5 research outputs found

    Výzva pro ekologické ovocnářství

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    Kdybych měl české ekologické ovocnářství charakterizovat jednou větou, asi by zněla: „Není v dobrém stavu, ale má před sebou obrovský potenciál.“ Jistě to není žádné průlomové odhalení, většina z nás už si sundala růžové brýle, ale považuji za nutné popsat stav takový, jaký je, abychom mohli hledat cesty k využití zmíněného potenciálu

    Hodnoceni ucinnosti biologicke ochrany kukurice pred zavijecem kukuricnym pri vyuziti paraziticke vosicky

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    The European corn borer (ECB), Ostrinia nubilalis (Hbn.), is the most important pest of maize in the Czech Republic. Field trials were carried out to evaluate an efficacy of application of a Trichocap against the European corn borer in the Czech republic in the years 1996-1998. Trichocap is the French material of Trichogramma brassicae Bezd. placed in paper capsules. The parasitoid was released in two applications in the maize fields in 24 localities, a number of released parasitoids was 100 000 individuals per hectare in each application. The first application was carried out just after the beginning of fly of the pest as monitored by the light traps. The second application of Trichocap followed 7-10 days later. The efficacy of Trichocap was evaluated through comparison of treated and untreated plots. The influence and efficacy of applications of the Trichocap on the yield of maize corn were evaluated in five field trials. The efficacies of the French and Moldavian strains of the Trichogramma spp. were comparedAvailable from STL Prague, CZ / NTK - National Technical LibrarySIGLECZCzech Republi

    Europaean cherry fruit fly - taxonomy, bionomy and control:certified methodology

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    The publication is intended for the fruit growers of organic or low residue farming systems. Overeview of biology of the European cherry fruit fly and the possibilities of non chemical pest control in the whole context of the crop protection including other information linked to the topic are worked up