantes. Grâce à ses techniques de modulation telles que l'OFDM, elle permet une meilleure qualité de service que les réseaux existants. Elle est ainsi utilisée pour de nombreuses applications telles que la communication par vidéo conférence (VoIP), un accès étendu à internet, aux hotspot wi et aux réseaux cellulaires . Le problème qui se pose est de savoir comment implanter de nouveaux réseaux de façon rapide et ecace tout en respectant les contraintes de coûts et de temps de conception liées au marché.----------ABSTRACT Now a days, Wireless systems are everywhere. They had a tremendous growth in recent years. From personnal area networks like bluethooth to local networks like Wi, most of the communications systems contains wireless systems which have dierents networks and users. A major problem of these systems is the interoperability and deployment of wireless networks. This is why a lot of research are made to nd solutions and Wimax is one of them. Wimax (wireless interoperability for microwave access) is a metropolitan area network which use dierent transmission mode for pmp or mesh links to portable access due to OFDM modulation. With the improvement of Wireless technology and because of the tight costs and time-to-market constraints, the main challenge is to get fast and ecient design method. To meet these requirements, a method of conception, ESL is mainly used. In this report, a design process of the physical layer of the IEEE 802.16 standard with the OFDM modulation using an ESL Eclipse-based platform of software/hardware platform is presented. This ESL environment, with his integrated tools, build embedded applications and architectures by rening the transaction-level communications to some pin and cycle-accurate protocols as well as the generation of synthesizable hardware from the system-level specications. Those tools automate creation and modication of modules in an ESL design ow and make abstraction of all the implementation details to built an ESL architecture. The main contribution of this work is the multilevel design on baseband of the PHY-OFDM layer of the IEEE 802.16 standard using an ESL (electronic system Level) environnement of software/hardware partitionning and the use of a multisystem cosimulation technique between the ESL model built with the SpaceStudio platform and a model built on Simulink for validation through cosimulation interfaces of heterogeous systems

    A longitudinal analysis of the impact of fatigue on return to activities of daily living during the first year after liver transplantation

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    poster abstractLiver transplantation is often thought of as organ recovery and lifesaving surgery. The reality is a prolonged and stressful time for the patient and their family (Scott & Brown, 2011). The persistence of fatigue after liver transplantation is well documented in the research literature (Aadahl, Hansen, Kirkegaard, & Groenvold, 2002; van den Berg-Emons et al., 2006; Van Ginneken et al., 2010). However, there is no evidence as to the timing of how this fatigue dissipates during the early transplanted period and its impact on quality of life. Furthermore, studies on changes in fatigue do not start until 6 months after transplant, leaving a gap in knowledge of the patient’s experience post-surgery up to this point. This ongoing longitudinal study is aimed at better understanding the recovery process. Patients from a Midwest medical center (N=21) were followed post-discharge, at weeks 1-8 and at months 3, 6, 9, and 12. The FACIT-Fatigue Scale (Cella, 1997) indicates a decrease in fatigue scores (less fatigue) in those subjects without adverse events. Adverse events including re-hospitalization, surgical complications and organ rejection were associated with higher FACIT scores (higher level of fatigue) and less resolution over this first year. Through this research Dr. Scott and her team hope to translate their findings into educational resources for patients and their families to understand what to anticipate during the post-transplant recovery period

    Impact of medical, health related, social and occupational factors on post-liver transplant recovery: a longitudinal study

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    poster abstractPurpose: Organ transplantation is a serious surgery with nearly 10% of patients failing to survive the first three months. Studies of quality of life reflect an increase post-transplant, as compared to pre-transplant, then reports vary including a trend towards decreasing QOL scores by the end of the first transplanted year. In this first year, patients have an increased risk of re-hospitalization due to infection, failure of the body to accept the graft, problems with anti-rejection medications or post- surgical complications. Methods: A longitudinal study of liver transplant recipients (n=23) followed medical, social, and occupational factors, along with SF-36 measures. Results: Variability in QOL scores at 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months were directly related to identifiable factors. In those subjects where health returned in an uncomplicated manner, QOL scores consistently improved with the greatest change occurring over the first six months and then tapering off through the end of the first year. Conclusions: These subjects almost uniformly expressed frustration at the length of time it took to return to a healthy state. In circumstances where recovery was delayed due to medical reasons, QOL scores declined significantly until the problems were resolved. In several cases, QOL scores stayed low as these individuals were unprepared for the potential complications associated with this difficult surgery

    A Critical Examination of Internal Control Systems in the Public Sector , A Tool for Alleviating Financial Irregularities: Evidence from Ghana

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    This paper examined the existence of internal control systems in four (4) government departments located in the central business district of Accra, Ghana. The internal control elements examined included Control environment, Communication and information, Risk Assessment, Monitoring, Control Activities and the functions of the Internal Audit unit, as an agent of good governance, accountability and commitment to ensuring reliable financial reporting.  Structured questionnaires were administered to a non-probability sample of 100 respondents from the Administrative department, Finance, Internal Audit, Human resources and other departments. Internal control system was measured using the six elements of the COSO internal control framework developed in 2002. Secondary data was captured from the Auditor General’s report on public accounts and analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Scientist (SPSS) and STATA to establish the relationship between the dependent and independent variables based on the research hypothesis. The statistical techniques deployed were regression and correlation. The study concluded that indeed there are significant relationships between internal control systems and effective public sector financial management. The study recommended an independent private audit of all public accounts to supplement the effort of government appointed Auditor General in order to guarantee assurance and transparency. Departments and ministries must practice inter-departmental monitoring to ensure due diligence and reward for outstanding performance. Keywords: Transparency, COSO Internal Control framework, Compliance, Financial irregularities, Public Sector Efficiency

    An Empirical Study of External Auditor’s Independence and Contribution to Assurance ,Transparency of Public Sector Accounting Systems and Controls: A Case of the Ministry of Finance, Ghana

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    This paper investigates a number of critical determinants of auditor’s independence in handling public sector accounts and the necessity to act in a professional fashion to guarantee transparency of public sector accounting. The study contribute to knowledge regarding the increasing financial irregularities and lack of due diligence in the application of public resources, critical evaluation of the link between internal control systems and independent auditing for the sake of objectivity and good governance. The study employed the Chi-square goodness of fit test with the help of SPSS and STATA software to determine the degree of association, correlation coefficient and the degree of independence between the dependent and independent variables selected for the analyses. A total of 200 participants were purposively drawn from the Ministry of Finance of Ghana for the study. Measuring the variables for association, the Pearson Chi-Square test confirmed significant relationships at a level of {P<0.000<0.05}, statistically implies that the alternate hypothesis be accepted with further justification from the high Ch-Square test values for each independent variable measured . There is a high possibility that certified and qualified auditors can act in a professional fashion without external influence as implied by; [   (184.856), p-value <0.05, df: 1]. Public Scrutiny can ensure due diligence by auditors as indicated in  = 179.541 at a significant level of p< 0.001. The role of internal audit is critical is ensuring transparency at =193.430 and a significant level of p<0.002<0.05. The contribution by the board is equally significant at p<0.000 indicating the relevance of their existence in every organisation. The study therefore came to a conclusion that sensitive information regarding the public sector be made known to stakeholders for scrutiny particularly issues with long and short term financial implications . In order to ensure transparency and objectivity the internal audit must be equipped to the standard of the external auditors, while the board consist of people with expert knowledge in a particular ministry or department. Auditors with long standing reputation and certification by a professional body are suitable to handle public accounts to reduce the tendency of being influenced by incompetent management as a basic requirement for sound internal control systems across the public sector of Ghana. Keywords: Independent auditing, Assurance, Public confidence, Transparency, Internal Control systems

    Determining Language Needs of English as a Second Language Medical Students

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    Presented as a poster at Indiana Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting 2021

    Importance of Organizational Tacit Knowledge: Barriers to Knowledge Sharing

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    This chapter incorporates the relevance of tacit knowledge and highlights some major barriers to knowledge sharing. Knowledge transfer is action through which; information, skills, expertise and experience is exchanged among people in an organization and it is a valuable and tangible asset for creating sustainability, performance and competitive advantage. From what is currently known, knowledge sharing activities occur generally with the support of knowledge systems designed by the board and knowledge managers. It is suggested that technology is one of the tools that support knowledge sharing, though other factors exist, such as organizational culture, trust, leadership and management philosophy, incentives and internal control systems. In this study, the researchers explore possible knowledge sharing opportunities and associated barriers, starting from top management to employees. The main purpose of this chapter is to look at how tacit knowledge affects organizational success. The chapter also covers ways to promote knowledge transfer in order to improve organizational performance and innovation. The discussion elaborated on the significance of tacit knowledge in a way that previous literature does not. It is emphasized that, from a resource-based view, businesses gain competitive advantage when they value and retain their existing tacit knowledge, as explicit knowledge is already known to everyone. According to the study, important variables such as corporate culture, individual employees, technology, and organizational internal factors are potential hurdles that must be examined to minimize the impact on organizational learning

    The Prevalence of Trachomatous Trichiasis in People Aged 15 Years and Over in Six Evaluation Units of Gaoual, Labé, Dalaba and Beyla Districts, Guinea.

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    PURPOSE: Trachoma is a public health problem in 42 countries. Inflammation associated with repeated ocular infection with Chlamydia trachomatis can cause the eyelid to scar and turn inwards, resulting in the eyelashes rubbing against the eyeball, known as trachomatous trichiasis (TT). In Guinea, baseline surveys conducted in 2013 reported inflammatory trachoma prevalences below the World Health Organization (WHO) threshold for elimination, but TT prevalences above threshold. Given this epidemiological context and time since baseline survey, TT-only surveys were conducted in selected districts to determine current TT prevalence. The results of this study provide critical data for assessing Guinea's achievement of trachoma elimination targets. METHODS: Four health districts, consisting of six evaluation units (EU), were surveyed. In each EU, field teams visited 29 clusters with a minimum 30 households included in each. Participants aged≥15 years were examined by certified graders trained to identify TT and determine whether management had been offered. RESULTS: A total of 22,476 people were examined, with 48 TT cases across the six EUs identified. Five of six EUs had an age-and-gender adjusted TT-prevalence unknown to the health system less than 0.2%, whereas one EU, Beyla 2, had an adjusted TT prevalence of 0.24%. CONCLUSION: These TT-only surveys, along with findings from other trachoma interventions, suggest that Guinea is close to achieving elimination of trachoma as a public health problem. This study demonstrates the value of undertaking TT-only surveys in settings where baseline surveys indicated active trachoma prevalences below WHO elimination threshold, but TT prevalences above it

    Prevention and treatment for COVID-19 associated severe pneumonia in the Gambia (PaTS-COVID-19), a single-blinded randomized clinical trial: study protocol

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    Background: The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic resulted in an unprecedent global response for the development of COVID-19 vaccines. However, as viral mutations continue to occur, potentially decreasing the efficacy of currently available vaccines, and inequity of vaccine access continues, identifying safe and effective drugs to minimise severity of COVID-19 disease remains a priority. Methods: We designed an adaptive individually randomised single blinded non identical placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of repurposing licenced treatments for COVID-19 patients in an African setting. The trial has two cohorts: Cohort 1 recruits mild and moderate COVID-19 cases and their household contacts. Cases are actively followed up for 14 days, with a final visit at day 28. There are two co-primary endpoints: clinical progression to severe-pneumonia and persistence of the virus at day 14. The primary endpoint for household contacts is infection during a 14-day follow-up period. Cohort 2 recruits hospitalized patients with severe COVID-19 associated pneumonia followed up actively until discharge or death, and passively until day 90, with a final visit. The primary endpoint is clinical progression or death. Conclusions: This randomised trial will contribute African-specific data to the global response to COVID-19. Besides the efficacy of drugs on clinical progression, the trial will provide information on the dynamics of intra-household transmission. Trial registration: This study is registered with Clinical Trials.gov with registration number NCT04703608 and with Pan African clinical trials registry with registration number PACTR202101544570971